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After going almost five days without a proper shower, I'm happy to be home and feeling human again. I run a brush through damp strands of my hair, loving how clean I feel. With the large water basin attached to the trailer, there's been plenty of bathing opportunities, but nothing feels as good as your own shower. I could stand in it without bumping my elbows against the walls.

I flop down on my bed, a towel wrapped around my body, and close my eyes, sighing with relief. My room is humid from the tendrils of steam that snuck through the crack beneath the door. I take a deep breath, smiling at the scent of mango shampoo and coconut lotion. I'm also sighing because of the date Maddox and I went on. Despite the fear of someone recognizing him, it was perfect; we stuffed ourselves with pizza and drank high-quality beers. When we were finished eating, we strolled around the streets of Penticton. We also stopped at The Peach and got one of their monstrous milkshakes. Our milkshake flavour was cookies and cream, and topped with a large slice of chocolate cake and a copious amount of whipped cream. I think we were both ready to puke by the time we finished eating-slash-drinking it on the beach.

Upset stomachs aside, our date will go down as the best night of my life. A goofy grin crosses my face. Hopefully, we'll be able to go on another date soon. I don't mind leaving the Central and Northern Okanagan to spend time with Maddox. He's worth it. It would be fun for us to leave town. We could go to the Kootenays or Banff—somewhere far enough away the burden of being Roman's son doesn't weigh on Maddox's shoulders. British Columbia has so much to offer it would be a shame to treat it with ignorance. Traveling would give Maddox some time to relax, too. 

"And what the hell are you grinning about? You look crazy."

My eyes snap open and I sit up, fear pumping through my blood. "Lindsay!" I exclaim, adjusting my towel. "What the hell? I could have been naked!"

Lindsay rolls her eyes and leans against the doorjamb. "As if I haven't seen you naked before. Do you remember when we were kids? We used to go skinny dipping in the pool at night."

"We were kids!"

Lindsay cocks her head to the side. "So? Are you going to answer me?"

I stand up, clutching my towel close to my body, and narrow my eyes into thin slits. "Maybe after I get dressed. Will you give me a minute?" I'm a little pissed she walked in here without knocking. I was having fun daydreaming about Maddox and I's date.

"Sure," Lindsay replies.

I use every ounce of self-control to not throw a pillow at her smirking face as she steps out of my bedroom, closing the door behind her. I'm tempted to sit on the foot of my bed and make Lindsay wait, but I decide against it. She's here because she wants something. Stepping into my closet, I gather a pair of cut-off jeans and a baggy heather-grey sweatshirt. My clothing choices are warm for the current outdoor temperature, but when I arrive at the campsite later tonight, it's going to be cold. At least... I'm hoping the campsite is still standing. I left Vance in charge again. He did a good job of running the place yesterday. Two days, however, may be too much for him to handle.

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