A new brief

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Howdy folks, it is I, Crimson. I hope you're enjoying the chapters. I'm intrigued so drop a comment letting me know what your favorite part of the book is. Stay safe crimson out
Viktor's POV
      I walked through the hallways looking for my squad until I saw Ela walking past me I grabbed her arm and told her "we've got a briefing in 15, find Mozzie and Glaz." She nodded and set off on her hunt while I continued my own hunt for Maverick and Buck. I headed towards the gym where Maverick all but lived and was surprised to find he wasn't there but Meghan(Valkyrie) was "hey Meghan, do you know where Erik and Sebastien are?" She looked over and smiled "hello Viktor, Erik said he was heading to the range. I don't know where Sebastien is, Tina(Frost) might, she's down at the canteen" I nodded and committed the information to memory before telling her "thanks, keep getting after it you beast" she chuckled at the comment before replying still laughing "that's the plan, hey, if you don't mind me asking why are you looking for Erik and Sebastien?" I replied "I do mind actually, in all seriousness we've got a mission so we're gonna be gone for awhile again" she looked saddened at the news before looking up and directing "stay safe, we gotta work out together again" I waved as I started walking away "when we get back, remind me and we'll work out together"
She nodded as I walked back into the hallway heading to the armory, I felt my Ak hit my leg causing me to look down and see it hanging loosely next to me. I've had my rifle with me so much I've stopped feeling the weight, I looked up and away from my Ak before continuing on my path to finding the two members of my team. I finally arrived at the Range and saw Erik walking away making me yell "Goldilocks!" He turned and smiled "Vik, what can I do for you?" I scowled at the nickname "stop calling me that, we've got a briefing in.... 9 minutes" h e nodded slowly before asking "are we moving now?" I nodded and spoke "it's a mission overview, we're getting our mission files and then the final briefing I'm giving when we reach the Safehouse and start picking order of targets" he nodded as we walked and asked "who are we looking for?" I replied "Sebastien, any clue where he is?" Erik nodded and started heading towards the dorms, my interest grew the further away from Sebastien's dorm we went.
     When we stopped infront of Masaru and Eliza's I looked at Erik confused as the sound of the tv paused and Masaru opened the door, I asked "hey Masaru, is Sebastien here?" He nodded and replied "I'll bring him to you" as he turned and yelled "Buck!" Into the room. I saw Sebastien's head pop around the corner "eh?" before he noticed Erik and I as I spoke "briefing in 7" he sighed and looked longingly at the tv before coming to the door bowing to Masaru and thanking him for the introduction to the new anime before we all started towards the briefing room. We all gripped the fore guard of our rifles and started jogging trying to make it to the briefing in time, I glanced at my watch and start running with the two on my six before I came to a skidding halt as I slid past the closed door. Erik stopped and opened it laughing as I slid to a stop and started heading back to the door as I jokingly threatened "tell anyone about this and I'll kill you" Sebastien motioned to the camera in the corner "they already know about it my friend"
      I sighed and faked embarrassment "just get into the briefing" while they chuckled and we headed in, I saw Ela, Max and Timur waiting as we walked in causing me to ask "How long have you been waiting?" Ela replied "about 10 minutes, I found them in the same place" I sighed and muttered "lucky" as the door opened and Harry walked in holding some files. He spoke cheerfully "before we begin, I would like to congratulate you all on a job well done in Berlin. Your rose to both mine and Viktor's expectations. Now we need to organize this team, the reports are scattered and I want a clear chain of command. From now on this team will be called Hatchet Force Maine" buck asked confused "What does this mean?" Harry explained "Its just the name that will be sent to the governments of the nations you operate in and when your missions go public it'll be used" no one asked anything else as Harry continued "now we're clarifying the chain of command, Viktor if you would"
I stood and turned "we're using the old SOG way of specifying COC. I'm the 1-0, Erik you're my 1-1, Ela you're my 1-2," I noticed Ela looked saddened at the fact she wasn't second in command as I continued "Buck you're my 1-3, Timur you're my 1-4, Max you're my 1-5." Max asked "so what's the point of giving us these additional callsigns?" Harry explained "while on the radio or phone you're to use your numerical callsign. That way if anyone manages to tap into our comms they don't get your callsign only a number" I heard Timur "so if we're talking to the person directly we can use our normal callsigns, on the radio I would use 1-4?" I nodded as Harry spoke "any more questions?" Ela asked "you said on the radio with command, are you guys here going to start keeping us company on our assaults?" Harry nodded and replied "we are, Viktor's also going to start running a helmet cam on the assaults so we can watch it upon your return to Hereford" I sighed, I hated helmet cams. Just then Harry switched topics "now onto the fun part, the next AO is Morocco. Specifically the mountains near the High Atlas mountain peak. The masks have been using that as a staging point for attacks in both Morocco and Spain."
