ch 1.

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If you didn't know this is about the song 'Heather'
I got the idea to write this while listening to the song, I tried my best to put it in my own words, which was harder than expected.
I stood in the lounge, anxiously finding a way to form the words I've been wanting to say for weeks. The handsome boy was in front of me, his smooth skin shined against the sun, his eyes glistened with delight. My heart pumped faster at the sight of him. I took each step slowly, giving myself a chance to back out if I got too nervous. I soon found myself next to him. I attempted to say a few words, my mouth moving as nothing came out.

As I was struggling to speak my eyes landed to his, they traveled to what his main focus was on and there I saw it Momo walking by with Ohacko, with Todoroki admiring her from afar.

She noticed him watching and innocently waved, his face turned brightly red, he knew he was caught, but couldn't help and get giddy at her waving at him with her huge smile.

"Todoroki?" I mumbled.

"Hey Raven!" He said cheerfully, his face still pink from his moment with Momo.

"It's nothing," I silently chuckled, I didn't want to worry him. He ran off catching up with her, Im guessing to talk about hero stuff.

A gentle arm grabs me from behind taking me out of my state. My head soon faces their chest, and they grab my chin pulling me up to see only their eyes, "Go ahead, no ones stopping you," he says, removing my blindfold to wipe my tears with his thumb. I cry uncontrollably, the only time I let my emotions out is with him, the person I despise, but admire the most. Katsuki Bakugo.

My breathing became slower as tears fell onto my cheeks. I smacked Bakugou's chest finally letting my anger out, blaming every misleading action onto myself. I was never the cause to his smile, it was her. Was I really that oblivious? Did I really think it was me? I laughed. It's always been Yaoyorozu.

I gasped, waking up to my possessions dropping on the floor. Sweat dripped on the side of my forehead, my dorm was a mess. I lost control once again, I scowled at myself for letting a nightmare consume me. I was confused on how I ended up in my dorm, I was  right about to confess my feelings until- oh, Katsuki brought me here. Wait, BAKUGO brought me here! My mind pounded from the thought of him being nice, it was quite disturbing to think about, actually.

I eventually got up from my bed, feeling disgusted by my own sweat, I looked at myself in the mirror and noticed my eyes. They had bags under them and had change to another color. I gagged at the image, only seeing my father. I resembled him too much, everything about us was too similar. I'm not him though. Right?

It was a quarter past 8, "shit," I cursed at myself, realizing I was going to be late for class. I quickly hurried to the showers to get ready, I carelessly put my hair up in a messy bun and tied my bandana around my eyes. Throwing on a hoodie to cover my face even more, trying to hide the fact I spent hours crying over a boy who never even liked me.

I walked into the classroom, my head up and my hands into my pockets. Everyone's eyes were burning into my skin, all of them looked at me as if I had just came back from the dead. I slid into my desk, sitting next to Uraraka, "Well, don't you look like shit," I was taken aback from her sudden boldness, I couldn't tell if she was joking or not, but I didn't want to know, "When do I not?"

Eventually, we all headed to the U.A's gym. This place reeked of teenage sweat, and angst. It was horrid.

"Good thing we got changed before heading in here. The locker room smells like a dog shitted in a sock and hid it in the bathroom," I explained in excruciating detail, I held my shirt to my nose, trying to cover the stench that was rising up my nostrils. My shirt had been lifted enough to show my belly ring I got a year ago.

Mineta giggled at the sight, he walked behind me, attempting to say something inappropriate. Unfortunately for him I saw his movements from a mile away and slapped the palm of my hand towards his face to stop him from saying anything, "Get over yourself, dumbass."

"Grape juice, get your ass over here" Bakugo yelled, slapping the back of Mineta's head when he was close enough.

I laughed and began to stretch, first bending down to touch my toes and then lifting myself back up. I repeated this process for a few more times until deciding I was done.

A loud bang was heard from across the room, causing multiple girls to turn around from the disruption. I stopped my training or else I would've hurt myself from the impact of the robot. Luckily, I dodged the hit, I turned off the device to stop any attacks heading my way.

There stood Katsuki Bakugo, and Eijiro Kirishima in the spotlight. Bakugou was screaming and Kirishima was attempting to calm him down as usual, it's not very surprising that he has to go to Katsuki's aid all the time.

"This little fucker asked me to train with him, he acts like I'd say yes. Who the hell does this fucking icyhot think he is," Bakugo yelled, angrily walking to the punching bag.

"Sorry everyone, he didn't have his morning coffee!" Kirishima reassures, sitting on the stool next to his friend.

"SHUT UP!" Bakugo rambled on about his morning coffee, finally noticing that he didn't drink any. Bakugo soon got into the right position to hit the punching bag, before noticing all the girl's giggling at his expressions. "What the fuck are you extras looking at?" He screamed (like an angry kid who got their toy taken away, might I add), then began violently punching the punch bag.

I kept looking, not caring what this blondie had to say. "Someone's angry," I grumbled, before leaning down to do a set of push ups.


↳ Word count; 1,119
↳ last update: 9/12/20

I hope you all enjoyed the first chapter, yes, it was a lot but that was intentionally. At first this was going to be two separate chapters, but I decided to make it longer!! 😸 (my grammar is ugly ik)

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