Introducing ourselves

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Viktor's POV
      We started up the staircase with me at point, I heard some movement above me on the floor that overlooked the staircase. I whispered into my radio "Ela hand me one of your mines" the mine was passed up the line before it ended up in my grip, I smirked as I pulled the pin and tossed it ove the ledge where I heard the movement just for the thunderous echo of the detonation to be heard followed by me quickly moving up the staircase seeing the mask holding his head as I fired a burst into him causing his corpse to fall forward and crash on the staircase next to Maverick. I looked forward just as a voice said "get down" causing me to drop to the ground as a 6p41's burst impact behind me almost hitting buck, I pulled a flashbang and a mine from my waist as I yelled to buck "get a frag ready" he nodded as the machine gun continued to keep me pinned he called "I'm ready" just as Mozzie asked "what's your fuckin' plan?" As I threw both the flashbang and then the proximity mine as Buck threw his frag. I heard my flashbang and mine detonate followed closely by the frag grenade and the sound of hundreds of fragments hitting the walls, I popped up and fired 3 rounds into the gun before pushing forwards to the brick chimney in the middle of the room, I pressed my back against it as the team fought their way up the staircase and into fighting positions where we could mount a counterattack.
      I heard a female voice call over "So this is what you do now? Work for a government that could throw us away like nothing?" I called back and asked "so how's running with Walker Susan?" She yelled angrily "don't call me that! Not anymore!" I chuckled and asked "what am I supposed to call you then?" She yelled back "don't call me anything! It doesn't matter anymore, you're going to die!" I laughed "well my dear friend, one of us is going to die. Who it is, we've yet to see" I heard maverick in our comms "do you know her?" I replied simply "I used to, not anymore. Glaz, throw a couple smokes. Use your thermal, pick off as many as you can" before I popped around the corner and fired a couple rounds into the piece of cover hunter was hiding behind. I heard the smoke grenades skitter past me like rats running from the light causing me to return to cover as I heard Glaz's rifle firing and screams of pain.
I used the smoke to move to a new position before chucking one of my mines towards the general area the masks had set up a hard point defense. The smoke started dissipating as I noticed Mozzie was in the position I'd just left, I'm glad my team is closing in. I popped over my new piece of cover catching a mask off guard since they marked me off as at the chimney, I fired a long burst clipping the mask in the chest and right arm. He disappeared behind cover but I could hear the groans of pain and another mask trying to comfort the wounded man, Maverick threw a frag grenade behind the cover as I heard the detonation and fragments ricochet around as I nodded to Mozzie before standing and pushing forward with Mozzie right behind me. The rest of the team started pushing forward to stay together so we could support each other.
I popped around the corner and saw the usual, masks strewn about, wounded but no Hunter. I sighed as I looked out the open window and saw her disappear around a corner into an alley I sighed "fuck" as I lifted my Ak and started double tapping the wounded masks making sure they died. I spoke to the team "search the rooms with yellow tape on the doorframe they're our primary search points. Let's get something good, we dropped the ball letting hunter slip away" they nodded and jogged through the house searching for yellow tape while I called Harry. He sounded groggy as he spoke "Agony? Did you get her?" I sighed and replied "negative sir, she slipped away. We're searching the house for any intel currently" he asked wondering "how'd she get away?" I replied looking at the dead masks spread around the room "she used her men as a distraction while she climbed down, they held us in a gunfight for a minute" Harry spoke "I'll get the analysts to search cameras for her movements" I responded sourly "I wouldn't count on getting anything on her, she was a ghost after all." He responded simply "we have our ways, anyway I assume the mask threat in Germany is negligible now?"
I looked out at the skyline of Berlin "for now, they'll be back. I'll let you know where we're moving when we shift through all this intel and find out where the next target for the masks is" Harry yawned and spoke "are you returning to Hereford for supplies?" I said in return "a-ffirm, we'll stop by grab our ammo, food and water. Then we'll be on to the next mission" he offered "I'll get some stuff in order for your return" I spoke finally "goodnight Harry, I'll see you tomorrow" I heard Ela behind me "so we're going back?" I turned and nodded "for a few hours" she responded happily "we've got a gold mine here, there's names, locations, targets, supporters, donations, everything" I smirked as I felt a little bit better about Hunter slipping away. I followed her down to the second floor room where she, Mozzie and Maverick were scouring papers. I lifted an empty duffel bag and spoke "anything of use, put it in here. I'll be on the first floor" they nodded as I walked out into the hallway and walked down the staircase past the corpse of the mask, the scent of death filled my nose once more as I passed.
