Ch 7.

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I've been spending weeks, making these chapters before hand so you all won't have to wait. Enjoy 🥺.
I silently walked to my house, recalling all the fun moments I had with Katsuki just now. I couldn't help but giggle at his whining once more. He really does act like a child when he doesn't get his rest.

I enter my house, immediately falling onto my bed, tired from the fun day I had with Bakugo.
I soon found myself waking up from what seemed like an hour long sleep. Rushing myself to get to school on time. I ran out of the door, buttoning my shirt, while having a piece of bread in my mouth. My legs ached from all the running, but I pushed forward. I did not want to be scowled at 8 am.

I slam the class room door open, thanking my poor legs for getting me to the classroom on time. Everyone stared at me, stunned by my loud entrance. I didn't mean to cause a scene.

"B-boobies." Mineta stuttered randomly, pointing at my chest. He had completely ignored my abrupt interruption.

I looked down to see two buttons unhinged on my shirt. My cleavage was a little exposed, making the perverted grape flustered. It wasn't just him either. The boys noticed my shirt from the moment I walked in. I guess it wasn't the entrance that surprised them.

I quickly buttoned my uniform, before walking up to Mineta and slapping his head. His hand traveled to his forehead, soothing the pain of the slap. Mina threw a hoodie over me, not wanting Mineta to get any ideas. "You little short grape pervert! I'm going to beat your ass." my best friend yelled across the room, trying her best to remove my grip around her.

"Calm down, he'll get a taste from me later," I reassured her, bringing her body back down to her seat. I glared at Mineta, causing him to squirm in fear.

Mr. Aizawa came through the door in his yellow sleeping bag, "Everyone head to the training room. Don't forget to put your hero suits on as well."

We all walked to the gym, while our teacher lazily tried his best to get out of his sleeping bag.

"Today you all will be fighting each other, but it will only be combat. I do not want to see one of you using your quirks," Mr Aizawa said, finally explaining what we will be doing.

He called out our partners, telling us that we will gradually higher in ranks with the more people we fought, "Knight and Todoroki. You both will be fighting after Kaminari and Kirishima."

I nodded in response, my throat too dry to speak. While I was over here secretly stressing, Todoroki looked completely calm, forgetting about what had happened.

We both watched everyone fight till it was our turn. Shoto and I walked into our positions. There was clearly tension between us, but he ignored it, acting as if I didn't confess to him a few days ago.

"Go whenever you guys are ready," Mr. Aizawa called out.

I abruptly slap my cheeks with my palm, trying my best to pay attention, "get your head in the game, dumb ass." I mumbled to myself before having Todoroki bend down to leap and attack me.

His leg hit my chest, preventing me from breathing correctly, I take deep breaths trying my best to get my lungs back on track. And because that move didn't satisfy him enough, he aimed his hand to my face. Catching his punch with my fist, I quickly turn it around to attach it to his back. He struggled, before head bumping me in return.

I stumble back. Taking my hand to soothe the pain from his head. As I look up I witness Shoto running towards me, I put my arms up as a defense, wanting to avoid his incoming hit. To my shock, he grabs my arms lifting my body up and attempting to slam me on the ground. I land on my feet, running to tackle his body.

His shoes, violently glide on the floor creating unpleasant screeching sounds. Todoroki kicks my body up, causing me to roll over and land on my feet once more. I stand back up returning to my defense position.

"I apologize if it seems I'm ignoring you," he said in between moves.

"I don't care," I responded, trying my best to focus on his movements and not his lips.

His arms move left and right as I continued dodging his punches. Our arms accidentally interlock, making him pin me down. I slightly roll my body over, throwing his body off of me with his legs, "Are you sure?"

"Do not feel bad for me. Don't you dare," I ran to him, trying my best to get a hit on his precious face.

"I know, but-" I cut him off by punching his cheek, spit coming out from his mouth.

"We are best friends right?" I breathed out, my body was getting restless. Todoroki turned around and swiftly kicked my side, making me fall to the ground with a loud bang.

"Yes," right when I got up, his head came intact with my chest, throwing me to the other side of the room.

"Then it doesn't matter. You like Momo," I spitted out the blood that had formed from his hits. I jump on his shoulders, lightly choking his neck to prevent him from speaking. I twisted my body, pushing back so we could fall on our backs, forcing him take most of the impact.

He bit my leg, causing me to cry out, "I'm sorry."

I didn't need his sorry's or anything. I didn't ask for his stupid apology. I kick his chest, angered by his words, "I don't need your pity."

"Are you-" I put my hand over his mouth not wanting him to say anymore. He attempted to remove my hand, but that lead up to me pinning him down on the ground.

"I'm not upset, let's just act like it never happened," my body hovered over his, my face only inches away. I panted as I locked my legs over his torso. Shoto was helpless. We both knew I had won the match.

I got off of him, wiping the sweat from my forehead. "Let's just pretend nothing happened," I mumbled to him, before moving back to where the class was at.

After the intense and last match between Bakugo and Midoriya, which led to Izuku letting Katsuki win. Mr. Aizawa let us go to lunch, catching a break from all this training.

"Come on!" Mina yelled out, waving her hand, signaling me to follow her.

"Ok," I said, slightly smiling in return.
I'm sorry if this chapter sucked, I'm so unmotivated to clean it up anymore. :((

↳ Word count: 1,133
↳ Last updated: 9/29/2020
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