I tried

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Everyone was up bright and early at the precinct. Tara stopped and got everyone McDonald's.

Hours later ...
hotch : we've got a location . Leonardo compiano is our unsub

His house ...
Tara kicked down the door , and to our surprise we couldn't find him . We all split up and I'm clearing the house when I get hit with something hard enough to make me fall down ;  I dropped my gun, and I had to fight him hands on . I hit him with a 2 piece and he hit me with his bat . I was getting ready to hit him again until I heard a gunshot and I seen Leonardo fall . Emily shot the unsub and I thanked her . To our dismay holly was already dead ; holly was dead within the first 10 hours of taking her . She was dead before we were ever called in ; the worst part was having to tell her parents.

Packing up to leave the hotel ...
*Emily walks in *
Emily: It's our last day in Miami
Y/n : yup ! JJ and I hit the beach a lot
Emily: I can tell by your sun burn
Y/n: Emily what do u really want ? U came and made pointless small talk for a reason * stern voice *
Emily : I miss you -
Y/n :  let me stop you right there . Don't you have a girlfriend ?
Emily: I do , but say the word and I'll drop her right now .
Y/n : I'm not going to be the rebound every time y'all argue.
Emily : you're not I promise -
Y/n : you clearly don't know who u want to be with , but I do . I'm looking for love not to be someone's second choice . Ever since I took an interest in you , you always half assed our relationships or told me you didn't want me .
Emily : I do now though
Y/n : Emily , I'm looking for marriage and love , not to be someone's one night stand .
Emily : you're no-
Y/n :  I'm going to have to stop you again ; Emily u told me yourself I can't just waltz back into your life and try to date you Again .
Emily : please y/n  I'll be better this time .
Y/n : Emily what we had is over ! It's in the ground ! You stomped on it I tried , you half assed everything.
Emily : y/n be honest because there's no coming back from this !
Y/n : you sit up an get mad at me ?! You want me to be honest ?! Gladly , I think you're a dumb bitch who doesn't know what she wants so she keeps flipping from girl to girl . I also think your mother made u feel 2 feet tall as a child , so now u break everyone else's heart to feel powerful .  I think you're faker than a ton of fools gold ; no one knows the real Emily prentiss behind closed doors ; the Emily prentiss that hates herself . Just because your mom emotionally and verbally abused u doesn't give you the right to make everyone else feel like shit . U call everyone else's flaws out but one take a minute and look at yours ! And god Emily not everything is about you !! BIG SHOCKER!
Emily : * tears forming * I'm glad to know how how you truly feel about me , goodbye y/n

As Emily exists the room I feel a big weight lifted off of my shoulders .

JJ: hey , I came back with the food . Do u know why Emily ran down the hall crying? Not just little unnoticeable tears ... I'm talking her whole face is a mess . It's looks like she just got in the shower .
Y/n: I told her how I felt
JJ: well y/n u need to apologize . We also need to watch her tonight . I'm surprised if she doesn't go off herself . U hurt her feelings bad .

Profiled by Emily prentiss Where stories live. Discover now