The final defeat

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Viktor's POV
I woke up to the sound of a voice coming through my radio "1-0 here" the Lieutenant sighed in relief "you've got to get to the beach, the Blackhawk is 15 mikes out" I was on my feet in a minute before I started waking up the team "grab your shit, we're leaving" there was a group of zombies shuffling around grabbing their gear before I checked my map and figured out where we're going. I stood next to the door until the team got behind me "everyone ready?" They nodded as I pushed the door open and we pushed out into the courtyard as I motioned to the humvee "get that move, Glaz hop into the tower. Tell me if you see anyone" he nodded as the team carried out my orders. I silently prayed as the humvee got pulled back. I heard Ela behind me "you should turn on your helmet cam, we won't have to take a minute if we get combat" I sighed and turned it on "stupid fuckin thing" as the Lieutenant spoke "1-0, we've got your feed" I rolled my eyes as Glaz spoke "nothin, it looks clear comrade"
I sighed as I gripped the metal door handle "once we leave this compound, we don't stop. We're hauling ass to the beach, clear?" They nodded as I took a deep breath before pulling the door open and jogging down the street towards the beach. I saw someone disappear into a dark alley causing me to speak "the masks know we're moving" Ela sighed as Maverick laughed "'ere doing the Mogadishu mile in Morocco bro" I replied "I never wanted to do the Mogadishu mile" as we moved quickly through the city our rifles moving from point to point as we waited for the assault. We reached the beach and I ordered quickly "dig a hole, quickly before the masks arrive." Erik spoke "we won't be able to get it done before they arrive" I remembered my frags "everyone move back" as I dug 6 small holes burying frags after setting up a remote trigger. I pulled them and waited until the detonation kicked huge geysers of sand up, I repeated the process until we had decent cover. The team quickly filled in their positions while I radioed the TOC "Baseplate, 1-0, do we have air support?" Harry replied this time "a flight of 2 A-10 is 10 mikes out" I sighed in relief as the masks arrived.
     I dropped to a crouch in my halfassed fox hole and returned fire, I heard Maverick "Don't spray, kill the enemy!" As I fired rounds into the masks. I heard Ela in the foxhole next to me "Hell of a first date!" I laughed and replied "you know me, the old romantic!" As the amount of masks kept increasing until it had far surpassed 100 I yelled into my radio "Baseplate, I think the intel was off!" Before firing a long burst at a group of masks disembarking from a transport truck, Harry replied "ISR is counting a minimum of 3000" I laughed and yelled to the team "6v3000, I like those odds!" Just as Mozzie yelled back "You're off your fucking rocker mate!" As he fired his pistol at the enemies. I called "Mozzie! Here!" As I threw a morphine syringe to him "it'll help with the pain!" He nodded as Glaz yelled over the roar of battle "they never stop coming!"  I fired more rounds as Harry spoke "choppers 4 minutes out" I yelled "4 minutes to possible extract!"
     Ela crouched and reloaded just as a 5.56 round tore through the sand bank infront of her, I shifted my fire to the area her attacker came from. I heard the A-10 pilot "1-0, Traitor is on station mark targets" I spoke into the radio "throwing red smoke in 5" as I pulled the red smoke off my plate carrier and tossed it the 40 meters, it landed just short of the mask positions. I heard the pilot "Target confirmed, gun run in 20" I sighed in relief and continued firing, the helicopter pilot came over the radio "1-0, blackbird, we're on our approach" I watched the mask fire shift from us to the approaching Blackhawk, I yelled into the radio "blackbird, Abort attempt! Get out of here!" He replied through gritted teeth "we'll get you out, I promise!" I looked back at the city as my voice dropped and I spoke to Harry "Baseplate, I don't think we're making it out of this one" before I popped up and fired a burst watching as the 30mm cannon rounds tore their way through the mask lines followed closely by a second volley and the distinctive brrrt of an A-10.
     I radioed "good hits, requesting danger close hydra strike" the pilot sounded unsure before replying "confirmed" just as I crouched to reload and Harry came over the radio "we'll figure something out, just stay in the fight. We're mobilizing a carrier Cobra squadron and a flight of 6 blackhawks" I spoke as I stood and fired "send em in one at a time, sending all 6 at once is just asking for a mistake" Harry replied "I've already sent that order" as I stood and fired. I called out to the team "we need fire on the right side!" Mozzie and Glaz replied "seen!" And "check!" As they started firing on it. I heard Ela "reloading!" As I shifted my fire to cover her. The A-10s rolled through doing missile runs, I heard Traitor "We're bingo fuel, you're on your own" I radioed back "thanks for the assist" as we continued trading fire. I heard the chopping of helicopter blades as the Mask's tracers shifted from us to the helicopter once more, the giant wagging dog tongue chasing the helicopter, I saw the helicopter shake as rounds struck home before the pilot steered the helicopter away.
