JJ and i's arguement

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Emily POV : I know it was wrong and we shouldn't have had sex , but I couldn't help myself . The way she laid there looking so beautiful. I couldn't help but stare at her the whole day . Luckily today wasn't a case ... it was just paperwork and we leave when we're done .
Y/n POV : I'm sitting at my desk exchanging glances with Emily . I'm thinking about Emily and I in bed together sleeping together and it made my heart absolutely blush 🥺. Her cute little smile when she'd see me looking at her and zoning off at the same time . It was all peaches and cream until jj started with her bullshit .
Y/n: hey jj ! Can I borrow some copy paper ? I have to send this note to the Arkansas prison
JJ: why ?! U never ever seem to have copy paper !
Y/n u went defensive for what ?! No absolutely reason at all !
*y/n caught the attention of every agent in the office  including the BAU *
JJ: because I'm tired of u asking for fucking copy paper ! *stands up * if u weren't screwing around with Emily you would have went and bought paper !!
Y/n :  *stands up* it's 97 cent copy paper , and fucking around with Emily ? Really JJ that's low even for you 😒.
Emily : JJ u had no reason to do that at all ; if u didn't want to give her paper u could've just said No. instead u got up and made this big ass scene . I don't know what your problem is but get it figured out !
Y/n thoughts : I can't lie , I thought it was pretty hot how Emily stood up for me when she didn't have to .
Emily's thoughts: I don't know what came over me but when I seen jj's hostility I lost it . 

Then there's the 4 words that make my stomach ache : "we have a case ."
I walk in and jj has the case up on the board giving me the stink eye .
JJ: Miami PD wants our help catching a killer who's dropped 15 bodies 3 months . All of them blonde , blue eyed, petite , and athletic build .
Emily : they never call us in soon enough .
Hotch: wheels up in 30

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