The sim

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Viktor's POV
I stood with my gear on leaning against the wall watching the operators talk until I heard Sam next to me "they're good people, aren't they?" I nodded before replying "sometimes in this line of work, it pays not to be a good person" he nodded before replying "sometimes good people need to do evil things to protect the innocent" I shrugged before resting my hand on my Ak "I long for simpler times, when I wasn't so tired" he spoke his tone showing his age "we all do, everyone that's made it this far wishes we could go back to sitting on a base bored out of our minds because nothing's happening." I heard the door open and saw Erik and Ela walking in with their combat gear, I spoke in hushed tones to Sam "I just want to protect them all, shield them from the horrors they've already seen" he replied matching my tone "I know but it's too late for them, all we can do is protect the average person from the horrors we see" I gave a thumbs up as Erik walked over "how much longer before the game?" I checked my watch "a minute and a half if everything's on schedule"
He nodded his thanks before asking "so why are you two hiding over here away from the rest of us?" I replied truthfully "I still don't think I belong here, I'm not a soldier anymore. I'm a mercenary." He sighed and replied "just give it a chance, the team isn't the biggest fan of PMCs but they respect what you did on the mission. They respect the comradery between you and Sam, come meet some more of them." I looked over "maybe later, I want to think" just for Ela to impact the wall next to me as she leaned against it "enough of this moody bitch shit, let's go. You're meeting some of my other friends" I looked over and asked "am I one of your friends now?" She rolled her eyes "you've been for a bit now, come on" as she grabbed my arm and dragged me off the wall as Sam raised an eyebrow at me to which I gave him a look of resignation which he chuckled at, while Erik pushed himself off the wall "come on Sam, you don't get to sit this one out either"
      He sighed as they started walking over and Ela introduced me to her friends who looked at me with interest, I was taller than most of them "These are my friends: Grace 'Dokkaebi' Nam, Elena 'Mira' Álvarez, Jordan 'thermite' Trace and finally Elias 'Blitz' Kötz" I nodded as Ela introduced me "Viktor 'Agony' Cross, hes our newest Contractor." I gave a small wave as Jordan smiled "nice to talk to you again" I replied shortly "you as well" as the rest of them said their hellos and started talking again while I slowly made my way away from the group until Ela reached back without looking and grabbed my elbow "nie, you're staying in this conversation. You will meet the operators" I sighed and crossed my arms but stood next to Ela talking with Jordan the only other Marine I'd met until he asked "Have you met warden? He's a marine too" I had my interest peaked and shook my head no "No, we'll have to start hanging out more. Its been a long time since I got to talk with fellow marines, I've been running with Army units since 2011" he shook his head in dismay "simply unacceptable" I agreed as we started off towards the second group.
     When we arrived Jordan called "Collinn, come here I want you to meet somebody" the man who looks like the conductor on the polar express walked over "this who you wanted me to meet, buddy?" Jordan nodded "this is Viktor, callsign's agony, he's a marine like us" collinn's demeanor shifted "so what unit were you in in the marines?" I smirked and replied bragging slightly "1st Marine Raiders" Jordan choked on his breath "shit, I thought you were like a recon marine or something. Not the fuckin' Raiders" Collinn shook my hand "nice to have you aboard, we out number the army boys and the Squids now." I laughed "glad I could be of assistance" I asked "so what's your callsign Collinn?" He replied with pride "I'm Warden, currently with the secret service" I shook his hand "nice to meet you, officially or unofficially" Jordan asked "so what unit got you to be better than Sam?" I looked over at the aging operative and replied "Ghost recon, I was the point man on my team so expect me at the tip of the spear" Collinn shivered and replied "I've talk to a few Ghost Recon boys and damn, y'all got some mean mothers with ya."
I laughed before replying "yeah, the Ghosts will do that to you" just then Ela appeared next to me "come, Grace has a question" I sighed as Ela dragged me back to the first group while Jordan and Collinn watched the interaction with interest before talking to each other quietly. Just as Ela spun me and I saw the original group, I chirped "hello again" as Ela prompted "Grace you had a question?" To which Grace nodded and asked "so I wanna know like, why are you.... hmm, how is it that you're a member of the team?" I asked trying to clarify "like how am I a part of this military unit when I'm not currently enlisted in the US military?" She nodded to which I explained "the same way, Kali's PMC is a part of the team. I work for a Private Security contracting company. We're effectively a PMC, Harry approached us with a contract and the firm went for it. I just happened to be the one Harry requested, probably because of my military experience" she asked interested "and what experience is that?"
