Ch 21.

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"Oh, shit," I mumbled, grabbing Bakugo's attention.

My father's minions were scattered everywhere. Buildings collapsed, cars were smashed into pieces, civilians ran away in fear as the group of men terrorized the city.

"I go right, you go left," I ordered Bakugo, pointing to the group of pro heroes.

"Don't tell me what to do," he yelled, heading his way down.

I did the same, flying towards eraser head, who had arrived with Deku and Red riot.

I landed on the ground with a thump, "what do we do?" I asked, walking up to eraserhead.

"Doctor Hell is far over there, pro heroes are trying to control him, but he keeps asking for his daughter," Eraserhead faced me, tilting his head at the word 'daughter'.

"We are going to lure him here by using you," Aizawa continued, "this mean that's you'll only stay here. Do not go after him by yourself, we will handle that," Eraserhead ran off with Best Jeanist.

"Knight!" Kirishima screamed, pointing towards the figure behind me. Turning around quickly, I blast one of my father's guards with my quirk. "Thanks," I panted, relieved that he warned me before I got my ass handed to me.

I turned around, looking at all the minions heading our way. "Let's go kick some ass," I smirked, flying up to show off my quirk a bit more.

"Was already planning that," Bakugo rolled his eyes, getting himself in position.

Kirishima cracked his knuckles, using his quirk to harden his hands. Midoriya started to glow, activating his quirk to power up his body.

"Is this a bad time to say 'Avengers Assemble'?" I asked, a bit excited that I finally have a chance to say the words.

"Who let you be Captain America?" Bakugo growled.

"Be quiet," I shut the boy up, he was starting to get annoying, "Avenger's Assemble!"

We all screamed, before jumping into the crowd of guards.

Deku roundhouse kicked five men, jumping onto one person's head then another, knocking each of them out.

"New trick?" I turned to the green glowing boy. He nodded his head, grinning that I had noticed. "It's bad ass," I smirked, continuing to fight off the men.

I raise two minion's up, before smacking them together, leaving them unconscious. I set myself back on the ground.

"Hit me with your best shot," I grinned, moving my fingers, signaling for the minion to come to me. "Wait, pun is very much intended. Can someone play the song before I beat his ass?"

"KNIGHT!" All the boys scream at me while they fight people off.

"Right! We're saving the world here, sorry!" I yell at them, "you have music?"

The minion violently shook his head, "then I guess I have to just fight you without the song."

I swiftly take my leg out, moving it under my father's henchmen and tripping him.

"I'm telling you, this would look way better with a song," I said, taking two men and smashing there head's together.

"This isn't a movie, Knight," Kirishima laughed, shielding himself from the minion's attempting to hit him.

"We could b-"

"SHUT UP!" Bakugo screamed, cutting me off before I could finish my sentence.

"Don't tell me to shut up!" I retorted, sending the minions flying as they came at me more than once.

I pulled one of my father's men close to me, smacking the gun out of their hand. "Wanna dance?" I smirked, pulling out his arm to intertwine his fingers with mine. We move forward, dancing to the beat I imagined in my head. Ruthlessly, I 'accidentally' step on his foot, then for some odd reason my head was soon smacked against his. "Sorry, i'm really clumsy."

Suddenly, I'm lifted off the floor and it wasn't because of my quirk. "Put me down!" I screamed, before being thrown to the other side of street. my body slams on a car, aching from the impact.

I open my eyes to see henchmen surrounding me with guns, quickly I jump off the vehicle, moving behind it to use it as some sort of shield.

"Hey!" I stick my head out, immediately having the bullets flying at me.

"Come on, let's settle this like real men," I walk out from the side of the car, nervously waving my hand. "No more bullets."

As expected, they begin shooting once more, this time aiming for the legs. "Should've went for the head," I winked, stopping the bullets with my powers. A shield formed up, protecting my body from getting hit.

"Sorry, sorry! Here's another chance," I close the shield, giving the men permission to shoot me.

They point their guns, shooting as much as they please. Luckily, I flew up in the air, fast enough to dodge their attacks. Unlucky for them, I sadly had to knock them out.

"That didn't go as plan, did it?" I laughed, kicking the last one unconscious.

The ground soon shakes, I look up to see my father jumping like a mad man, screaming "oh, Raven!"

"Guys, we have a problem, and by 'we' I mean me," I yell, pointing at my father who was coming closer each minute.

"Holy shit," we all said at once. My father was running towards us with many, many henchmen around him.

Now, we're really screwed.
↳ word count: 897
↳ last updated; 10/19/2020
- Trinity

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