4th February 2012 - 7th April 2019

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I smiled as Coco came waltzing through the front door with a big box in his hands. "Happy Birthday Fatty." I whacked him on the shoulder but he just laughed at me. I looked ready to burst, one month left until bump makes her appearance. Coco looked around the small apartment and popped his head in the old office come nursery. I poured myself an iced tea while I opened a beer for Coco.

"Looks good Nadia. How is everything going with you and bump?" Coco has stopped by 6-8 weeks when he's on rotation with the marines. He has become my rock since the whole shit show went down and I was always happy to see him. "We are good, ready to be separated though. How about you?" He shifted on his feet, a nervous habit of his. Then he scratched his beard. This is going to be bad. "I'm, uh, going back home soon. Got suspended again. Gave me the choice to leave on good terms or..." he gestured to me.

I am the worst case scenario for anyone in the military. "What did you do?" He smirked, clearly he was punished enough. "I shot a cigar out of McKinleys fat fucking mouth." I really shouldn't laugh but I couldn't help it. "From how far away?" Another beard scratch from him. "1200 yards." I chocked on my water and had to cough it into the sink. "Jesus Christ, that's pushing your limits surely." He just shrugged nonchalantly. "They got us new Barrett MRADs to test, supposed to have max range of 1600 yards. It was a fucking sick shot though, you should have seen it."

Coco stayed a few nights before he flew home. It was going to be lonely here now. I hadn't really made any friends. It was with Coco's help that I started a business as a private investigator. I was good at recon and could blend in easily, no one expects a pregnant person to be spying on you. I planned to continue working again in a few months, after bump was born.

I remember the moment my waters broke because I was just getting out of bed and thankful it didn't ruin my clean sheets. After mopping the floor and showering then the contractions started. By the fourth hour I was ready for this demon to be exorcised but still she didn't come. It wasn't until late afternoon that things really picked up so I made my way to the hospital two blocks over. I had to stop every 30 meters before another contraction hit. An old lady helped me walk the last little bit and sat me in a wheelchair. I tried to thank her but I think it came out as grunts.

Someone was pushing me into the hospital but I was hunched over my bump so I couldn't look up. I hoped they knew where to go or the baby was going to be born in a corridor. J felt a few arms pick me and we walked to a bed. With their help I was able to climb up and lay down. It was then I saw the old lady pushing the chair back outside and the nurses surrounding me. "Are you waiting for anyone?" I shook my head and rubbed my swollen belly. "No, it's just us two now."

I felt like I was going to shit myself. It was all I was concerned about. I really didn't want to pop myself in front of them or anyone for that matter but they kept telling me to push. When I didn't think I could give anything else I felt the pressure down there rush out of me and it was like the pain disappeared with it. Her sweet cries were heard a moment later and she was put on my chest.

She looked up at me with her deep brown eyes, just like you papis eye little one. "My beautiful Liberty. No one is ever going to hurt you my girl. Mami promises you that." It wasn't until I was almost six months pregnant that I moved beyond hurt and anger. Once I felt her kicks though, it was like a switch flipped and I connected to her. In this moment I couldn't believe I had this perfect little girl all to myself. My sweet Liberty Rose Oceteva.

When we arrived home the following week I did nothing but hold her. I never wanted to let her go. I would sit beside her cot and just watch her sleep and let her hold my finger for comfort. I had heard horror stories of kids who cry all the time or are fussy all night. Libby wasn't like that at all, she slept through the night from about 7 weeks old, she barely ever cried and she was putting on lots of weight. As her hair grew it darkened to the black tone of her papis. It made my heart ache how similar they looked but I didn't let her see that.

As promised, I kept her safe at all times. I didn't want anyone else raising her like I was so she came to work with me and I explained what I was doing, even if she was too young to understand. As she got older she would tell me what to do and I would let her know if it was correct or not. She was a very clever child and she made me so proud to be her mami.

It wasn't until just after her 7th birthday that I received a call from an unknown number. I thought maybe it was Coco as he sometimes called but I nearly dropped the phone when I heard my father on the other end. It had been almost 11 years since I heard his voice but it still sounded just as I remembered it. "Lucia, it's time to come home. Your mother passed away a few days ago. It was hard to find a number for you."

I sighed, I wasn't happy she was dead but I also couldn't feel much sadness either and that just left me feeling guilty. "Okay papi, it's going to take a few weeks, I have things to sort out here before I can leave. I'll call you when I have it all sorted." He said he would be waiting for my call and hung up. I looked at my daughter who had been sitting quietly beside me. "Where are we going mami?" I didn't quite know how to answer that exactly but I didn't lie. "On an adventure sweetie, a wild adventure."

Trouble, with a capital T. - Nestor OcetevaWhere stories live. Discover now