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Ela's POV
     I woke up to Viktor's alarm as he stirrred, I slowly sat up and stretched as yawns escaped my body before I turned on my lamp "what time is it?" He replied simply "4:30" I sighed before putting my feet on the floor and just sitting on the edge of my bed dreading my existence. Viktor disappeared into the bathroom as I slowly pushed myself to my feet and over to my dresser grabbing my gym clothes and starting to change. I pulled off my oversized shirt and quickly pulled a bra on only for the door to open again and Viktor to freeze when he saw my wardrobe I blushed and pulled on a tight form fitting tank top before pulling out my adidas tracksuit and walking past him into the bathroom closing the door behind me quickly. I pressed my back against the door and slowly slid to the ground as the embarrassment grew, I heard his bed creak under his weight as I slowly buried the embarrassment and pulled on my tracksuit before slowly opening the door hoping he wouldn't see me only for my hope die. I quickly buried my face in my jacket as he spoke somewhat nervously "so uh, you wanna head to the gym or grab a coffee first?"
I mumbled back "can we get a coffee?" He nodded and opened the door motioning for me to walk through "ladies first" I shuffled through before saying "thanks" to which he nodded before asking "you're a Slav right?" I nodded confused as to the reason behind the question before he spoke "so that's why you have an adidas tracksuit" I rolled my eyes at the observation before he asked "can you Slav squat?" I sighed but nodded yes to which he asked "would you? I've wondered what you'd look like in the outfit" I closed mg eyes for a second in annoyance before replying "I will kick you in the dick" his hands moved to a defensive cup over his crotch before making a mental note out loud "never ask Ela to Slav squat, noted" I chuckled slightly before looking forward and seeing Erik emerge from his room, Viktor noticed him too "mornin' Erik" to which Erik replied groggily "morning Vik" to which Viktor replied "I told you 8 years ago, don't call me vik" to which I asked "why not?"
     He looked over before quickly looking forward "my grandfather used to call me that, I never let anyone but him call me vik" she nodded before replying "I only let mój dziadek(my grandfather) call me dynia(pumpkin)" I laughed before looking at her in disbelief "seriously? You were called that?" She nodded and looked slightly embarrassed "I would always get really excited around Halloween so that's what he called me" just for Erik to speak "what the fuck are you talking about? Why can't you speak in a language I understand?" I replied in French "car ce serait trop facile, mais je parlerai en français donc Ela's dans le même bateau que toi(because that would be too easy, however I will speak in French so Ela's in the same boat as you)" Ela looked lost as Erik sighed "fuck this conservation, I mean seriously" I laughed before speaking in German "Ich frage mich, ob einer von euch Deutsch spricht(I wonder if any of you speak German)" only for Ela to reply slowly in German "Ich kann es sagen, nicht großartig, aber genug, um zu überleben(I can speak it, not great but enough to survive)" I chuckled as Erik sighed in frustration.
I patted his shoulder "time for English, or I could speak Arabic. Erik you know Arabic right?" He nodded before Ela spoke "nie, nie, no more language changes" I laughed before pushing the doors to the mess hall open holding it for Erik and Ela as we moved to the line to buy our coffees. Once we got our coffees I sat down at a table drinking my coffee holding my donut before sighing in contentment "the breakfast of kings" to which Ela looked over and spoke "I highly doubt that" before Erik piped up "no, he's right. This is the breakfast of Kings" Ela rolled her eyes as I started eating only for Erik to ask "So Viktor, have you shown Ela your sketch?" I looked over and shook my head no "haven't had the time nor the want" only for Ela to ask "why would he show me one of his sketches?" And Erik to start "well because it's of y-" before I cut him off "enough of that, eat. No more talking" to which Ela pressed on "nie, I want to know what it's of" I sighed in resignation as Erik slowly explained "well... its like a portrait" she nodded before asking "oh cool, who of?"
      I saw Erik try to think of a way to tell her before I replied for him "you" she recoiled before asking "why?" I cocked an eyebrow and replied "I've literally spent the last 4 weeks in your care, I haven't had much contact with the rest of the team" she nodded slowly accepting my reasoning until Erik spoke "I suppose we should hit the gym" I pushed myself up as I finished my donut before grabbing my coffee "head out to the track, I'm gonna set some stuff up. I'll be out shortly" they nodded as I walked out and over to where the tractor tires are stored along with the metal chains as I pulled a tractor tire off the stack and rolled it over to the staging area, I did the same with the second before I pulled out the 80lbs lifting chains made specifically for Rainbow and putting them on the tires before I walked over to the track and saw the pair stretching. I walked forward and clapped garnering their attention before I spoke "I want you to run around this quarter mile track until you drop. Go."
      As we started running. 16 laps later I was still going strong but Ela had faded and dropped out while Erik was struggling to keep up as I yelled encouragement "come on! