The check up

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Viktor's POV
I woke up to Jäger saying in our headsets "well be landing in 5 mikes" I felt fury shift as I sat up and yawned, she asked "morning, how're you feeling?" I looked over and replied "well my head still hurts and my knee is fucked so not bad" she laughed as Erik asked "do you want my to take you to the medbay? We can have doc take a look at ya and tell us what the expected outlook is" I gave a thumbs up as Ela asked Erik "just keep me posted, knowing my luck I'll have to take care of him" just as I looked at Kim "so are you guys sticking around for much longer?" She sighed and replied "no, you know Auroa?" I nodded and replied "I hear it's simply lovely" to which she explained "it went dark, we lost contact with anyone on the island. Command is worried since we know that Walker was their military advisor and he's been less than pleased with the United States. Plus he's got a lot of friends in the Ghosts that have left recently, they're worried he's tried something so we're getting sent to investigate"
      I nodded before asking quietly "stay safe will you? Who else am I gonna annoy if not you?" She chuckled as I saw the shape of Hereford appear below me, the airfield, the different buildings, the clock tower, all of it becoming more and more familiar. I asked her another question "when are you leaving for Auroa?" She replied "we're supposed to head to the wasp the moment we touch down" I sighed before looking back at Erik "think you can help me to the medbay?" He nodded as Jäger came over the radio "touchdown in 15 seconds" I lifted my legs as the chatter from the rest of the team died down as we all got ready to head back to our rooms. When Marius(Jäger) spoke again "touchdown, how would you rate the flight mein freunds?" I laughed as Tina(Frost) replied "a solid 3/10" and everyone started filing out of the helicopter while I sat there like a bump on a log waiting for Erik, when he got out he pulled me to my feet and spoke "let's get you to the medbay" I looked to my right and saw Kim and her team walking away causing me to yell "Fury!" She turned and yelled back "what?!" I smiled and gave her our teams signature salute "stay safe, all of you!"
     She nodded with a small head shake as Erik asked "you ready?" I nodded before sighing "sorry you had to do this, if I could walk I'd do it myself" he replied simply "don't worry about it, we take care of our own" I shook my head as we slowly moved through the halls, my knee continued to try to give out as I kept pushing it trying to put weight on it until we arrived at the white doors that's lead to the med wing. When Erik pushed the door open I lifted my hand to block the blinding light, once my eyes adjusted I lowered my hand and looked at around at the sterile room, everything was neatly placed, the beds perfectly made, not a stain to be seen.i heard footsteps to the left and saw a man in a doctors coat with huge forearms asked "ah Erik, what did you break this time?" Erik laughed and replied "nothing, my friend Agony here however. We think he's got a concussion and his knee keeps giving out"
      Doc sighed and motioned to the bed next to me "sit him down" to which Erik helped me hobble over before I sat down and slowly pulled off my vest and helmet, before I waited for doc to return. He came back in with a clip board and a pen before walking over to the wall and checking the time before walking back over to infront of me "let's figure out what's wrong with you" I chuckled as he started the tests. After half an hour of tests and questions, Gustave spoke "well you've got a grade 2 concussion and you've torn a tendon in your knee, it'll take 2-4 weeks for the tendon to heal if you take it easy and don't push yourself" I sighed but nodded "you're the expert" he put a brace on my knee and stood "you're free to go but before you do, who's your roommate?" I sighed and looked up at him "Ela" he replied "I'll have her give me updates on your behavior, if you push yourself before you're healed I will know" I chuckled and spoke "you sound like my commander when I started pranking him"
He nodded numbly as he looked at Erik "can you get him back to his room?" Erik nodded before I slid my combat gear back on so I wouldn't have to carry it, he slid me off the bed before we slowly made our way back to my dorm. I heard Erik "so how do you feel?" I looked over and replied "my head hurts like a bitch and my knee is effectively useless so I'm feel in' good" he sighed "smartass" I chuckled as I heard him "so what was the first explosion on the mission?" I racked my brain before replying "oh you mean right after we entered?" He nodded to which I responded "so it turns out my mines will cause C4 to detonate when the BBs hit it. A bomber tried rushing us and my mine detonated, so did the mask" he nodded as we turned the corner and my dorm room came into view. I knocked on the door and waited as the music died down and the footsteps grew until the door opened an a sports bra clad Ela was seen "bring him in" I was drag into the room by Erik before he put me on the bed and looked at Ela "Doc wants updates on if he's actually relaxing or not, you have permission to force him to stay down" she nodded as Erik spoke "now since it is 1am, I'm going to sleep have a good night you two" I waved as I sat on my bed.
      Ela looked at me before turning her music back on and speaking "do me a favor, don't make this harder than it has to be. Just sit there and look pretty" I placed my hand on my chest and asked "you think I'm pretty?" While slowly pulling off my gear leaving me in my pants and white undershirt. She rolled her eyes before sitting on her bed "and try not to piss me off" I chuckled before laying down "that wasn't on my list of shit to do" she nodded as the light turned off and we fell into a comfortable silence the sound of music being the only thing heard until she spoke "I know you probably don't care but you did good today" I smiled at the words before rolling over and getting comfortable thinking about the chance that she might just be warming up to me.
When my alarm went off the next morning I sat up and went to do my work out only for my knee to give out the moment I put weight on it, I held in a yell of pain as I hoped I didn't wake up Ela only for her lamp to turn on and her to sit up. I sighed as I pushed myself up so I was sitting as she looked at me "could you keep it down?" I nodded opting not to talk so I wouldn't let pain slip into my voice before she asked "why are you on the ground?" I replied sheepishly as the pain seeped into my tone "I tried doing my normal routine and my leg didn't hold up to the pressure" she gave me a blank look as she tried to process my words "so you're telling me, you forgot that you're injured?" I nodded and replied "In Ghost Recon we never got days off, even if we were injured." She sighed and stood shivering as the cold air nipped at her exposed skin "come on, back into bed. It's our lazy day, I asked Harry to let me take care of you"
I froze in her grip "why? I thought you hated me" she sighed and mumbled "I don't hate you, I just have bad experiences with new people" when she placed me on my bed I asked "so what do you want to know?" She looked interested as she asked "what languages can you speak?" I smiled slightly "Arabic, Polish, German and French" she asked another question "why'd you join the military?" I sighed and looked down "the wrong reason, I wanted to know what it was like to kill someone. Turns out I'm really good at it" she looked surprised and replied "no patriotic duty? No family legacy? Just that?" I looked up and responded "well my grandfather was a Marine Raider in WW2 so I guess that played a part in it but it was mainly the curiosity" she sighed before asking "why PMC?" I looked out the window and replied "I worked with GRS before, I knew that they hired veterans and I was bored sitting at home. I missed the brotherhood, I missed trusting people with my life" she nodded before saying "alright this is my last question for now: why are you nice to me even after I was so cold?"
I laughed and replied like it's obvious "in this line of work we see the most evil side of humanity, something's gotta balance it out. I'd rather be kind to someone who's mean than rude to someone who needs just a bit of kindness." She nodded accepting my answer before she yawned "I'm heading back to sleep, if you want when I wake up again you can get to know me a bit." I smiled pleased with the idea, "I'll talk to you when you wake up then" before pulling out my sketchbook and starting a new sketch, this time I'd put in some effort. I just sketched random shit until I glanced over and saw Ela looking peaceful in a deep sleep, I flipped to a fresh page and started sketching her, an hour later my sketch was done and I stared at it pleasantly surprised with how well it came out for me being an amateur artist.

Operation: Stunning stingWhere stories live. Discover now