31st October 2019

649 31 0

"Fuck you and your whore of a mother! You said you would leave them alone." The backhand came fast and my head hit the hard headrest. "We did leave your daughter alone but this one here is Galindo's flesh and blood." I looked around, trying to find a weapon or even my location but before I could see much of anything they put a sack over my head. I could hear Penelope start crying but I couldn't do anything and I shook with anger. I had to play this smart, I didn't worry about taking a beating myself but I had to protect Penelope.

We didn't drive for more than an hour but I didn't know in what direction we went. We stopped a few times but eventually the truck was turned off and my hood removed. I quickly found Penelope still beside me and sleeping. I looked around and found we were in a large factory. All the windows were dark, I couldn't see any street lamps to indicate where we were and there was a small army spread around the place. I looked up and saw more men on the walkways above the factory floor. Shitting hell, this ain't looking good.

The men pushed me across the room and clipped a hook to my cable ties before hoisting it so I barely touched the ground. I gritted my teeth as the plastic cut into my wrists and a trickle of blood soon made it's way down each of my arms. "Nadia, good to see you again." I scowled as a woman walked over to my baby and picked her up. When she turned to face me I felt rage boiling in my veins. I tugged at the cable ties, drawing more blood.

"When I get out of here, I am going to slit your throat and bathe in your blood you cunt." The bitch just laughed at me and I knew only one of us would be leaving here alive. "Now now, is that how you address your superior?" I scoffed at her audacity. "You discharged me, you ain't my superior anymore Julia Matthews." She laughed again finding the whole fucking thing entertaining. I'll show you entertaining when I rip your heart out. "Dishonourable, don't forget. And it's Mendoza now, Julia Mendoza."

"What do you want?" I hoped it was money, I'm sure Miguel could sort that but I doubted it would be since she ran her own cartel it seems. "What I have always wanted. Power and a strong partner. The Galindo cartel is a thorn in my side and I don't like them interfering with my business. And Nestor, such a fine specimen shouldn't be wasted with you. He knows how to run things and together we would be unstoppable."

I couldn't help but laugh at the woman. "You're insane! He chose me and he will always choose me. Do you remember the Lobos Sonora Cartel? They used to run things in Mexico until the Galindos wiped them out. You don't stand a chance. Even if Galindo shut down, another would take his place. There will always be another group to fill the void. This is a game where no one wins Julia. The quicker you realise that, the better."

I heard her phone ring and she stepped away to answer it, just not far enough. "Yes, I have her and the child...Thank you my Angel." She ended the call and walked to the guard. "It would appear her husband has called in all his friends and allies. Never mind, I have an army and they will all die. In the meantime I'm sure boys will want some fun." She walked away, taking Penelope with her to an office at the back.

A man walked up to me and removed his helmet. He smiled apologetically and it made me feel sick to my stomach. "Is there anyone else going to be resurrected?" The man chuckled lightly and shook his head. "Not this time. You really got yourself in the shit this time Lopez." My laugh made the pain in my wrists worse and I winced again. "It's Oceteva now and I could say the same to you, Daytona."

His eyes were flickering across the factory and he pulled my hair back making me scream. He put his face into my neck and ran his tongue along the skin. "There's almost 30 guards here so I can't really help you but I heard her snitch say Nestor has formed a rescue party for you." He bit my neck and I screamed again. He spun me around roughly kneading my breasts and holding my throat from behind. His mouth went to my ear again. I felt his hand run down my body and into my waist band of the low back dress. I jumped as cold metal touched me. "Don't make a move until they get here or we both die."

Trouble, with a capital T. - Nestor OcetevaWhere stories live. Discover now