Ch 8.

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Mina and I separated ways once we entered the cafeteria. A couple of her friends called out to her and I didn't want to be a burden, so I said it was okay for her to go sit with them. I grabbed my tray of lunch and walked around the gigantic room filled with kids. I wandered around, anxious on where I would sit. I didn't mind sitting alone, but many of the tables were filled with students.

"Sit with us," Momo frantically waved her arm towards me, patting the seat that was next to Todoroki. She had noticed me walking around the cafeteria like a lost puppy.

"Well, okay," I nervously sat down, not knowing what to do. I quietly ate my lunch. I wasn't in the mood to intrude Shoto's and Momo's conversation. Honestly, I had no idea what they were talking about.

"What about you, Ray?" The black haired girl cheerfully asked.

"Sorry?" I felt bad for not paying attention to her.

"Is it the nickname?" She titled her head in confusion, luckily for me she hadn't picked up on the fact that I wasn't focusing on her conversation.

"I don't mind it, I guess," I responded. I didn't really care what she called me.

"Great! Don't you think Todoroki's eyes are adorable?" Momo asked, reminding me what her question was initially.

I looked towards his eyes, analyzing his features, "They are nice."

"I know right!" She squeezed his cheeks, giggling at his calm expression.

I turned my head around, not wanting to see Shoto's cheeks get abused.

Weirdly, the tension wasn't as heavy. I minded my business for the most part, making small talk whenever Momo forced me to. "If you don't mind me asking, why do you wear that rag on your eyes?"

I turn my eyes to her, surprised by what she had asked, "It isn't a rag."

"I mean cloth," she corrected herself, still interested in my bandana.

"I wear it to protect others," nobody asked about my bandana, most people knew it was apart of me and got use to it.

"Protect others? You think we can't handle ourselves?" She raised her eyebrows, she took my statement in the wrong way.

"I didn't mean that. I don't have good control over my eyes, so I wear a bandana," I responded calmly, oddly her being insincere did not bother me at all.

"Then learn control," she said, stating the obvious.

"I am. I'm not comfortable taking it off completely," I raised my head lower, I didn't want to look at either of them.

"Pretty pathetic if you ask me," she whispered, only clear for Shoto to hear. The quiet boy shrugged his shoulders, not knowing how to respond to Momo's rude comment.

"I like your hair," Momo touched my hair, lightly tugging on the ends, enough for it to hurt.

"I'm sorry, I need to use the restroom," I got up from my table, taking my tray with me. I knew what she was doing, the way her eyes would roll whenever I said something, or when I'm not looking she'd mumble a rude comment under her breath. Her passive aggressiveness was enraging, I need to get some air.

I threw my food out, and ran outside, soaking in the fresh air. I really needed this. I continued to walk further away from the school, wanting some time alone. Suddenly a hand grabbed my arm, pulling me to a secluded area near the bushes. Their rough palm was on my mouth, and my back faced their chest. "Don't scream, it's okay," the gentle voice was oddly familiar. It did not take me long to figure out who it was.

"Raven, it's Shoto," he whispered in my ear, I hadn't realized it, but I completely shut down, I wasn't even flinching at his touch. Unexpectedly, he quickly turned my body around, before pulling me into a deep kiss. He forcefully moved his lips, eager to get more of a taste. I pulled back, "How did you get-" he cut me off, ignoring what I had to say.

I detached my lips from his, "What has gotten into you?"

"Kiss me," he put his lips on mine again, trying to regain the sensation he had beforehand. I gave in and kissed him back, feeling sick to my stomach as I did. As I reopen my eyes, Todoroki's body starts turning into an odd substance, as his body became more liquid a girl appeared.


"Your lips are so soft," she giggled, before knocking me out with a bat, "Nighty night!"

This is so bad and short. Forgive me.

↳ Word count: 773
↳ last update: 9/29/20

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