Harry's dangerous gamble

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Viktor's POV
I stood in front of Harry and a couple Ambassadors from various nations as he asked "so tell me what's your plan for attacking the masks strongholds?" I asked tentatively "are you familiar with the operations of MACV-SOG?" He nodded as I explained "I want a fireteam to be put in Mask Territory where we will hunt down intelligence and Masks. We'll do overnight missions and then fall back to a strongpoint and hold it until the next morning" the Ambassador from America spoke nervously "that's an extremely dangerous mission outlook" the ambassador from Poland asked "how long do you believe this operation will take?" I looked at her and replied "Ma'am, I intend to take my team and keep doing operations until we die or the Mask sect in that AO is dismantled" the Russian Ambassador asked "Mr. Agony, you are aware that these operators are huge investments correct?" I looked at him and replied "Mr. Ambassador, we are expendable assets. We get paid to take risks and die if necessary, that's one of the reasons you sign up for the job." He replied "that may be true but the experience you all hold cannot be replaced with a new soldier"
I offered in reply "sir, with all due respect, what's more important? Preserving the experience or taking out the enemy" he looked down slowly thinking about the argument before the Australian Ambassador asked "What do you need to get this done?" I looked at her and thought about it "After infil, probably just the usual resupply. Food, water, ammo, comms gear" Harry spoke again "I can arrange everything if your nations can provide them" to which the American Ambassador replied "you have our partial support until this strategy proved itself, after that we'll give you full support" I involuntarily recoiled at this whole thinking where the fuck was this support when I was with Ghost Recon? Before the rest of the ambassadors pledged their nations support and the meeting was over. I watched the ambassadors file out of the room before I sat on Harry's desk and listened as he spoke "Viktor, you need to get some wins. We need to get off of defense, we need the initiative" I nodded before hearing another question "who do you want on the team? I can spare anyone you need" I looked out the window and answered.
"Ela, Glaz, Maverick, Buck and Mozzie" he sounded surprised "6 people? That's a large team, you sure that'll help you get your mission done?" I nodded and replied "Ela and I are Area denial specialist, Glaz is a Sniper, Maverick and Buck are breachers and Mozzie is an information gathering operator. They each have necessary skills I will need in order to properly get this done" he sighed but pulled out a form and started filling it out for another 3 minutes before he slid the file to me "this is your mission profile, I've given you more than enough engagement reports for you to properly keep track of all engagements and missions in the operation. You'll return to Hereford after the first Sect is destroyed, you'll take a break before redeploying to the next sect. Rinse and repeat until the mission is complete, how copy?" I looked over at him and simply replied "Agony copies all, sir" he smiled before leaning back in his chair and intertwining his fingers "this is a big gamble, I don't care what you have to do but make sure this gamble pays off" I nodded before he put his hand on the PA microphone "I'm going to call your team here, well explain the mission and give them the chance to back out before we go ahead with moving on the intel Colonel Mitchell sent over"
      I stood and walked over to the window as he spoke into the PA "Ela, Maverick, Buck, Glaz and Mozzie to my office. I repeat Ela, Maverick, Buck, Glaz and Mozzie to my office." I turned when I heard the door open and assumed the At Attention stance which the operators replied as they lined up infront of Harry and he stood "at ease." Everyone shifted so our arms were behind our back and our legs were separated still staring forward as he spoke again "I appreciate the quick response to the summons now You're here because Viktor wants you for an extremely dangerous mission. There is a high likely hood of casualties, well beyond the standard threshold a mission would be denied. You're all welcome to back out if you don't feel comfortable with the risk, now if you're willing to risk your life for a chance to strike the Masks step forward if you are unwilling please exit the room and go about your business"
      Erik immediately took a step forward followed closely by the rest as Harry handed out mission profiles to the team "you're off to the wonderful city of Berlin. You all remember the assault on the Canal control facility in Hamburg correct?" They nodded as Harry spoke "Ghost Recon tracked the Mask's escaping vehicles back to a three story building in Berlin. You're going to monitor the building, make an assault plan and then assault the building in the hopes of finding and intelligence that will help, such as who has orchestrated the attacks around the globe, understood?" They all offered confirmation as I spoke "return to your dorms, grab your gear, clothes, toiletries anything you'll need for this extended op" I heard Glaz "comrade, how long is operation?" I replied simply "indeterminate, we're going to keep going until the masks are crushed" he nodded before I announced "go back, say your goodbyes we're leaving in 15" as I started walking towards the door and held it as the team trickled through before Ela paused and glanced at me "I'll see you at the dorm, I wanna ask you something" I nodded as the rest fell through.
