The final hit

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Ela's POV
I looked at the whiteboard one more time as we got our gear together for the assault, I glanced at Viktor and asked "So do you think were moving AO after tonight?" He nodded and spoke "I've got a good feeling about this hit" just as he looked at the whiteboard and wrote down Pointman, breacher, 3 man, 4 man, 5 man and rearguard "Alright everyone, I'm assigning positions so grab your Mountain Dew and cookies and gather round" we all moved towards the whiteboard as he wrote himself down as pointman, "I'm at the point, Seb I know you haven't much actions in the previous battles so you're my breacher. You're in right after me" as he wrote down Task Force Buck. He looked at me "Ela you're the 3 man. You're coming in after buck" I nodded "Brzmi dobrze(sounds good)" as he wrote down my name. He continued "Max, you're 4 man." Max smirked confidently "fuck yea mate" as he looked at Timur "Timur, you're 5 man. You're job is to scan the room for anyone hiding or that we thought we killed" Timur gave the OK hand gesture as he looked at Erik "my brother, you're on rear guard. If anything moves behind us, grease em" Maverick laughed and joked "of course give yourself the fun job" to which Viktor laughed in reply "you can do that too when you run an op" I hissed at the jab "damn, that was harsh"
Erik shook his head and replied to me "that's one of the easiest way we Unit guys show our love for one another" Sebastien asked "what? Flaming each other?" Erik and Viktor nodded just as Viktor's phone rang he picked it up "hello?" He listened for a couple seconds before replying "yes sir, I'll get it done." He listened again before saying "of course sir, I'll notify you the first moment I can after we bag her" he was quiet once more before speaking "yes sir, we'll document everything. Good evening sir" before he hung up and looked at us "well kids, good news. We have a confirmed HVT on target" Maverick asked "kill or capture?" He responded quickly, easily "Kill, the mission has been changed. It's no longer a sweep and clear, it's a tag and bag" I shivered at the tone as Timur asked "what about the rest of the masks? Are we focusing on getting the HVT or killing as many masks as possible?" He looked conflicted for a single second before replying "masks are priority, if you have the choice between the HVT and the average mask. You drop that HVT"
      We nodded before he spoke "we leave in 30 mikes, gather you gear, do your rituals we meet at the SUV" as he walked over to his gear. I stood from my seat and headed over to my bag, I lifted my Scorpion I ran my hand over the heat guard before I pulled out my magazine and started loading them just for me to feel a presence behind me, I looked behind me and saw Viktor standing behind me talking to Erik "Hey Goldilocks, toss me your sharpening stone" Erik called back "I thought you had yours" Viktor shrugged and spoke "I guess not" just as Maverick threw it at him, at me too and I wasn't ready to catch it if I had to. Viktor seemed to notice he was standing right next to me and that I had a large metal file flying towards me, he reacted quickly and sidestepped putting himself between me and the stone.
      I turned just for Viktor to catch the sharpening stone and called over to Erik "thanks gold" just for Sebastien to ask "what the fuck just happened?" I shook my head dumbfounded as Max laughed "fuckin' 'ell, you yanks are something" Viktor and Erik joined him in laughing as Viktor sat down and started sharpening his knife. I finished loading my magazines before checking that my sights were aligned, I suggested to Viktor "why don't we put suppressors on our weapons? Well be able to stay undetected for a couple more kills" Viktor nodded before replying "That may be true, but it's not up to me. It's up to the team, if you can get half the team on board with taking off their compensators then we'll do it" I turned and started asking the team members if they be willing while Viktor continued to get his gear together.
Viktor's POV
I looked up and watched Ela trying to get the team to switch to suppressors and while I agree it's a good call, If the team has to deal with more recoil than normal they may be less effective. I pulled out my suppressor and started to twist it on just for Timur to ask me "Comrade, what are you doing? Compensator or Suppressor?" I lifted my Ak and motioned to my muzzle showing the suppressor, Sebastien asked "do you think it's a good idea?" I sighed and stood before lifting my Ak and wrapping the sling around me before speaking "yes, I do. I agree with the tactical advantages Ela's offered." I saw the team quickly pulling out their suppressors and twisted them on as Ela turned and started walking back to her gear, she looked at me and flashed a smile. I nodded before returning the small smile and heading down to the garage, I walked to the SUV and slid in, hiding my Ak in between my seat and the center console. I waited for 15 minutes before Ela joined me and asked "can I ask you something?" I nodded and replied "shoot" to which she paused for a second before asking "do you ever regret joining the army?" I replied simply "no" she asked intrigued "why not?" I spoke "it's who I am, I'm always looking for the next challenge, the next level. I refuse to accept mediocrity, I want to be the most badass motherfucker there is" she chuckled as the back door opened and Sebastien and Erik climbed in.
