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Three days later, I receive the results of my tests. Everything comes back negative, and I can't tell if the sense of relief is from not having to deal with the cops or that I wasn't raped or sexually assaulted. Maddox and Vance are relieved, too, making the tension that's settled between the three of us ease. The tension isn't because we're annoyed with each other. It's because we're terrified of what's coming next. There's no way to guarantee our safety. Isaiah's friend, Demetri, is keeping Roman high on the radar now that we've filed an official report. There's no proof to say Roman was part of it. Which is why Demetri is investigating the scene behind closed doors. He could lose his job, which isn't something I want, but he made the final decision to investigate. 

I'm not a victim of sexual assault this time around, but I can't seem to shake the trauma. Ever since Lindsay found me, my hands have been shaking and the burn on my leg has been pulsing with white-hot pain. I'm taking the antibiotics the doctor gave me, but I haven't touched the painkillers. Although it hurts like hell, the pain keeps me anchored in reality. I can't predict, based upon Roman's past actions, what his next move will be. It terrifies me. Every time I see my dirt bike, bent and shattered, my heart splits in two. Not only for a wedge being purposely driven between me and my passion, but also for Maddox. Roman has tried to ruin every good aspect in Maddox's life. He's put his son through hell and not once has he felt any remorse for what he's done. The man deserves to rot in hell.

Because we had to cancel the training session today, Vance, Maddox, and I are lounging around the campsite, sticking close to my trailer and the vehicles. We need to be prepared. If Roman or his men arrive, we need fast access to our vehicles. We also have a few bags packed and resting near the entrance of the trailer. If the time to dash comes, we're ready.

For the past two hours, Vance has been studying—surprising, I know. Maddox has been dealing with paperwork for college. I've had a book in my hand, but I've read the same paragraph ten times because of my mind being incapable of focusing. I'm traumatized by someone veering me off of the trail. From laying on the hospital bed in a scratchy gown.

"Fuck," I hear Maddox curse.

"What's up?" Vance asks.

Maddox has been filling out forums regarding work over the summer. He needs to submit them to the college. It's for a bursary he's applied for. I set down the book I've been pretending to read and slide my legs down from the table, converting to a sitting position. My leg aches as I do so. I ignore the pain. 

Maddox tosses his wallet down, sending loose credit cards, his license, and BC medical card spilling across the picnic table. "I don't have my social insurance number. The card is missing—I must have forgotten to grab it."

"Do you really need it?" Vance asks. "Doesn't the college have it on file?"

"No," Maddox replies, his shoulders tense. "I lost my old one, remember? OC gave me an extension to fill in those forums, which I haven't sent in yet. The due date isn't until Monday." He sighs, shaking his head so loose black curls fall around his face. "I'm an idiot. I thought I'd grabbed it!" He stands up and removes his hat, raking a hand through his hair. "I need my SIN number," he murmurs. "And it'll take too long to order another one. I'll be past my extension date before I get it."

Whisky Throttle (Throttle Series, #1)Where stories live. Discover now