I looked at Harry and asked simply "Sir, if I die, don't let the bastards walk away alive" he nodded and scribbled down a note "I'll keep that in mind, good luck Agony" I replied "if it doesn't go right, I'll make it go right" he chuckled as the door closed behind me and I made my way quietly through the halls, my mind preoccupied with the fact that if I lose anyone on my team that would be gnawing at the back of my mind. Until I turned the corner and saw my dorm room, I slowly opened the door and walked in heading over to my closet and pulling out my gear before I heard Ela over at her dresser "so why me? Why not Sam? The rest of the team I can understand but not me" I replied as I pulled out my duffel bag "I needed another Area denial operator besides myself, you're the one I trust the most" she smirked to herself as I continued to carefully pack my gear before I put in my clothes. I looked over at Ela and saw her still smiling as I carefully placed my folded clothes in the bag, I picked up my bag after closing it and headed to the armory.
I stood in front of my locker as I carefully punched in my code and opened the door, I grabbed my Ak and M&P .40 and placed them in my gun case before I grabbed my magazines and placed them in my Duffel bag, followed closely by my gun maintenance kit and extra parts in case my AK took damage. Once I was confident i had everything I'd need I zipped up my bag before walking out to the garage, searching for the up-armored Ford Expedition before I found it and walked to the trunk lifting it and neatly putting all of my gear and belongings on the floor as closely to the corner and seat as I could before closing the trunk door and climbing into the driver's seat starting the car before making my way to the front door waiting for the team to arrive.
I sighed to myself "they still have 8 minutes, they're probably saying goodbye still" just for Ela to walk out and head around to the trunk followed closely by Zofia, who looked troubled at her sister's new mission. As Ela opened the trunk I heard the debate "Zofia will you stop? I already accepted the mission and you're not changing my mind. I told Viktor I'd be there and I'm going to" just for Zofia to shoot back "And what about Amelia? What do I tell her if you die? 'Aunt Elzbieta dies in a place she didn't have to be, fighting a battle she didn't have to be in, for something she doesn't understand" only for Ela to hiss in return "I fully understand what I'm fighting for. Get your head out of your ass and let me make my own decisions, you're not Papa and you're not mama! You don't have that power, not anymore" I sighed before looking in the rear view and calling back "ladies, can we tone it down? Zofia you already know you're just causing her to hate you more by being this protective, especially since you don't need to be. She's a top tier extremely well trained operator, let her be. Ela, remember what you said you'd do. Let the past go, it's not going to change anything holding onto it" just then Sebastien(buck) and Timur(Glaz) walked out holding their gear as I directed them "put your gear in the trunk, don't mind the argument. Just Ela and Zofia's usual" they nodded before heading around to the rear.
The passenger door opened and I saw the familiar face of Ela climbing in, she closed the door and rolled down the window just for Zofia to appear and plead "Ela, just think about it. You could die" Ela shot back angrily "I could die on any mission, this is no different" Zofia looked down before asking me "watch out for my młodsza siostra(little sister) for me..... please?" I nodded with a small smile "that was the plan" I saw Ela's head snap towards me "why? Think I can't handle myself?" I laughed openly and replied "nie, wiem, że możesz, ale jesteś w moim zespole. zawsze dbam o swój zespół(no, I know you can, but you're on my team. I always look out for my team)" she huffed as I connected my phone to the Bluetooth speaker and handed it to Ela "you know our taste" she laughed as I heard the door open and saw Erik(Maverick) and Max(Mozzie) walking towards the car, I spoke "gear goes in the trunk"
They nodded as hard rock started playing again just as I saw Zofia walk slowly back into the base, I spoke to Ela "You know you should go easier on her. She just wants to help" to which Timur added on "Comrade Ela, she constantly boasts about how proud of you she is" Ela looked at me before turning to look at Timur while Sebastien nodded "sometimes she won't shut up about how proud you make her, or how much she cares" just for Ela to turn around and look down before I asked "did you tell her goodbye?" Ela shook her head no as she simply replied "nie(no)" I patted her shoulder "go tell her goodbye and that you love her, you don't want your last words to be angry ones" she looked at me before sliding out of the SUV and running back into the building just for Sebastien to comment "she's got a nice ass" causing us to laugh at the sudden shift in topic. I heard Erik "So Viktor, what would you rate her?" I asked simply "on what scale?" To which Max replied "1-10" I thought about it before replying "like a strong 8 or 9" they looked at each other before Timur spoke to the rest of them "he's totally in love" I rolled my eyes just for Ela to appear back at the door as she jumped and slid over the hood causing me to motion to the hood and fake yell "what are you doing? I'm gonna have your ass marks on my hood now!" She quipped with a light blush "oh hush up, I know you've been looking at my ass" I laughed as I shifted into drive and pulled out of the base heading towards Berlin.

Operation: Stunning stingWhere stories live. Discover now