17 April 2019

876 38 0

It has been just over 11 years since I have been home to Santo Padre. I feel sick just being back in the US and my stomach lurches as the plane touches the runway. I tell myself, I am not the little girl I was the last time I was here.

As a kid growing up in Santo Padre, I had dreamed of travelling the world, finding love and coming home to raise a family. Then my fathers work kept getting me hurt and I told myself I would never come back here but here we are.

I couldn't stop my foot from bouncing, it was taking forever for the seat belt sign to go off. The moment I heard the 'ding' I jumped up stretching. I turned to Libby who had been sleeping since our stopover in Shanghai, China. "Come on, querida. It's time to go." She slowly opened her deep brown eyes and wiped the back of her hand over her face. Such a simple action but it was exactly what her father used to do. She was the girl version of her dad and that scared the shit out of me, but I wouldn't let her see it.

We grabbed our bags before going through customs quickly. As we entered the arrivals lounge I saw a man holding the sign 'PARADA'. I didn't comment on the mistake. Straightening my back and taking Libby's hand I walked us to the man and waved my hand impatiently to say let's go.

The heat hit us as the airport doors opened, it wasn't as hot as where we lived but it was much more humid here. I felt my clothes stick to my body and sweat bead across my forehead. Libby and I climbed into the back seat of the black Range Rover as the driver put our suitcases in the trunk.

"How long until we get there ma?" Libby asked me, she looked like she could do with more sleep still. "Rest mi amor, we are still a few hours drive away." She nodded and laid her head on my lap, she always relaxed when I brushed her hair, again just like her dad. A memory sneaks it's way past the walls I had built.

I folded the note and hid at the bottom of my dresser drawer. If we got caught both of our careers would be ruined. I looked at my watch and my foot taps impatiently. Finally, it's time. I sneak out of my quarters and start the weaving journey to the bowels of the warship. At this hour everyone but skeleton crew are asleep. I tap gently on the oval metal door, it immediately swings open and his hand shoots out and pulled me inside.

Libby stirred in her sleep and I could push the memory back down before it took over. She startled awake as we went over a bump and she sat upright. The sun was at its highest now and we were speeding along a highway surrounded by sandy wastelands. I watched as she eyed the landscape, it probably reminded her of where she grew up.

As she stared out the window, I separated her black hair in two and French braided it down to her waist. She sat up straighter, something catching her eye. "Look mami!" She said as she pointed at something from her window. I moved closer to her, leaning out to see what she found. I saw the glinting of metal coming up fast, then I heard the rumble of the motorbikes.

I grabbed Libby and pulled her to the floor of the SUV, sheltering her under me. Pulling out my phone I debate whether to call or not. When I hear the loud rumbles staying around the SUV and not moving along, I hit the call button. "¿Quien es este?" (Who is this?) The man answered rudely. I scoffed to myself. Good to know he hasn't changed in 11 years. "Papi! We have Mayans on us. The 905 a few miles west of SP. How far away are you?" I sounded as desperate as I felt.

I could hear my dad moving and car doors closing before he said he was only a few minutes away. I asked the driver is he was carrying and he had one handgun on him but we couldn't take on a whole club with one gun. I had him count the amount of bikers and my stomach dropped when he confirmed 11. "There's 11, 4 in front, 4 beside and 3 behind." I tell my dad, relaying what information could help.

"Luis and I will be there soon mija." The Mayans were signalling for us to pull over but the driver kept going, trying to get as close to our saviours coming towards us. His voice spoke again shortly after. "I see you. Break when I tell you." I put it on speaker and tell the driver the plan and taking his handgun. Along the highway I see them. Two military style jeeps were heading down the oncoming traffic towards us.

"Now!" Dad yelled. I braced Libby against my chest as by back hit the centre console. The motorbikes behind us swerved to avoid hitting us as the ones ahead stopped to avoid hitting the jeeps. By the time we had all stopped, the bikers were surrounded by armed militants. I told Libby to stay hidden in the armoured vehicle with the driver. She nodded calmly, I was so blessed with my intelligent and collected daughter.

I slid out the door with the drivers gun raised, safety off. I saw dad talking to two Mayans and it didn't seem like a gun fight was in the immediate future. I lowered the weapon and crossed the space to the testosterone fuelled group. I took in the face of my dad, he still sported long black hair but the wrinkles in his face had deepened and I frowned.

"Lucia, come. This is Bishop and Taza. President and VP. It was a misunderstanding right amigos? Wrong vehicle." He did not sound convincing at all but I would question him later. "Yeah, whatever. Can we go? It's been a long day. Hola Tio Luis." I greet the man that had been by my dads side as long as I can remember.

Walking back to the SUV I see a face I would recognise anywhere. He was staring out keeping watch of their surroundings. I smiled and made my way to him. "Hey Coco, long time no see." He looks at me for a moment before a smile breaks out. "Hola Fatty, almost didn't recognise you, looking good mami." I hit him on shoulder like he was expecting and then he came in for a hug and whispered in my ear. "Where's bump?" I nodded my head discretely towards the SUV. "Shit. My bad mami, I didn't know it was you."

Before we could talk more my father came over and got in Coco's face. "I thought I told you to stay away from her, Johnny." I looked at Coco confused and he looked at me confused. "Lucy? I thought your name is Nadia?" The reason for the déjà vu was dawning on me. "Johnny? I thought your name was Coco?" I smiled a big grin that hurt my face. "It makes so much sense now." He nodded back in agreement with his own smile. "I have to go but we need to catch up while I'm in town alright." I kissed him on the cheek as I made my way back to the SUV. I could feel the burn of eyes staring at me.

Getting in, I ask the driver to continue on our way. I didn't let Libby up from the footwell until we are well out of sight. She will be safer the less people know about her. As we settle in for the short trip remaining I wonder how long I can keep her a secret. She could become a target for anyone with issues with my family. And there is a long list I am sure.

Trouble, with a capital T. - Nestor OcetevaWhere stories live. Discover now