I walked into the initial yellow room and saw Glaz and Buck, I walked in and asked "what do we got boys?" Buck looked at me and spoke "everything, good intel, usable intel." I nodded and started shifting through papers adding on to the piles Buck and Glaz had already started making. We worked for another 15 minutes before the GSG-9 walked in with their guns up and called "GSG-9, wir kommen rein(GSG-9, we're coming in)" I called in reply "Team Regenbogen, erster Raum rechts!(Team Rainbow, first room on your right!)" I saw the leader come around the corner with his G36 sitting loosely in his hands before asking "Wie war deine Nacht?(how's your nights been?)" I replied with a small chuckle "ereignisreich, wie geht es dir?(eventful, how's yours been?)" he replied "nervenaufreibend bekamen wir die Nachricht von einer Schießerei und hatten keine Ahnung, worauf wir uns einließen(nerve wracking, we got word of a gunfight and had no idea what we were walking into)" I chuckled before asking "Englisch?(english?)" the commander replied "ja, we can speak in English"
I smiled before asking "we'll be done here soon enough, if you want to search for anything else you're welcome to. Just let my team know you're coming up" he nodded and started handing out orders before the GSG-9 spread out through the house searching for something. I heard Glaz "what if they're masks?" I looked at him and replied "what are they going to do? kill us? We all have our guns and train with quick kill. We'll be fine" he sighed as I heard the steps on the staircase creak and Maverick asked "when did we invite friends over?" I joked in return "oh didn't you hear? It's an open door thing" he laughed as Mozzie put the duffel bag on the table and buck asked "what's this then?" Ela spoke "put any useful intel in here, well turn it over to the analysts when we return to hereford" we quickly moved our intel pile into the duffel bag as I zipped it up and lifted the strap over my head before gripping my Ak and calling "We're leaving, stay safe guys. Good luck in your search!" I heard the GSG-9 leader call back "stay safe"
Before we jogged across the street to our SUV, I opened the trunk door and put in the duffel beck before I walked around to the driver's seat and slid in. I shifted into drive and headed back towards our safe house as I checked as many alleys as I could until I saw a silhouette of a rifle and a woman running, I stopped quickly and slid out leaving a very confused team as I ran across the street towards the alley. I turned the corner and got into the alley as the woman turned and fired. I ducked behind cover as she called "come on Viktor, I'm not stupid. I was a ghost after all, you knew I'd notice you" I called back "just give up! You're not escaping me, you were always second in skill to me!" I heard a scream of fury as we came around the corner and lifted our weapons firing at one another, my rounds struck home hitting her plate carrier and punching through from their higher velocity while her rounds scraped past my arm burning the flesh but not doing any real damage. I walked forward carefully not sure if she was dead or not before she yanked up an m9 and fired 7 rounds into my plate carrier, I stumbled back in shock as Ela screamed in horror thinking I'd just been shot before I regained my composure and spoke deadly calm to hunter "it's 4a hard armor dumbass" before firing another burst from my Ak into her.
I coughed and monologued "even with the soft insert that shit still hurts, son of a bitch" Ela went to pull off my body armor and start treating any wounds when I laughed "Ela I'm fine. My armor doesn't even have a dent, 9 mil does nothing to 4a" she nodded before buck and Maverick turned the corner "what the fuck happened here? You stopped and then we heard gunshot" I motioned to Hunter's body coughing slightly "the bitch shot me" I notice Ela didn't take her hand off my shoulder as I told the two "grab a body bag" before i pulled out my phone and called Harry again, he sounded annoyed "yes agony?" I spoke calmly coughing every now and again "I got her" he sounded surprised but happy, an odd combination "I thought you said she slipped away" I responded simply "I spotted her on my way back to our safe house"
He responded "send pictures for confirmation" I spoke "i gotta search her still, I'll send you the pictures when I'm done" I could hear the smile as he spoke "well done, I'll see you tomorrow" I replied my gratitude and started searching her finding a phone, a map, a code sheet, and a picture from when we did a mission together in ghost recon. I pulled up my phones camera and took several pictures of her face before sending them to Harry just as Maverick and Buck arrived with the body bag, they unrolled the thing and lifted her body into it before zipping it up and carrying it back to the SUV. When we slid it into the trunk Glaz and Mozzie looked around confused before I shifted back into gear and started accelerating towards the safe house looking forward to the day or two we'd spend at Hereford waiting for the analysts to give us actionable intel from what we provided for them. I teased Ela "you sounded pretty terrified when I got shot" she replied embarrassed "you're a good friend, I just got kinda scared thinking you'd died" I patted her forearm before pulling into the garage "it'll take more than some bitch made 9mm to kill me" the team laughed as we slid out of the car and climbed into the elevator heading up to our room in the attic. We quickly tore off our gear and got into bed exhausted from the gunfights and stress of an active HVT hit mission.

Operation: Stunning stingWhere stories live. Discover now