17 April 2019

909 36 0

I had the driver drop Libby and I at a busy intersection rather than our hotel. One unexpected surprise was more than enough for me today, I would rather no one have knowledge of where we are staying. When the driver pulled away, I grabbed our bags and lead Libby to a nice hotel a few hundred yards away.

"Reservation for Nadia Oceteva?" I asked the receptionist. She found it quickly and handed the swipe card over. "Suite 401, fourth floor and the last room on the right, have a nice stay." Nodding my thanks we headed to the elevator. We had just entered the room when my phone rang, caller ID was for my papi. I groaned, we hadn't been here an hour and he was overbearing me. I hit decline and decide to take Libby for a walk around my hometown.

After a few hours of wondering through the streets, Libby was getting tired. We were a ways from the hotel now so I picked her up and carried her. She had enjoyed the new culture and the street venders, eating a piece of everything she could. Growing up in the Middle East, she got to travel to a lot of countries with me. She loved immersing herself in every culture, where ever we went. She had even picked up bits and pieces of the languages, not fluent by any means but enough to get by should something happen.

"Mommy, there's a man I have seen a few times now." Her head was on my shoulder watching behind me. Staying calm, we have had talks about keeping an eye on our surroundings. "What does he look like?" She made it look like she was gazing around the streets before answering. "Black braided hair, moustache, black clothes, two guns holstered. He just stopped and he's walking away...he's gone now. Black Escalade. The man really likes black mommy."

I relaxed a bit, it's not uncommon this close to the border to see men with guns. I made sure to check again for him before we entered our hotel. Closing the door and locking the safety chain, I breathed a sigh of relief. Libby crawled straight into bed, the jet-lag and long walk catching up with her. Kissing her head softly I said goodnight and closed the door and went to the living room.

My mind was running a million miles a minute so I grabbed the small bottles of tequila from the minibar and sunk into the over-padded couch. How am I going to keep Libby safe in this town? Already, the Mayans has followed us and possibly this man Libby spotted had too. There was just too many things that could go wrong and it brought back bad memories.

I was sixteen one time when dads enemies got me. I was walking home from school with my friend Maria when a van pulled up beside us. They were after me but Maria saw their faces so they shot her. Like a dog in the street. It wasn't the first time I had seen someone shot but it was the first time it was someone I was close with. I lashed out, kicking, punching and biting at my captors until one hit me over the head with the butt of his gun.

I woke up in a warehouse, handcuffed to a cold metal chair. They tortured me for information on the cartel but I didn't know anything. I didn't want to know anything either. Eventually, the doors were busted in and my dad, uncle Luis and their men came crashing down upon the kidnappers, killing them all bar one. I was freed from the chair and handed a gun.

I don't know how I had the strength to walk but I made my way to the man that had broken and branded my arm. I remember handing the gun back to my dad and he looked disappointed until I look his hunting knife from its sheath. I watched as the man screamed, at least I had taken the pain and used it as rage not crying like this pussy. I twisted the knife that I had buried in his stomach. Never breaking eye contact until he gurgled his last breath.

It was only two years later that I left. I didn't want to be a part of dad's world. That hurt mom the most, she married into the business but her own daughter who was born into it turned her back. When I went to leave she said if I walked out that door I had no home to return to. I slammed the door so hard it broke the hinge. A final 'fuck you' if you will. I never spoke to her again and she never got to know she was a grandmother.

I was broken from the revelry when my phone rang for the 10th time today. Knowing he wouldn't stop until I answered I hit accept.
"Yes dad?"
"Where are you? I have been calling and had people trying to find you. I need you to come stay at the compound until I know you are safe."
"As long as I am in this town I'll never be safe. I'm better off going home." I honestly wish I didn't come back here but the old man wanted me home now that mom was gone.
"Please querida. We have been getting attacked by the Mendoza's and I can't lose soldiers to babysit you." I scoffed at tone.
"I don't need babysitters, I can take care of myself."
"Oh yeah, like with the Mayans this morning?" Fuck, low blow but good point old man.
"Fine but you need to be the one to get us. I have someone you need to meet." Sorry baby girl, family reunion is going to be sooner than I thought.

He didn't push the subject like I thought he would so I have him the hotel and room number. I cleared the bottles away before I decided to drink them all. Tidying up I put the still packed suitcases near the door. It didn't take long before I heard a knock on the door and my dad demand "Open up, Lucia." I rolled my eyes at the name I grew up hating. Gone was Lucia Parada, I am Nadia Oceteva.

Trouble, with a capital T. - Nestor OcetevaWhere stories live. Discover now