A brutal surprise

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Viktor's POV(2 weeks later)
      I jumped slightly shifting my vest before I looked at the rest of the team seeing them doing their final checks before we paid our neighbors a visit. I looked at my Ak before pulling out my magazine checking it was loaded before I slid the magazine back into the receiver, I looked at my Ak and commented "a serious heater" just for Erik to punch my shoulder "ready to introduce ourselves?" I looked over and asked "think they have any good coffee? I'm dying here bro" he chuckled and shrugged before Glaz spoke up "Comrade, I don't think they'll have anything good in that building" I heard Max "Mate, I'm gonna be honest, I hope these wankers have nightmares about this forever" I looked over with a raised eyebrow as I stood in front of the window looking across the street at the three story town house just waiting for the rest of the team to be ready before I heard Ela next to me "it's almost time" I shifted my eyes from the target to the full moon as it reached its highest point, I nodded and asked "your gear straight?" She smirked and joked "as straight as Erik"
I sighed and replied "straighten it out, we can't have your gear gay" just for Erik to indignantly call "hey! I heard that!" I chuckled as Ela spoke seriously "Tak, my gears good to go." I lifted my fist to which she tapped my fist with her own as I spun and spoke "everyone set?" I got a thumbs up from Erik, Timur replied "да(yes)" while Max nodded "Of course I'm ready ya cunt" and Sebastien replied with his signature kind smile "of course" I checked my watch and mumbled to myself "00:12, time to go to work" I put my hand on my Ak's pistol grip and walked to the elevator, I turned and gripped the metal fence waiting for the other 5 to join me before I slammed it shut and Sebastien hit the button that brings us to the garage, less likely for us to get spotted at 12 am, everyone's asleep. I gave the hand signal to move before handing out NVGs, I received a confused look from Buck as I whispered "they're a surprise tool that will help us later" he chuckled as we fell back into silence and jogged across the street.
I looked to my right when I saw a woman around my age looking shocked at the 6 heavily armed operators moving infront of her I nodded and spoke "Gute Nacht Ma'am, beeilen Sie sich nach Hause. So spät ist es gefährlich(good night ma'am, hurry home. It's dangerous out this late)" she stuttered back, clearly off guard "Ich äh, ich ... ich werde.(I uh, I..... I will)" I smiled before looking forward and nodding to buck "Introduce us, check your fire. We have civilians on target" just as I heard the woman's footsteps growing faint as she ran. His hand shifted forward to his master key before pointing it at the door hinges, he asked "everyone ready?" I shifted my Ak before nodding as he fired twice destroying both door hinges as I rushed forward kicking the door into the room as I peeled left with Ela while Maverick and Buck peeled right, Mozzie and Glaz proceeded straight down the hallway. I checked the close right corner seeing a vase that looked like a person for a second before I turned my head to the left with my Nods painting the room in a green fuzzy light. The room was clear, nothing moved, nothing alive, I motioned back to the hallway and turned heading back just as Maverick and Buck joined the Hallway.
I followed that pair as we moved to where Glaz and Mozzie were waiting at the base of the stairs, I ordered "Stack up, take it slow. Double check corners, make sure you see a gun before you shoot. Copy?" Everyone nodded as my pointer and middle finger straightened and I waved my hand forward twice, Mozzie leveled his Colt and slowly made his way up the stair case. My rifle shifted right as we moved up the staircase, I heard voiced through a door before I saw a C4 charge come flying towards the small Australian infront of me, I grabbed the back of his plate carrier before throwing him behind me into Glaz knocking the rest of the team down as the C4 detonated and the overpressure knocked the wind out of me, I coughed as the team started to pull themselves back to their feet before I leveled my rifle up the steps and quickly advanced forward, determined to get my hands on whoever dared attempt to hurt my team.