I asked "what's the safe house's location?" Harry replied "marrakesh, it's about a 3 hour drive from high atlas. You'll have to clear out the city first, the masks have confirmed perimeter locations to keep authorities from their main hideout" Erik asked "what is their main hideout? Is it a large camp or an abandoned compound?" Harry spoke with a small chuckle "neither, they're using a large cave system to avoid being spotted from the air. We've had helicopters searching that area for years and never thought they were underground" Harry replied "given your success in Germany, we've been able to secure more support for your actions. If you get into heavy contact and need immediate support transmit 'declaring a Zulu Delta emergency' and every available aircraft will move to provide support" Ela asked confused "why is it a Zulu Delta emergency?" I explained fairly confident in my assumption "the AO has been code named Zulu Delta. It'll make it easier for the Pilots to find us" Harry nodded as he spoke "it time we begin the mission overview. You're going to clear out the city of all mask outposts before assaulting their subterranean command center" we all nodded as Harry handed out the mission files.
He had one last thing to say "just be careful, these masks are much more aggressive in their attempts to destroy the authorities. I have no doubts they will strike back" I asked "do we have any estimate on enemy strength?" Harry replied "a platoon, maybe 2" I sighed, 100 masks is worrying, Especially since it's 6v100 roughly. Harry spoke one last time "good luck, grab whatever gear you need and be in the air in 20. Viktor you know the expectations, wipe them off the map." I gave a salute which the team copied before turning and walking to the door, I opened it and held it as the team filed through. I closed the door and looked at Harry "it seems Walker's wolves are training the Masks." Harry nodded and spoke "I've already notified Colonel Mitchell. It's most troubling indeed" I asked "how's Sam doing with training the operators?" Harry sighed and replied "he's doing good but there's too much for him to fix alone" I nodded before offering "if you want I can stop my team's activities to get them to help train the rest"
Harry shut that idea down "no, we need to keep the masks off balance. Besides you have our highest trained operators, you'll need them. You've all bond extremely closely and they respect you and your training." I shrugged as I sat on the edge of the table "I wouldn't say they're the highest trained operators" Harry deadpanned "you trained them for a week and a half before you took them to Berlin. They're our highest trained operators, just make good use of their skills" I nodded and stood "well sir, I believe it's time that I catch up to the kids. Make sure they haven't gotten into the candy" Harry chuckled as I stood and spoke "before your operations call me and let me know, I am excited to see what my top team is capable of" I nodded as I walked out the door and jogged to the armor grabbing a rucksack and filling it halfway with frag grenades before walking to Jessie and asked "hello again, you wouldn't happen to have a helmet cam would you?" She smiled and disappeared into the back crushing my hopes of escaping the hell that is wearing a helmet cam.
      She returned a minute later holding the damned thing before handing it to me, I grudgingly took it before turning and jogging down to my dorm looking through my closet drawers before I found my sharpening stone and throwing some more of the actually good MREs into my bag. I turned and walked back into the hallway before jogging out to the airfield and checking my watch 21:34, by the time we reach the AO it'll be 01:00 roughly. I sighed as I burst through the door and saw my team heading to a Blackhawk, I jogged to catch up with them as they climbed in. I jumped into the rear as the flight crew handed us headsets, I put mine on and spoke "how're we doing tonight gentlemen?" The pilot replied "not bad, how about yourself? I heard you guys got a tough mission" Ela replied with a laugh "we're good, but I think you got it wrong. We get the fun missions, always a promise of something happening" I rolled my eyes as the pilot laughed "well I hope you guys get to have fun, we'll be at the LZ in about 5 hours." I spoke to the team "get some rest, we've got a hike when we land" as everyone leaned back and got comfortable I put in my earbuds and listened to some music while reading.
      About 30 minutes later while we were over the English Channel the gunners looked at each other before turning to me "you might wanna wake up your team, we're testing out guns" I shrugged and replied "go ahead, they'll be fine" the gunners laughed evilly as they wheezed off some rounds from their M2 .50 cals, the guns deep staccato roar caused the entirety of my team besides myself to jump and scream in terror before they heard us laughing and Ela yelled "You bastards! I oughta kick your ass!" I chuckled at her threat before replying "relax, get some sleep you'll need it" she huffed before leaning back and closing her eyes as I continued reading before I spoke to the gunners "well done boys, you've made them piss themselves" Erik grumbled "I didn't piss myself, I almost did but I didn't" I rolled my eyes as I continued to read keeping an eye on my team, even if we weren't in danger. I listened to the music as we headed towards the mission, my nerves holding on by a thread as the odds of survival set in.

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