Ch 20.

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"Got you," I smirked, holding him in between my arms, "no running away this time, Katsuki."

"Get the fuck off of me," he yelled, his palm reached to my forearm.

The bastard was going to explode me.

"Just listen," I said, my face relaxing itself the more I spoke.

"You disgust me, shitty face," he spitted. I'll admit it, for that one second his words did hurt, but I knew he didn't mean any of it.

"You're so stubborn, let me talk," I scoffed.

"No," he pushed me off of him, "I hate you."

Hate, that's a powerful word, isn't it? It's been used to show the hatred you have for something or someone. So, why is it that I couldn't feel that towards him?

"You know what?" I yelled at him, trying to not let his actions hurt me in any way.

He stood there, listening to me talk, possibly for the last time.

"I don't care what you do, but I am not giving up!" I screamed, "you will listen, and I will wait until you do!"

He maliciously laughed, before continuing on his way to his dorm, "Don't count on that, no eyes."

I slowly walk away as well, realizing that getting him back would be harder than I had anticipated. So much for that pep talk.

"Knight?" Mr.Aizawa called out, his face was consumed with wariness. I could tell he had been looking for me, while I've been talking with Katsuki.


"Raven, it's your father. He has attacked Musutafu."


"You're lying.." I was in disbelief, he really did it. He came back. And it's all because of me.

"Pro heroes are currently at the site," he rubbed his temple, "we need you."

"It's my job to put all of my children out of danger, but the pro's need you, Raven. They need Knight," my eyes glistened at his words, a spark coursed through my body. It was the feeling of revenge.

"I'll help, he's my old man, after all,"' I grinned, delighted that I get my second chance.

"You look way to excited about this, Raven. Should I be regretting this?"

"Not at all!"

"Gear up, then. We have to leave this instant. They cannot hold him off and his men alone," I nodded my head, and went into the training facility where I had left my hero suit.

This time I'm going to have the last laugh, and I'll most definitely win.

The young girl, quickly changed into her suit, sliding her special knives in the pockets.

She smirked as she pulled her hood over her head, ready for the fun that was about to begin.

After all, the story was just getting started.
Unexpectedly, the blonde teenaged boy overhead the conversation, he couldn't help, but care about her every move, even if she did break his heart.

Through his eyes the girl had gone to get ready for a suicide mission. Eagerly, he ran to his teacher, begging him to let him go.

"Let me go," Bakugo pulled on Aizawa's shirt, the desperateness shined through the boy. He had to be with her, he just had to.

"You understand that she is fully capable of taking care of herself?" Aizawa looked towards the boy.

"I know, I know. Please let me tag along, let me help, let me make sure she is safe," Bakugo looked down in defeat, he had never experienced this amount of need before and it killed him, he hated it, but loved it as well.

"Fine," The teacher sighed, "but if you die, that will not be on my consciousness."

"Aren't you suppose to make sure I won't die?" Bakugo was surprised he had agreed so quickly.

"This is a suicide mission, right?" Aizawa walked away, getting ready himself.

The blonde boy ran to put on his suit, not wanting to waste another precious second.

Soon, they all gather around the entrance of U.A.

"Why are they here?" Raven asked, staring at the three boys, who stood there almost clueless.

Kirishima, Bakugo, and Midoriya were all ready to fight. Even if it wasn't their battle to fight.

"They're strong, and helped you last time, except Kirishima," Aizawa turned to the red head, "he's just strong."

"Whatever, let's go," Bakugo scoffed, he was growing impatient, and he didn't mind showing it.

Police force surrounded the entrance of U.A, officers got out of their vehicle to ensure the safety of the other students in the building.

"We are ready," a police officer said to Aizawa, the teacher nodded in response.

"Enter the van," Aizawa pulled out his arm, pointing to the normal looking vehicle.

"No need," Raven grinned, she pushed forward and floated up. Her powers gave her the accessibility to fly and she used it to her advantage.

Bakugo laughed as he blew his way up as well. Even though, it took a lot of his energy and didn't last very long, his powers let him fly up.

Raven simply ignored the boy, she craved his touch too much that it clouded her mind. She desperately needed to keep herself in check, and to do that she has to keep quiet and set their problems aside.

He couldn't help but feel a ping in his heart when he realized she didn't have the need to talk to him. Katsuki was selfish and he knew it, but didn't care. He liked the feeling of being wanted.

"You know the way?" Aizawa asked, raising his head up to look at the teenaged girl.

"How can I not?" Knight said, remembering the exact location of her kidnapping. Brilliantly, her father hid her in an open place, so no one could possibly think she would be somewhere, right in front of everyone's eyes.

Midoriya, and Kirishima entered the police car. "Be careful, his men are everywhere," Aizawa warned them, before driving off to the site.

"The fun is just now starting," Raven laughed, pushing herself forward to move at incredible speed. Bakugo scoffed as he tried to out due her.

I can't believe I'm almost done with this "book". I have the ending already done, I just don't know if I'll make a little continue chapter for it.

↳ word count: 1,088
↳ last updated; 10/23/2020
- Trinity

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