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A week passes and it's the first day of school. Jimin has only communicated with Junghyun over text since the day he broke his wrist.

They're still friends, but it's a bit tense between them. It's going to be extremely awkward today since Jungkook is driving them to school.

Jimin finishes brushing his teeth and puts his outfit on. Its just some plain jeans and a white t-shirt, but it's better than what half of the guys in his grade wear.

He picks up his phone and sees that they're on their way, so he grabs his backpack and heads outside. He sits on the steps leading up to his porch and scrolls through Instagram as he waits.

He hears a car coming down the road and looks up. Sure enough, it's Jungkook's bright red Jeep. He smile and stands up walking down to the bottom of his driveway.

When the Jeep comes to a full stop, he open the back door and climbs in. "Hey Junghyun. I'm so not ready for today."

Junghyun groans. "Me neither. At least we have some classes together. How's your wrist?"

Jimin shrugs. "It doesn't hurt as long as I keep the brace on. What's your first period?"

"Mr. Roberts. Math. I'm pretty sure it's in the main hall. What's yours?"

"Mrs. Davidson. I have no idea where her class is..."

Jungkook clears his throat. "I can show you. It's in the English hall."

Jimin frowns. "But it's a History class."

Jungkook nods. "That's why no one can find it."


After dropping Junghyun off at his class, Jungkook takes Jimin to Mrs. Davidson's room. "Are you nervous for your first day?"

Jimin nods softly. "I'm just worried that the homework will be too overwhelming."

"It's really not that bad. You'll be fine."

Jimin grins slightly. If Jungkook says it'll be fine, then it must be. "Did you ever have Mrs. Davidson as a teacher?"

"Yeah. She's super chill. Make sure to answer a lot of question. She loves kids that answer questions."

Jimin smiles. "Okay. I'll try."

They make their way down the English hall and Jimin let's out a shaky sigh. "I kind of just want to go home... I always get nauseous on first days..."

Jungkook ruffles his hair. "You don't need to be nervous. All of the teachers here are nice. There's 30 minutes until the first bell, so I can introduce you to some of them. What's your schedule?"

"It's fine... I can just do it on my own..."

Jungkook points to the door at the end of the hallway. "That's your first class. I kind of want to say hi to her. I haven't seen her in a while."

They walk in and Jungkook smiles. "Hey Mrs. Davidson. What's up?"

She looks up from her desk and smiles. "Jungkook! What a pleasant surprise! Oh, who's this?"

Jimin is standing behind Jungkook, trying to hide. Jungkook frowns and steps to the side, exposing him. He waits for Jimin to introduce himself but it doesn't happen.

He scratched his head and points at him. "This is Jimin. He's my brother's best friend."

Mrs. Davidson stands up and walks over. "Hi. It's nice to meet you. Are you one of my students this year?"

Jimin nods. "I have you first period..."

Jungkook chuckles and rubs Jimin's shoulder. "Stop shaking so much. You don't need to be nervous."

Jimin starts shaking more, but not because he's nervous for school. He's nervous because Jungkook is casually rubbing his shoulder.

"You should pick a desk." He grabs Jimin's backpack and carries it to the front row, dropping it next to the center desk.

Jimin shakes his head. "No. I don't want to sit in the front row. I'll sit in the third row."

"Sit in the front row."

"No, I don't want to-"

"Too bad. You're sitting in the front."

Jimin huffs and walks up, plopping in the seat. "You can leave now."

Jungkook chuckles. "Damn. I feel so unwelcomed." He gives one last smile to Mrs. Davidson before walking out. "Good luck."



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