The Sim pt.2

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Viktor's POV
      I drove my drone around the receptionists desk and noticed frost hiding with her shotgun causing me to smirk and put my phone back in my vest before I whispered to Maverick "Frost is behind the desk, I'll toss my mine back there you drag her" he nodded as my hand slid into the pouch on my leg slowly pulling out my mine before glancing back at Erik as he gripped the pin on his grenade before he nodded and I tossed my mine behind the counter hearing the loud pop and the BBs ricocheted only for me to watch the grenade go flying behind the counter as I stood and fired rounds through the wood hitting the now stunned Frost as the grenade detonated and more plastic BBs shot around as I pushed through the doorway checking right seeing Zero and Dokkaebi but no lion before I turned left at the sound of foam only for my eyes to widen as Ela's grzmot came flying towards me, I tried to shoot it but missed in my hurry only for it to land next to me and detonate while I heard Castle putting up his barricade as Maverick pushed around the corner trying to catch Ela as she retreated.
I shook my head clearing the headache as Zero rallied and asked "what happened?" My ears were still ringing so I yelled back "what?!" To which he asked again only for me to ask again "what?!" As Maverick called "let's go! While my ears stopped ringing. I looked at Zero while moving over to a Maverick and asked "what happened to Lion?" He looked at Dokkaebi and replied "he didn't announce he was crossing muzzles, Dokkaebi shot him in the ear" I looked at her before shaking my head in disappointment before I tapped my helmet twice with a closed fist to which Maverick nodded and broke out his torch, I looked at Dokkaebi "still got a use of your virus?" She nodded as I spoke "use it the moment we're ready to breach, a nod is the signal" she looked nervous as Maverick spoke "breach is ready" as we stacked only for an impact grenade to hit the barricade and Ela to pop around the corner behind us, I fell to a knee and lifted my AK hitting her in the chest with 14 rounds as Dokkaebi fell on Zero.
I chuckled as I lifted my pistol at Ela as she tried to crawl away, I grabbed her ankle and pulled her around the corner before pointing my pistol at her chest and quipping "maybe next time mały niedźwiedź(little bear)" she glared at me as I pulled the trigger 3 more times quickly holstering my pistol and lifting my Ak nodding to Maverick joking in a yogi bear impersonation "Cover me boo-boo, I'm goin in" which Zero lifted his rifle and squeezed my shoulder as we flooded into the break room slowly moving up the wall until I peeled off and checked the printing room. I found nothing but hand an idea I set up one of my mines and used my rifle to breach a hole in the wall so the proximity detector could sense targets, the blast wouldn't do any damage but it would tell me if someone moved past it as I headed back out into the hallway covering the door we'd entered from as Maverick and Zero breached. I kept my sights on the door until my mine went off, I stepped to my right and swung my rifle left putting my entire magazine into the wall as I swept my barrel at head height from left to right.
      On my last sweep I heard Harry "Congratulations Attacking Team, enemy forces eliminated" I walked back to where I left Ela's 'body' and saw her sitting up I crouched infront of her "it was a good attempt" she glared at me "I'll beat you one day" I nodded and rotated my arm hearing it crack and pop "I look forward to it, but enough about one day more about right now. Come on, get up" as I extended my hand to her and pulled her to her feet as Frost popped up from behind the receptionists desk holding her head as the rest of us made our way out of the training mock up. I walked forward seeing Harry standing with a clipboard "a grand performance on both ends. Agony, well done with the adaptation and leadership. The rest of you can learn a thing or two from him and Zero. Feel free to proceed up to the stands, the next match will be Glaz, Zofia, Ash, Montaigne and Capitao vs Jäger, Bandit, Pulse, melusi and Oryx" I slowly walked up the steps before sitting down leaning back against the backrest before settling in for interesting matches only to have Ela sit next to me "so what did I do wrong?" I glanced over and replied "in time, watch the match. See if you can tell me what they do wrong"
She sighed and looked at the Tv and the body cams "you better tell me by the end of the day" I looked to my left at Erik "told you she'd be pissed for a week" I heard Ela from my other side as Erik laughed "I'm not gonna be pissed for a week, I'm gonna be pissed until I fix the problems" I patted her shoulder before leaning back and watching the game go on. At the end of it I asked Ela "so what'd you see them do wrong?" She looked at me and replied "um, Jäger pushed without much intel? Melusi just sprayed and prayed, and Ash separated herself and got executed for it" I nodded before replying "you're right about the Ash one. The other two you're off about, now here's what I saw. Jäger didn't watch where he put his feet, Zofia pushed too laxly without properly supporting her team. Glaz was too far behind his team to do anything to change the fate of his teammates. Pulse was too focused on his sensor and wasn't paying attention to his surroundings, the teams were scattered if you noticed during the match my team was in two different locations but we were always together we could support each other."
      She nodded slowly as Erik pointed out "flourish or die, we will do it together. You have to trust your teammates completely, everyone in that game played solo, they always had one on one battles whereas when you were fighting our team it was one be four and you only 'killed' one" she nodded as it set in "I see, it makes sense" I pointed out "it's time you let go of the past" she looked at me and said "szansa na śnieżkę w piekle(a snowball's chance in hell)" I replied annoyed "then I will have no part in training you, you will sit there stagnant while your peers surpass you. You will be left in the past to fade from memory unlike the past you hold on to so fervently"
       She looked shocked at the passive threat "co?(what?)" I replied simply "Nie będę cię szkolić, jeśli będziesz trzymał się przeszłości, możesz albo się z nią pogodzić, albo dołączyć do niej w pamięci(I will not train you if you hold onto the past, you can either come to terms with it or join it in memory)" she crossed her arms and huffed before mumbling to herself grumpily while I simply watched the next game before I heard Erik "you're not seriously thinking about letting her fall behind the rest of us right?" I looked over and replied clearly bored with the conversation "of course I am, I meant what I said. If she continues to let the past control her future then she can fade to the pasts memory. I don't have time to deal with it" he nodded slowly as we fell quiet. I'd occasionally look over at Ela while she stared at her feet and thought over her options before I stood and walked out mid game heading back to my dorm. I slowly walked through the halls whistling a tune before I heard footsteps behind me, I didn't pay any attention to it before I heard Ela "can I ask you something?"
       I pointed out "you just did" she asked "can I ask another question then?" I repeated "you just did" she sighed in annoyance "can I ask two questions?" I nodded and spoke "you've already done it" she asked confused "when?" I replied "now" she groaned and asked "seriously, I wanna know something" I stopped toying with her before stopping and turning so I faced her "what?" She asked a simple question "how are you so capable of just letting the past go? Why is it so easy for you?" I replied easily "because it's the past, I focus on the moment whatever happens in that moment matters. A second later, it doesn't matter anymore. You simply let it go, think of it like a river, if you put a leaf on a river it immediately floats away with the current. Let the hatred go and float away with the current" she nodded slowly before asking "how much anger have you let go?" I replied looking down the hallway as we started walking again "at people? Most of it. At the enemy? None of it. I hate them just as much as the first attack" she asked "why do you say people and then the Enemy as if they're different? The enemy are still people" I shook my head no "they're not, they're dogs to be put down. Anyone who can murder innocents in cold blood and not lose sleep about it, will never see another sunrise when I get my hands on them" she shivered slightly before accepting the idea "Dziękuję Ci(thank you), it clears up a lot. I'm gonna let go of the anger, I want to get better, I can't let the past control my future" I smiled at the conviction "there's hope for you left"

Operation: Stunning stingWhere stories live. Discover now