     I saw a person disappearing into a room as my vision turned red and I charged forward before sending my foot into the handle, splitting the door in the middle as I sent it flying into the room before lifting my Ak as I watched the mask turn and saw his eyes widen as my barrel flashed and his body dropped, I heard more movement in the room I had passed causing me to spin and head back into the hallway before I saw Maverick come up the staircase and look at me "You good? We heard gunshots" I nodded before I pulled a flashbang off my belt and looked at Maverick, he moved to the other side of the door from me and gripped the doorknob. I gave a nod and he pushed the door open just for rounds to impact the doorframe. I ducked away before lifting my Ak and advancing into the room shorting a mask hiding behind a bed while Maverick came in behind me and shot 2 masks hiding around the corner and in the bathroom I called "Clear!" Which Maverick replied "Room Secure!" I stepped back into the hallway and saw the rest of the team.
I asked "any of you broken?" They all replied no in their native language before I motioned up the staircase "form up" I waited until I felt Ela squeeze my shoulder, I could tell it was her by the lack of crushing pressure as I started up the staircase slowly. I heard footsteps in the room to the left causing me to turn and throw my foot into the door sending it into the room as I tossed a flashbang into the room, I spun as soon as the flashbang went off. I entered the room and scanned it with my nods before I spotted a woman in the corner as she curled into a ball, I heard something bounce at my feet causing me to looked down and see a frag grenade. I swore "Oh you have got to be fucking kiddin' m-" as the grenade detonated and i got thrown to the ground but I was so pissed off the pain never set in, I lifted my Ak as a man stepped out of the closet holding an L85 asking "did you get them?" The woman went to reply as my rifle barked to life as the guys corpse was torn out the window.
Glaz walked into the room just as the woman started to lift a pistol, he reacted quickly lifting his rifle firing 2 rounds dropping the woman. He walked over and spoke in Russian "Иисус Христос, как ты проснулся?(jesus christ, how are you awake?)" I replied "Glaz, I don't speak Russian" he asked in English "how are you awake?" I tilted my head to the side and asked "what do you mean?" Just as Buck walked into check on us and froze "holy shit" I looked down and saw my legs, the lower half of the pant legs torn as if a tiger tore into my legs, the blood obscured most of the damage as I spoke "get me up, we need to finish clearing" they looked confused until Maverick walked in "what the fucks the hold u- Jesus Christ" I sighed before ordering again "get. Me. Up." No one moved until Maverick sighed and walked forward gripping my arm and ripping me up to my feet. He let go of my arm causing my legs to shake before they strengthened and I nodded and the team moved back into the hallway heading to the final floor "Let's get this done, I wanna get this shrapnel out of my fuckin leg"
They nodded before we rallied on Ela and Mozzie, Ela's mouth opened as she spotted my wound I waved her off as we moved up the staircase until rounds punched through the wall hitting Mozzie in the shoulder, I heard one of the masks yell "surrender!" I yelled back "you have officially pissed me off!" As Buck used his master key on the wall opening it as I fired at the retreating mask before Ela bashed her shoulder into the door sending it flying in, we piled through the door before forming a wall of fire and slowly advancing forward shooting at the masks hiding behind cover. We advanced so quickly the masks couldn't even react as we moved through their cover. The team quickly secured the room before Maverick looked at me and Mozzie "How're you guys holding up?" I gave a thumbs up while Mozzie replied simply "it's just a flesh wound" I handed out jobs "Ela check these boxes, Buck check that computer, Glaz look through that file. Mozzie cover the door, Maverick, you and I are scouring these papers. Get moving, grab anything you thinks important. We'll go over it at our hard point"
We scoured for half an hour before I was sure we double checked that we read everything causing me to stand and call out "Rainbow, rally. We are leaving!" Everyone moved over to Mozzie before Buck squeezed his shoulder as I heard a hiss from Mozzie and Buck spoke "oh fuck, I'm sorry bro. I forgot about your wound" Mozzie nodded clearly in pain "it's not tits up yet Mate" as we made our way out of the building quickly. When we reached the first floor I checked my watch and saw 01:56 "took an hour and 44 minutes, slower than I would've liked" just for Ela to reply "I think it took that long because we kept dicking around staring at your wounds or talking" I nodded and replied "all we had to do was take out some masks, we need to be smoother with it. I want us to be able to clear a house in 5 minutes" buck replied with his confident tone "I think we'll get there" I replied with determination "you have no choice" as we disappeared into the darkness of the predawn morning.

Operation: Stunning stingWhere stories live. Discover now