The match

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Viktor's POV
      I looked at Ela as I stood and asked "should I get in my combat gear?" She nodded before motioning to a door on the far wall "that's the bathroom, change in there" I grabbed my baggy Woodland camp pants and my grey button up along with my helmet and vest before walking into the bathroom and changing. I looked in the mirror at my uniform and reminisced about where each part comes from, the boots from my time in Recon, my pants from my time in MARSOC, the grey button up from Delta and the black vest and helmet from GRS.

I nodded satisfied as I pushed the door open and looked at Ela as she asked indifferently "you ready?" I nodded as she replied challengingly "let's see if all the excitement about you is well placed" I chuckled at the question before asking "so wh...

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I nodded satisfied as I pushed the door open and looked at Ela as she asked indifferently "you ready?" I nodded as she replied challengingly "let's see if all the excitement about you is well placed" I chuckled at the question before asking "so what's this sim? Are we using VR or?" She shook her head no and replied "we use simmunition, it'll sting like a bitch but you should be fine" I nodded as I followed her to the armory, she stood by the door and motioned to the rows of gun lockers "grab yours" I walked back and found my locker before looking at the piece of paper with my code before punching it in and pulling the door open.
      I pulled out my Ak and attached the sling before putting it over my left shoulder and under my right armpit, I let it hang loosely next to me while I slid my extra magazines into their holders before putting my pistol in my holster and putting the extra magazines in their place on my vest. I walked back to the door and asked Ela "do I need anything else?" She nodded before walking away without a word, I sighed softly before following her again as we walked to the counter and she spoke "hey jess, we need a couple boxes of the Sim rounds, 5.45mm and .40 cal." She nodded and disappeared into the back while I sat looking over my gun before I looked at Ela and asked "does every operator here have an assessment sim?" She nodded before looking over "most don't win it, we've only had my sister and Sam win theirs. I came close but" the way she said sister made me think there's not a lot of good blood between them. I asked "so what is it?" She explained slowly "it's a 1v5, you're going to use everything you can to take out the 5 other operators on the floor. If you're lucky you'll get 2 or 3" I nodded before saying "maximum effort" as I pushed myself to my feet and Jessie returned with the ammo.
       I nodded my thanks and started loading my AK I heard footsteps to my left and saw Ela walking away causing me to look at Jessie and ask "is she always this cold?" She shook her head no and replied "it's just because you're new, once she thinks she has you figured out she'll warm up" I nodded as I spoke one last time "I'll talk to you in a bit, gotta go shoot some people" she giggled as I jogged to catch up with Ela, I caught a glimpse of her as she turned the corner causing me to jog to the corner before I saw her leaning against the wall next to a door with her arms crossed speaking to herself in polish "skurwiel nie może nawet ze mną zostać, jest taki dziwny. nie mogę go wyczuć, jest taki zimny, ale jednocześnie taki ciepły(fucker can't even stay with me, he's so weird. I can't get a feel for him, he's so cold but so warm at the same time)" I sighed silently before walking around the corner and asking "is this the room?" She nodded "everyone's inside waiting for you, mały nietoperz(little bat)" I walked to the door and paused before opening it "Dziękuję Ci(thank you)" she gasped at the revelation I speak polish before I walked into the room and towards the operators.
      I called "Zero, here I am" I heard someone's feet impact the ground behind me before spinning and blocking the high kick before I spun a full 360 and sweeper his legs out beneath him before I pulled my pistol and placed it under his chin and spoke with a smirk "getting rusty aren't we?" He chuckled as I got off him and holstered my pistol before pulling him up to his feet. He clapped me on the back and spoke "you've improved, let's see what you can do against some top tier operators" I pulled the handle on my ak, chambering a round "I'm ready whenever they are" he looked at the operators who looked shocked that I had taken Sam down so fast as he spoke "Operators, prepare to defend." I stood next to Sam before asking "so who am I up against?" He replied with a short list "Doc, Jäger, Vigil, Echo and Caveira" I smirked as I replied "i read their files, you've put a lot of aggressive people on the team. You know my favorite toys" he chuckled "they're good operators, not at our level but they're hungry. They want to be here" I looked over and replied "let see how far they have to go"
