Why does everything SUCK ASS BRO??

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They walked around for hours, Katsuki wanting to judge everything. He stopped a lot to observe something and scrutinized everything his eyes laid upon. Kirishima could help but chuckle, noticing a pattern at the pieces he stopped at the most. He had come to learn a lot of interests that Katsuki had by the things he looked at.

"Bro, we should definitely go mountain climbing over the summer," Eijirou said while Katsuki gazed at photos of Mount Fuji.

Katsuki glanced at him a bit surprised. "I didn't take you for a bitch that liked hiking."

"Oh, I've never been mountain climbing, but it's something I've always wanted to try."

"A bit surprising since there's a literal mountain named after you." Katsuki scoffed when he watched his face light up in excitement.

"Wait, really?!" Kirishima pumped both his fists with enthusiasm. "We have to climb that one then!"

"It's an active volcano dumbass." Katsuki rolled his eyes as Kirishima started to frown. "This is Japan we're talking about."

"That sucks though," he pouted, however it didn't last more than a few seconds. "But it's manly to think I'm named after such a force of nature."

"Because your dumbass self is also a force of nature." He rolled his eyes again before glancing at his watch. "What time's the movie?"

"Uh, 9 o'clock. Is it close?"

"Yeah, about an hour an a half." Katsuki started walking to the bathroom. "I'm gonna go change."

"What's wrong with what your wearing?" Kirishima tilted his head while Katsuki looked at him impassively.

"It's fucking uncomfortable."

He shrugged as Katsuki disappeared in the bathroom. Kirishima looked up at the pictures of mountains again before surfing on his phone to research mountain climbing.

"How's your date coming along?" Mina asked, causing Kirishima to jump out of his skin.

"We're about to leave for the movie," he informed, an easy smile on his face as he slid his phone back in his pocket. Mina giggled. "Where's Kaminari?"

"Oh, he saw Shinsou so he's hanging out with him right now," she waved a hand dismissively, "But forget him, did you see how flustered Baku was when he saw you? Dude fell in love all over again."

Kirishima felt bashful at her hushed tone, careful not to expose him. He scratched his cheek as he furrowed his brows.

"He's so cute when he's embarrassed," he whispered back. Mina giggled like a little school girl when she glanced behind him. She raised her brows as a playful smirk spread across her face.

"Hey Baku!" she greeted. Kirishima looked back and felt his face go hot.

"Shut the fuck up raccoon eyes," he replied, fixing the strap of his bag. He wore a baggy and white long sleeve shirt with a brand mark over his heart that looked to be Korean characters. However, the thing the flustered Kirishima the most was his black jeans, which were form fitting with numerous holes that littered his thighs down to his shins.

"Oh my god...?" he mumbled mindlessly He didn't know why he was so aroused by his semi-exposed thighs. Maybe it was because Katsuki next-to-never wore shorts or anything that exposed his legs.

Mina looked at him a bit perplexed, but after seeing how red his face was, a smug smirk painted her face.

"Well, it was nice running into you guys before you left. Have a nice time out!" she farewelled, waving excitedly before disappearing to probably go find Kaminari.

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