I noticed the rest of Ela's friends were fixated on the conversation as I listed off my previous units, Grace sounded surprised and slightly incredulous "you were a part of Ghost Recon? No way" I asked her interested "what's so unbelievable about that?" She replied "I don't know, you just look so normal. You don't look like someone who could kill me with a plastic spoon" I laughed coldly "looks can be deceiving. Can't they, fake glasses?" She recoiled and asked "how did you know that?" I leaned back looking at the ceiling above me "I read your file, I've read all your files." She looked slightly more comfortable before replying "o-oh" I looked at the rest of the group "anyone else have doubts as to where I come from?" They shook their heads no as I spun and walked away towards Collinn only for footsteps behind me to cause me to turn and see Ela "h-hey" I nodded as she continued "I'm sorry, I wasn't aware she'd ask that question" I nodded before asking "is that all?" She sighed and replied "seriously, I'm sorry. I should've figured out what she wanted to know" I sighed and replied "it's fine"
Just as Harry walked in "I apologize for being late ladies and gentlemen, the meeting dragged on longer than I thought it would. The attackers team will be Agony, Dokkaebi, Lion, Zero and Maverick. The defender team for the match will be Ela, Frost, Lesion, Castle and Warden." I smirked as my hand gripped my Ak's pistol as I looked at Ela "show me what you got Slav" she laughed "I'm gonna kick your ass, con" I walked forward to where the staging area was while everyone who wasn't part of the match made their way up to the spectators stand. I stood next to Erik and Sam as I watched Ela walk into the training mock up only for Erik to ask "what? You falling in love?" I looked over before looking back at her "no, just trying to commit what she looks like happy to memory so I don't forget when she's pissed for a week that I beat her" he laughed as Sam replied "christ kid, you sound insane" I rolled my eyes as Lion and Dokkaebi walked over causing Sam to ask "you two ready?" Lion replied "I always am" as Dokkaebi looked at me for a second before nodding.
      I heard Harry "Attackers prepare to assault." I tossed my drone at the building and pulled up my phone before driving my drone around the building until Lion spoke as I watched Warden rum through the building looking like one of the tube men from a car dealership "they're upstairs in the cubicles" I saw frost running around "Frost has her bear traps on the yellow staircase and by the reception desk" I heard Maverick "rog" as I drove my drone into the cubicles until it got picked up by Ela I sighed as she smirked "dzień dobry(hello) Agony, be a dear and surrender" I laughed at the joke before putting my phone away as Harry spoke "3 minutes on the clock" I lifted my ak to a low ready before jogging to the door and handing out jobs "Maverick, cut her open. Zero, get a camera in the wall before he does that, make sure there's no one there. Lion, Dokkaebi, watch the second deck windows." Lion asked annoyed "who the hell are you to tell me what to do?" I looked at him with my cold indifferent eyes "I will get your ass sent all the way back to the GIGN if you don't do your FUCKING JOB!" He recoiled at the threat before Harry spoke "Lion, remember my warning."
       He sighed and took steps back lifting his 308 and aiming at the second floor while Zero spoke "we're clear" I looked at maverick and nodded before aiming at a window I heard movement behind until the barricade broke and a wide eyed Warden appeared in my sight as I waved before squeezing the trigger watching 11 rounds hit him before Maverick spoke "breach is up" as I called over comms "Lion, Dokkaebi, rally. Agony moving interior" as the team replied "copy" as I crouched through the breach before standing and moving to the door way as the rest of the team moved through the breach. I saw what looked like a soup can go flying through the doorway as it hit Lion dropped to the ground and detonated in a cloud of green only for a barrel to come through the doorway as I rushed forward he reacted quickly throwing a right kick towards my left flank that I caught with my hand before I pulled my pistol and pumped 7 shots into his chest marking him dead before listing my Ak and looking back at Lion "You good?" He nodded "oui, his mines sting like a bitch" as I spoke "Zero, take Dokkaebi and Lion. Go to the yellow stairs, Maverick and I will go up the spiral stairs and we'll meet at the Receptionist's desk"
      He gave a thumbs up and spoke "let's go kids, we're going hunting" I started moving from the main entrance near the 1st floor bathroom to the spiral stairs just before I paused and asked Maverick "Frost had 3 bear traps right?" He nodded as I sighed before starting up the staircase just for Ela's much more accurate Scorpion fire tore past my head as the instinct and training took over and I fired back as I quickly moved up the staircase until my instincts lit up and I sensed a trap stopping misstep before glancing down, seeing no bear trap. I mumbled to myself "so that's not the trap.... Ela has her Grzmots, could that be the trap." I took a step back and spoke to Maverick "I'm droning cover me" he nodded as I tossed out my drone and started the hunt for the trap trying to figure out what caused my bad feeling.

Operation: Stunning stingWhere stories live. Discover now