      I pulled out my drone and tossed it to the door before driving around before locating the hostage, I smirked as I saw a tied up Harry. I looked over at Sam and asked one last question "full contact?" He replied with a sinister smile "train as you play" I smirked as I felt my belt and counted 4 mines, enough for my plan to work. I lifted my AK and started towards the building as I smirked heading to the door, I lifted my Ak and took my left hand off my foreguard and gripped the doorknob and pushed it in as I checked the close right corner before I leaned to my right and started peaking around the corner of the door checking the left corner, I started down the hallway before I heard a can roll gently on the floor behind me I spun 180 and threw a high kick hitting the knife from caveira's hand as she charged forward she called into her radio "I found him, main hall-" she didn't get to finish as I dropped my shoulder and used her momentum to flip her before I lifted my Ak and fired 4 rounds "good try" I carefully laid a trip mine on her 'corpse' before continuing down the hallway, I heard a fabric rub against another piece of clothing to my left causing me to redirect and walk into the room, I smirked as I flipped down my NVGs and scanned the dark room. I silently made my way through the room looking for whoever made the noise until I heard a radio behind me "Vigil do you have eyes on?" I saw a man appear in my vision causing me to internally sigh as I remembered Vigil's gadget, I fired 5 rounds into his head hearing him groan as I picked up the radio off his chest and changed my own radio to the frequency.
    I flipped up my NVGs and started up the staircase as a small silver square flew past me, I reacted quickly putting 6 rounds down range watching as one hit it. I heard Echo "he's coming up main stairs, Jäger you're closest" followed by gunshots on the floor above me as the popping of rounds flying past me was heard, I instinctively ducked down and away as Jäger was heard "I'm moving, give me 10 seconds" before laying on my side pretending to be hit listening for footsteps, they slowly approached until I heard something in German right next to me I rolled and lifted my Ak firing 12 rounds hitting the man in the chest marking him as dead. I stood and reloaded for the first time in the match, I walked up the rest of the stairs to the second floor as Echo asked "Jäger? Jäger did you get him? (Shit), Jägers down" before being force to duck into the room to my right as shotgun pellets hit the wall behind me, I placed a trap on the door and hid in a corner as I heard Doc "I'm moving to flank, keep him busy" and something break on the far side of the building, I made a mental note of it before I fired a couple rounds in return only to hear footsteps to the right of the door. I waited huddled behind my cover only to hear the loud thunderous bang and the plastic bbs bounce off the wall along with a yell of pain and confusion as I popped up from my concealment and unloaded my magazine on the man struggling to regain his senses. I quickly reloaded and head out the door as I placed my final trap on the stairwell leading up from the first floor, I headed towards the room that I saw Harry in finding him sitting there unharmed I crouched in front of him and asked "busy day?" He nodded as I grabbed his wrist and pulled out my pistol "stay right fucking next to me" he nodded as I heard my trap on the staircase go off.
     I smiled to myself as we headed towards the stairs and I saw Doc, my last enemy as I lifted my pistol and unloaded all 18 rounds into him, he dropped to the ground in heap as the lights came on and everyone slowly got to their feet while I untied Harry "sir, how'd I do?" He chuckled before replying "a bit slower than I thought you'd go" I smiled as I replied "well sir, I do enjoy playing with the aggressive ones. They made mistakes but they've got potential" he asked "what mistakes did you see?" I replied by asking "can I explain once everyone is together?" He nodded before walking towards the exit saying "I look forward to seeing the future of rainbow" I followed him out until I saw Ela and Sam standing side by side talking, I walked forward and spoke "how was the show?" Sam looked over and replied "you got sloppy, you walked right past Vigil" I looked over and replied "his gadget hides him from optics, my NVGs have an electrical system to brighten the image. He was literally invisible" sam nodded before the rest of the battered operators walked out and stood in front of us with Harry "Caveira, you should be paying more attention to the ground while sneaking up. I would've struggled to react if I didn't hear the can. Jäger you need to stop talking so much, if you just shot me instead of monologuing you would've won. Vigil you need to get more in tune with your senses and whoever radioed you needs to stop talking so much, they gave you away. Echo, check door before you walk in. The trap was visible. Doc, same thing pay attention to the environment"
       They seemed to be kicking themselves over the small mistakes they made as Sam spoke "you did good, I wasn't expecting you win. Hell I wasn't expecting you to even be able to react to his presence but 3 of you managed to shoot at him." They straightened at the praise before I spoke "you have a long way to go before you're at our level, but you have potential. Keep moving forward and you'll be running with us soon enough" they nodded determined as Harry spoke "that's all for today, Viktor we'll talk about getting you acquainted with the rest of the operators tomorrow." I nodded as I heard Ela "come with me fng, I want to ask you something" I nodded and spoke to sam "I'll catch up with you at dinner then" he gave a thumbs up as I walked briskly to the door following Ela.

Operation: Stunning stingWhere stories live. Discover now