     I heard a scream to my left I looked over and saw the wound in Ela's bicep, I yelled "moving!" As I scrambled out of my foxhole and into Ela's as I pulled out my medical supplies and started patching her up as she joked "this is the best first date I've ever had" I smiled before replying "glad I'm not fucking this up" she laughed as I spoke "stay cautious, don't get hurt anymore" as she nodded and I scrambled back into my foxhole. I lifted my Ak and resumed the gunfight, I heard Harry "we're preparing to mobilize a team of green berets to help relieve you" I yelled back into the radio "Fuck that! I don't need more people on the ground, that's asking for people to die. Get me air support and an extraction!" Harry replied quickly "I'm working on it" as I heard maverick "I'm running low!" I called "ammo check!" The team all confirmed they were running low on ammo as the mask's continued to push out onto the beach stacking bodies to reach us. I sighed and yelled "cover me! I'm grabbing some shit!" As I slowly climbed out of my foxhole and crawled towards the closest bodies.
I grabbed a couple rifles and magazine flinging them back towards the team before dragging some corpses back making a wall with the bodies, if the masks wanted to kill us theyd have to shoot through their friends. I saw Maverick recoil as a round coin it's home in his shoulder blade, Glaz reacted first and started treating the wound. Ela took another round to the lower stomach causing me to crawl to her foxhole before I dropped in and started treating the wound "Stay down, you get hit any more and we'll run out of bandages" she chuckled at the joke as the Cobras arrived on station, "1-0, we've got ordinance special for you. We need your position." I resolved that issue by throwing green smoke just behind us "green smoke marks our position" the cobra flight quickly started sending hydra rockets into the mask ranks as I heard Harry "The second of the Blackhawks is on station in 2 mikes" as I stood and yelled at the Masks who injured Ela "You have officially pissed me off!" Firing my entire magazine from my new L85 dropping 3 masks with the spray.
     The Blackhawk pilot spoke "we've got to pull out, they hit our gas tank. It's everywhere, we can't fire our guns without going up in flames" I replied "go, get out of here! Just stay alive" as we fired more rounds, "These fuckers just never end" I heard Ela under me "atleast you're doing something" I heard Maverick "Boss, where the fucks our ride?!" I yelled back "they keep getting shot out, we need to get the mask numbers down!" Mozzie yelled back "we already killed 1000 of em, how many more do the fuckers want?!" I heard Glaz "Fuck, at this point we might as well kill em all!" As we fired mowing down masks as rounds impacted our corpse wall trying to punch through to hit us on the other side. Cobras did blind gun runs trying as hard as they could to buy us any time just as the 4th Blackhawk pilot spoke "We're on our final approach, get ready to be extracted" I watched rounds streak through glaz's head, he dropped dead before he hit the ground. I yelled "you fucking son of a bitch!" As I fired an entire magazine in a blind range.
      I heard Harry "get your team ready to be extracted" I hissed into the comms "I no longer want to be extracted, I'm going to kill each and every one of them" I heard Maverick sounding worried "boss, what's our play?! Boss!" I sighed and yelled back "we leave his body, make ready to pull back to a bird" I radioed the pilot "can you make it to the beach?!" The pilot replied "I'm getting you out no matter what" I looked down at Ela "you ready to go?" She nodded as I called "Mozzie, Ela, buck, start crawling back to the landing zone. Maverick, we're going to hold the masks off until they're on the bird!" He sounded confident again "Got it!" As we fired, I heard the whooping of the blackhawks rotor blades as the Minigun started shredding the masks. I yelled to Ela "when you're on the bird, radio and let us know!" She have a thumbs up as Maverick and I continued to engage. Harry came over the radio "F-15s are inbound to deliver JDAMs. You have 1 minute to clear out before the bombs impact your position" Ela radioed "we're on board" I yelled to Maverick "It's our turn!" He nodded as we climbed out of our foxhole and started running across the open ground to the landed Blackhawk.
I got to the 5 meter mark before my luck ran out and I felt a sharp pain in the center of my back, I fell forward gasping as Maverick gripped my plate carrier dragging me to the chopper while we fired. I tried helping him but my back felt like a red hot iron was twisting my spine. Ela helped pull me into the helicopter as it lifted off, the rounds hitting the helicopter hundreds of time before we got out of range. I turned off my helmet cam and heard Harry "1-0, are you up?" I radioed back "barely, I can't feel my legs and I think my backs broken" he sighed "I'll notify the medical wing on the carrier of your self diagnoses, keep me posted" I pulled off my helmet tossing it out the helicopter gaining odd looks from the flight crew as I felt a warm liquid drip down my forehead, ignored it and looked around at my now incomplete team, Glaz would be sorely missed.

Operation: Stunning stingWhere stories live. Discover now