Apathy's a tragedy and boredom is a crime

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     Everything I do is worthless...

     Why am I even alive...?

     Eijirou lifted himself off the ground, ignoring the stinging, the soreness his body plagued him with—he ignored the pain and wiped the blood off his mouth, off his nose and knuckles.

     He staggered home unsteadily, worried and disturbed stares burning holes in the back of his head. He had to hurry home to look after Ayana. He needed to get home before his mom got off work and clean himself up.

     He stumbled up the porch steps, heaving and coughing ragged breaths as he did so. His mother was pregnant—and his father had walked out on them since he only wanted one child—she didn't have time or energy to worry over him or his 2 year old sister Ayana. He needed to take care of himself and her, he needed to become the man of the house.

     And yet, as he gazed into his own eyes through the mirror, all he could see was a pathetic loser trying to do his best. A failure, an idiot and a complete incompetent child. He was hoping—praying that once he started high school everything would change. That the sorry looking boy would disappear. False hope and wishful thinking left a bitter taste in his mouth.


     Eijirou swiveled his towards his little sister standing in the doorway of the bathroom. Her eyes were big an wide and filled with tears of fear and worry.

     "Why is youh face wike dat?" Ayana hobbled up to him and he smiled softly to her, picking her up and settling her on the counter.

"I fell and hit my face. I'll be fine," he lied, putting on his best smile even though it kinda hurt. She grinned brightly, her gullible brain unable to identify the lie.

"You so cwumsy!"

"When did ya learn that word?" he chuckled as Ayana snatched the cloth from his hand and started wiping his chin with it haphazardly.

"Mommy say it when I fewl."

Eijirou laughed, ruffling her hair and setting her down. "Don't tell mommy yeah? It's our little secret." He pressed his finger to his lips and the girl did the same.

"Secwet. Shhh," she giggled before running out of the room to play with her toys. Kirishima let out a sigh and went back to treating his injuries.

Just before he hopped in the shower he heard his mother walk through the door and he cursed at his luck, hoping that his mom won't come in the bathroom while he was in the shower since the first aid kit was scattered all over the place.

Luckily, his mom immediately started on dinner and left him to fix himself up. He brushed his hair in his face before walking out of his room to the dinning room.

"Ah, Eijirou," she happily greeted, settling down a plate of sushi and rice balls. He thanked her for the meal before she continued. "I got you something I think you might like to try~"

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