ch 2.

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I'm writing all of these chapters before I publish them, so you all don't have to wait a while!! 🥺
Class 1-a, and Class 1-b unexpectedly had to share the gym. Apparently, an incident happened preventing them from using the gym after us.

A few class 1-b students groaned at the sight of us, which was not surprising. We all minded our business, just wanting to get the day over with. I continued doing push ups, trying my best to get my body in better shape (I eat way too much).

"Why do we have to share with them?" Neito complained, he never minded showing his hatred for us. We all gotten use to his bitterness, whenever he'd see us in the hallway, or at school activities. Monoma stopped bickering and headed towards our way. He noticed that I was by myself and thought it was best to talk to me.

"Now who do we have here?" He grinned, looking at me as if he hadn't seen me before. I looked at him weird, my head turning to the side in confusion.

"Hi?" I didn't know how to respond to his comment. He wasn't very intimidating. Monoma babbled on about how class 1-b is far more superior than class 1-a, acting like we don't go to the same school. I could feel myself slowly loosing interest in what he had to say, it was almost as if I completely blocked him out.

"Why do you wear this rag?" His hand traveled to my face. Startled by his sudden attempt at contact, I raised my arm wanting to slap his hand, he caught it, smirking at my weak defense skills. My wrist grabbed his forearm, pulling it to the back of him. His face hit the wall.

"Don't touch me," I whispered in his ear. Monoma was in disbelief, his face brightly turning red to my lips so close to his ear. I finally let him go, watching him get scowled by Kendou.

"Are you okay?" Mina asked, staring at my wrist.

"Why wouldn't I be?" I looked down to see a bruise forming on my arm, he some how left a print on me.

"I'm fine," I responded, she insisted on keeping me company, which I oddly quite enjoyed. Her laugh was contagious, and I couldn't help but smile a little at her jokes. We ended up exchanging numbers, well more like she took my phone and forcefully inserted her number into my contacts.

As I look up from my last exercise, I saw Todoroki running to me, panting as he wanted to catch up to me before I left the gym. "You haven't talked to me all day, are you alright?" Shoto asked.

"Yes, I am," My emotions were not able to read, telling by his confusion as he stared at my features. He knew me to well to think I was telling the truth, but went along with it, thinking I needed time on my own. Maybe I did need that.

I put a smile on my face, not wanting one of my only friends to worry about my well being. "I'll see you later," I waved to him with the same fake smile on my face.

"Bye," He stayed in the room, watching me as I left the gym with the others.

All of us went back to our classrooms, Mr. Aizawa didn't have much to say after our training, so he let us talk for a little before leaving.

I was the last one to walk out the classroom, I preferred it that way taking my time was much better than rushing, it wasn't like I had many friends to catch up to. My head was down as I focused on my steps, I had finish gathering my things and was heading out, as I walked I saw a pair of shoes stopping my path, accidentally I hit into their chest. "Sorry," I apologized raising my head up to see who I bumped into.

"Well, hello no eyes," Bakugo grinned, looking down on me as if I was an ant. I instantly felt like I was being suffocated by this huge teenager. "What do you want, Kat?"

"Don't call me that."

"Already did," I smirked, trying to walk past the blonde hair boy.

"Aren't you going to thank me?"

"Oh?" Took me a while to realize what he was saying, my mind almost forgotten that he carried me to my dorm.

"Yesterday," His expression dropped, he oddly looked hurt by my response.

"Right, thank you," I said sincerely, I honestly was thankful for what he did yesterday. Coming from him that's one of the nicest deeds he has done to anyone in this school, so I really meant it. "I appreciate you doing that, if it weren't for you, I could've lost full control."

He smiled, he felt good about what he had done. "Okay, now move, idiot."

And he's back, I should've expected that a lot sooner.


↳ Word count: 855
↳ Last update: 9/12/20

- trinity <3

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