18 April 2019

795 32 2

As I left the yard I saw Nestor dragging a half naked Emily and an unconscious EZ from his trailer. Stupid bitch and poor Miguel. I knew now how EZ got the Mayans the information on our location. Emily had fed it to him. I couldn't understand why she would do it though. There had to be something missing here. Putting that aside, I knew it was going to be a long night.

When we got to Galindos, the whole workforce seemed to be there. One of Cristobal's nannies was going to stay with Libby so I could go with Nestor to get answers. I'm not sure what heat this will bring from the M.C. but my daughters safety takes precedent over the Galindo Mayan relationship.

When I arrived at the address of an abandoned church Nestor sent I found a full service. My father and his men were there, the Mayans bikes were there and then Nestor's Escalade too.

It had been a while since I was last involved in a torture. I had been in plenty of fights and killed a lot of people but taken the time to torture, no I had not. Seeing my husband in this new environment just reminded me of why I wanted to get away. This shit changed you. This was not my disciplined Nestor, my unflinching Nestor. This was a wild beast, revelling in others pain and I don't know if I can differentiate between the two or separate work Nestor from my husband Nestor.

Seeing EZ strapped to the pew of the church we were in just pulled back the memories I had spent years trying to erase. It was prom night and I was going alone. No one wants to go with a daughter of the cartel. Even walking home with me runs the risk of getting shot like Maria did. I pulled at the hem of my dress, it was hideous and of course my mother chose it.

The school hall was packed with bodies dancing awkwardly to music they didn't choose. Sick of standing around, I left the room deciding I was better off going home and sneaking dads liquor. I slipped out the side gates of the prim private school and made my way through the streets. I should have called my dad so his henchmen could pick me up but even they don't talk to me.

Sitting on the park bench I was swinging my legs back and forth, wondering how to get away from this place. A van passed by then reversed up alongside me. The door slid open and two men hopped out with balaclavas over their heads. The ran at me but stopped when I made no attempt to move. I rose from the bench and walked past then into the van. At least this way I wouldn't get bruised getting tossed inside.

"Does she have a death wish bro? They said she would put up a fight." Yeah, I should've put up a fight but it's not my first rodeo and I can't outrun a van. Especially in a stupid fucking dress. "Can I borrow your knife please?" They laughed at me like I was crazy and maybe I was. Surely a 16 year old shouldn't be this fucking jaded. "Look I have had a shit night, in a shitty fucking dress. Can I please have a knife to cut the retched fucking thing off?"

They didn't give me the knife, they gave me a backhand. "You should be a tennis pro with that swing." Slap! Another backhand. "Roger Fedora, everybody." Slap! I just couldn't help myself or shut my fucking mouth off. "You should put your gun in your fucking mouth and blow your brains out because you are already dead. You might survive the night and I might be dead, but my father will hunt everyone of you pendejos down and gut you like fucking pigs." I spat the mouthful of blood that had built up at his face. While he was distracted I head butted him and swiped his knife.

It scared me how easily a knife could pierce skin. I thought there would be resistance but there wasn't any as I jabbed him repeatedly in the neck. I pushed his heavy body off me and threw myself over the van seat and knife first into the driver. Blood sprayed over the windscreen and we wove all over the road. I sat down facing the back door and wound my hand around a seat belt cord. The last would be kidnapper tried to take control of the steering wheel but it was too late. We crashed into something and the man's body went flying through the windshield.

I must have passed out as I awoke to red and blue lights and the back door open. I could feel the back of my head was wet and my hand was still twisted in the seatbelt. As the police took me to the ambulance I saw the tattoos on the dead man's neck. Lobo Sonora.

That was considered a good memory because I escaped. The other couple of times, not so much. Pushing the discomfort aside the best I could I turned to the Mayans. Their president looked rueful, EZ had just admitted that what he brought to templo was for his and Emily's personal gain not like he had told them. Angel looked conflicted, switching between angry and sad.

"Dita Galindo paid for an assassin to kill our mom and pop. I choked the old bitch and burnt her to a crisp. Emily had nothing to do with it." At least he had honour in trying to protect her but she cheated on a cartel leader, there's no living after that.

"What did you have to gain by following Nadia?" Nestor burnt EZs arm with hot oil when he didn't answer. The man screamed long and loud before answering. "When I told Emily about Senora Galindo, she wanted to destroy the whole empire. She overheard Romero talking about someone important flying in and that Miguel would be happily surprised. Emily and I were going to give the important person to the Mendoza cartel for safe passage for us through to Argentina."

That's a lot of info to take in, I was happy that Mendoza didn't have any actual information on Libby or I, it made me feel a bit safer. On the other hand, this meant a war was brewing and it almost always resulted in lots of deaths. "Who was us?" I asked, "were you planning on kidnapping Cristobal too?" He looked at his feet, that answered that question. Miguel couldn't hold back any longer. He hacked the newest patched member to pieces in front of his brothers.

I could understand the fierce need he had to protect his son. It helped me to justify what just happened, I looked away from the mess pooling on the floor. "Clean this up." I heard Nestor's authoritative voice close to me before his hand caressed my back. I leant into his side as he kissed my temple. "I'm sorry you had to see that my love." I turned my body into his and wrapped my arms around his neck. "Take me home Ness."

Trouble, with a capital T. - Nestor OcetevaWhere stories live. Discover now