A dollar short

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Viktor's POV
      My attention was dragged away from the window as Sebastien called "Hey boss, we got something" I turned and walked over, leaning on the table he pushed a paper infront of me. I picked it up and quickly read it before speaking "we roll with the punches here," as I pulled up a whiteboard and quickly scribbled down 'terrorist attack at 10am, Reichstag' before I turned to the group who's attention was now firmly on me "Things pop up unexpectedly and we have to react, such as were shotgunning it in 2 hours. Get your gear ready" they nodded and set off to get their gear staged and ready while I walked back to the window and looked at the polizei going in and out of the house searching for anything that could explain the 16 dead people inside. I called Harry as I turned and watched the team, he picked up quickly "Hold on" I didn't reply until Harry spoke "okay, this call's been secured. What do you need?" I replied calmly "I need you to inform the German government of a terrorist plot and get them to clear out the reichstag within the next hour and a half. The attack is supposed to take place in 2 hours, my team will be there in an hour and a half to set up a welcoming party"
      He asked hopefully "I'm guessing your first assault was a success?" I chuckled and replied "I'm currently watching the Polizei try to figure out what happened, we got as much intel that looked promising as we could. I suppose you could call it a success, there was one person they pulled out alive. All he'll be able to say was that 6 heavily armed people stormed a house in the dark and killed everything" Harry sounded pleased as he replied "I'll inform the authorities and get the evacuation underway" I asked simply "sir, try to make it clear we need this done without the masks catching wind" Harry gave one last order "try not to turn Berlin into a war zone" I sighed and looked at the damage we caused at the target house "I'll try my best sir, but I make no promises" he spoke "stay safe, I'll see you when you return" I offered simply "until next time Sir" as I hung up and asked the group "everything staged?" They nodded as I started getting my gear together before I sat in a chair and put my legs up on the table slowly loading my magazines.
     I looked at the team and internally sighed "day ops are always more dangerous, I want all of you on the swivel. No chatter, keep it short and on mission, clear?" They nodded as Mozzie spoke "mate, you seem a lot more strict then when we were at Rainbow" Maverick explained "he's been like that since he was with me in the Unit, the stricter he is on mission the less likely we are to make a fatal mistake. He's only really relaxed off mission on mission however he treats every hit like it's an HVT" I nodded before replying for myself "I do it because I want you guys to be the best, if I give you the same expectations I got in my ghost squad. You'll rise to them, I know that much for sure" he smirked confidently before I asked simply "Max, why are you here?" He looked at me intrigued the look matched by everyone else as I explained "you're married, you have a family. Why did you accept a mission that has a roughly 80% probability of dying?"
     He looked up at me and replied easily "well mate, these wankers want to burn away everything we know. I want my kid to grow up in a world that doesn't have these cunts trying to destroy it. This is the fastest way to get that result" I nodded before standing and speaking "let's go over the schematics, I want every escape path memorized" they nodded as we started marking the whiteboard up with points we thought were important, kill areas, places we could set up our gadgets. An hour later I walked over to the door holding my Ak, as the team got ready to move to the SUV I added on one last task "try not to cause too much damage to the reichstag, Harry doesn't want us to turn Berlin into a war zone. If we can we'll catch the Masks before they even get out of their car. You see a gun, you shoot them" they nodded as we turned and headed out to the elevator. Once we got into the elevator, I spoke "Take off your patches" I heard Ela "co?(what?)" I spoke again "take off your patches, we're replacing them. Put on these" as I handed them the new Rainbow-SOG(Special Operations Group) patches.
They quickly slapped on their new patches as we jogged to the SUV and headed to the Reichstag in an attempt to get ahead of the Mask attack. We arrived and stayed in our suv as we waited for any vehicle that looked suspicious, it took 28 minutes before a black van pulled in and the passenger shifted, his L85 popped into view as I heard Buck "Passenger in the black van, he's armed. He's got the mask jacket too" I replied simply "check" as the rear door opened. I gripped my Ak and spoke "let's get evil" as I slid out of the drivers seat and the rest of the team jumped out. I gave the move forward hand gesture as we started towards the mask van. One of them looked up at me as I shoulder my Ak, he recoiled and yanked up his 6P41 causing me to fire and drop him. His teammates spun at the sound while the civilians around us screamed in terror as the rest of the team started to engage, the masks from the first van dropped quickly while the driver slipped out of his seat and jogged away before I shouldered my Ak and put 6 rounds in his back dropping him.
