1st April 2009

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I stole four large rolls of industrial strength duct tape from the store room and made my way through the ship. It was just after midnight and I had finished my jobs. I should have gone to bed but Daytona has pissed me off again today so it was time for some payback. I snuck my way along the halls and quietly slipped into his room.

Gees the man snored like a freight train. I looked around the room and it was immaculate as was expected. I worked silently, hyper aware of any noises. Grabbing his chair from his desk, I flinched as it scratched along the floor but he didn't even stir. I took the man's drawers out and flipped them upside down before putting them back in.

Getting 10 strips of the tape ready I balanced on the chair and lifted the drawers to the top corner of his wall. I nearly dropped the bastard thing on my head but caught it luckily. I quickly taped the damn thing to the wall then moved to the desk. The desk was easier as it was lighter. His clothes drawers followed suit and was taped on its side to the bottom left of the wall.

Looking at the wall, it looked like his room had been tipped sideways, it was a perfect replica of the layout normally. The last part was going to be the hardest. I taped Daytona's head and pillow to the bed before taping his blankets down so they didn't fall off or roll him off. I struggled to lift the mattress and man up but got there without waking him. I leant him against the opposite wall before I lifted his bed base and taped it to the wall. To finish, I moved the mattress and Daytona to the bed base and taped it all down.

I stepped back, it was a masterpiece. I wished I had a camera but thought it would get me in trouble if I did. My watched showed it was almost 3am so I thought it was time to go to bed. I slipped back out of the room and bumped straight into a wall of muscled uniform. Shit. I looked up and found the disappointed eyes of Officer Oceteva.

I looked back at the room and knew it looked like a walk of shame. "Ah, it's not what you think. Honestly." He raised an eyebrow as he gestured to my whole body. "And what would I think if I saw you sneaking from another Petty Officers room at 3am?" I scratched my shoulder and hit bare skin.

I looked down and remembered I had taken off my top when I got sweaty lifting the drawers. I was in a thin camisole and holding my shirt at my side. "Ok it looks bad, I'll admit but I wasn't doing anything with him. He's fast asleep." Ew that makes it sound even worse. Deciding I would rather get a disciplinary for a prank than for sleeping with a crew member, I opened the door wider.

Officer Oceteva paused a moment longer, probably deciding whether or not he wanted to see what was on the other side. When he did though, his head shot towards me then back at the scene. He tilted his head sideways looking at it from a lopsided perspective. His lips were pressed in a thin line and I couldn't tell if he was angry or trying not to smile. The handsome man was hard to crack but I had still been trying since the day I first saw him smirk.

"Get to my office Lopez." Ok angry, definitely angry. I nodded and made my way up the ship to his office. He closed Daytona's door quietly before following behind me. I must admit, there was a lot more sway in my step than usual. I swear I heard him groan and mumble in Spanish but it was too quiet to hear. "Ojos aquí oficial." [Eyes up here Officer] I was taking a punt and hoping he had been staring at my ass. I heard him clear his throat and I smirked knowing I was right.

When we got to his office I draped myself over his couch, I was exhausted and it was comfortable. I closed my eyes while I waited for my interrogation or punishment to be decided. "What did he do this time?" I knew he was referring to the man downstairs taped to his wall. I shrugged, it wasn't anything new, just six weeks of sexist comments building up. "It's not important. Look just tell me what my punishment is and we can both go to bed." He sat in chair, poured a glass of bourbon and kicked his legs up on the desk. Thanks for offering me a drink, not.

"Shouldn't you be afraid of getting punished?" I couldn't help the laugh from escaping and shook my head. "Nah. It's not like it's torture, I mean that's not a whole lotta fun." He cocked an eyebrow. "You have been tortured?" I shrugged again, it's neither here nor there. "Few times, it was probably unnecessary but I'm just that charming they couldn't help themselves." I smiled brightly, yeah I was a smart arse and I knew it got me in trouble. It was worth it to see him smirk back. He took a long drink, emptying the glass before replying. "Yeah, I'm starting to see that now."

He downed his drink, stood up and offered me a hand. Taking it, he pulled me from the couch and I stumbled into his chest. I looked up into his eyes and couldn't look away. He broke first, damn he has too much self control. He stepped back and opened the door. "Good night Nadia."

Trouble, with a capital T. - Nestor OcetevaWhere stories live. Discover now