I looked in the rear view and waited for Max and Timur to climb in before I checked my watch "23:51, were right on target for Zero dark thirty" I heard Timur "Comrade you keep saying zero dark thirty, what does it mean?" I replied as we pulled out of the garage "thirty minutes after midnight. On the 24 hour clock midnight is 00:00. Zero dark is midnight because it's zero hours and dark, thirty is how many minutes past midnight it is" the team except for Erik were working on absorbing the information as I continued driving. We arrived causing me to check my watch one last time 00:24, "let's go" as I slid out and pulled my Ak out of its hiding spot before jogging over to where we were breaching into the building, I saw two masks standing on either side of the door causing me to lift my ak and let 3 suppressed bursts go dropping the two as I spun and felt my back impact the brick wall with the team stacking up behind me.
I gripped the doorknob as Maverick asked "what the fuck are you doing? You think the doors gonna be unlocked?" As I twisted the doorknob and pushed it in watching the door go swinging in "Bet you feel like an asshole now" as I pulled down my nods and headed into the darkness hunting the HVT. I heard the team funneling in behind me as I turned to my right and headed into the dining room seeing 3 masks in a dimly lit room going over maps and talking "we can detonate a bomb here and take out the power of Berlin" I whistled getting there attention as I sent bursts into them, they took 5-7 rounds each as their bodies hit the ground with a thud, I smiled to myself before turning back into the hallway placing a piece of neon yellow tape on the doorframe. I rejoined the stack as they came out of the living room, I motioned up the staircase to which the team wordlessly conveyed their understanding as I slowly made my way up the staircase. I got about 3/4 of the way up the staircase before a board creaked under my weight, I cringed at the sound before hearing footsteps upstairs growing louder.
I lifted my Ak and aimed at the corner waiting until a mask came around the corner trying to see what the noises downstairs was, I heard the shocked intake of breath as his eyes widened and his mouth hung slack as he saw my frame and Ak pointed at him I smirked an evil smile as I squeezed my trigger feeling the kick as the 12 rounds tore through his body, he started falling forward forcing me to catch him. I felt the air leave his lungs as the stench filled my nose, I gagged at the smell of death before I turned and carefully laid down the body before I turned back to the way I originally faced and started up the staircase again. I heard more hurried movement upstairs as I thumbed my radio and whispered "I think they know somethings up, stay frosty" before my left hand returned to my fore grip. I slowly came around the corner leaning to expose as little of a target as I could while still being able to see, I smirked when I saw nothing as I continued to the closest door.
I paused next to it as Buck moved to the other side and nodded to me, I smirked and pushed the door in. Buck crossed infront of me as I patted his back as I came in behind him hearing his C8 already opening enemies up as I checked the corner behind him finding no enemies, my head snapped to the left when I heard a crash. I saw a Mask trying to stand after tripping, he was trying to get away from Buck's hunt so fast he tripped over a box flipping it spilling papers everywhere. Buck quickly made sure the terrorist didn't make it another foot as I moved over and crouched lifting a paper as the rest of the team flooded in checking for any more terrorists, I saw this paper had some dates and locations causing me to pull out some more neon yellow tape and to slap it on the doorframe marking it as a possible intel hotspot before we moved to the two rooms across the hallway I thumbed my radio once more "2 people per room, Maverick, Mozzie hold this hallway" I got nods before I heard footsteps above us and shouts "get the guns! Take position! Keep Hunter safe!" I mused "so she's called hunter now" to which Ela spoke "we should secure these rooms, we can get up to her soon" I nodded as buck spoke "knocking" as his shotgun fired and Ela shoved the door open as I charged forward.
I checked right and fired a burst into a mask before shifting my sight to the left seeing 4 enemies getting their senses back causing me to spray from the hip hiding down two of them before my rifle cleared empty, I released my grip on it and pulled my pistol firing half a magazine into one of the men while Ela fired into the last guy dropping him. I pulled my pistol into my chest as I walked deeper into the room checking the last corner before calling "clear" and Ela spoke into comms "room secured" as we moved back into the hallway and crouched with our backs to Mozzie and Maverick. I lifted my ak and pulled my magazine out of the gun speaking "I'm reloading" before sliding it into my mag bag before pulling one out of my mag sleeve off my chest before sliding it into my Ak flipping my al so the magazine faced the wall and used my left hand to pull the bolt back priming my ak. Just then Buck and Glaz walked out "room is secured" I stood and spun "let's get up to the third floor then, It'd be rude not to introduce ourselves to Hunter"

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