I spoke to the team as we pressed forward "secure the van, Glaz, Buck keep your eyes open for more masks" they nodded as I crouched at the first mask I dropped and started checking his pockets until I heard Glaz "I got two more vans, heavily armed combatants, masks, they're messing with something in the back" I motioned to the team "Maverick, you and Mozzie move with Glaz. Hit the first van. Ela, Buck we got van 2, let's move" I could hear cop cars in the distance as their sirens grew louder. We started jogging towards the Van as a mask popped out firing at us, setting off another round of terrified screams from civilians. We hit the deck, as soon as the rounds stopped snapping past us I popped up peppering the side of the Van with 5.45mm rounds, we continued trading fire as we hopped cover to firing. I pulled a flashbang and joked with Ela "so that hour of planning was fucking useless" as I threw it at the masks watching it bounce off the front of one of the terrorists masks.
       I laughed as I stood and fired while moving forward Ela and Buck stood and matched my push before Buck threw a frag which punctured the gas tank causing gasoline to leak out bathing the masks in it, I saw my opportunity and fired some rounds into the pavement causing it to spark as my round impacted which started a fire that quickly engulfed the van completely, I watched in interest before the van detonated from explosives in the back. The van lifted in the middle and was torn to shards, I turned and radioed Maverick "how's your gunfight?" He replied angrily "these fuckers woke just FUCKING DIE!" Ask heard a long burst from Mavericks M4, I chuckled before looking at the burning wreckage of the mask's van "come on," while radioing Maverick "Keep them busy, my element is moving to catch them in an L" Mozzie called back "hurry, my dinky fucking SMG isn't doing much" we jogged over to a car that gave us great cover I spoke to the team not taking my eyes off the Mask's "stay behind the engine block, cars to my left go" as I leveled my Am and started firing tearing the Masks apart.
Buck and Ela quickly got their guns up as the masks scrambled to mount a defense from the new front of gunfire, they almost did it until Mozzie threw a nitro cell and flipped the Van, I watched as the van landed on the legs of the last three surviving Masks. One was killed while the other two had their legs from the hips down crushed under the van. I pushed forward holding my Ak at the ready as one of the masks sat up holding his L85 determined to take one of us with him, I made sure he never got the chance as 12 rounds tore through his chest puncturing his vital organs and causing him to slump back coughing as he choked on his own blood just for Mozzie to come around the other side of the Van and fired his Colt 9mm into the final surviving mask quickly ending him just for the Polizei to arrive. I turned as the cops got out of their cars with their pistols drawn yelling in German "Einfrieren! Steig auf den Boden!(Freeze! Get on the ground!)" we raised our hands as I called back "Wir sind Terrorismusbekämpfung! Wir arbeiten mit Team Rainbow!(were counter terror! We work with Team Rainbow!)" the cops relaxed slightly but kept their pistols trained on us as he slowly walked forward "Wo ist dein Ausweis?(where's your ID?)"
I replied "linke Brusttasche(left breast pocket)" he reached in and pulled it out reading my Rainbow ID card "Ich verstehe, was machst du hier?(I see, what are you doing here?)" I motioned to the destroyed Mask vehicles "Wir haben einen Terroranschlag gestoppt und die Regierung und Ihren Kommandanten informiert(stopping a terrorist attack, we informed the government and your commander)" he sighed in frustration before mumbling to himself, he looked at me and asked "Was können wir tun, um zu helfen?(what can we do to help?)" I replied simply "Halten Sie die Zivilisten zurück und suchen Sie nach Informationen, die wir finden können, bevor Sie zur Basis zurückkehren(keep the civilians back, were searching for any intelligence we can find before returning to base)" the officer turned and started yelling orders to his officers while my team started searching for intel.

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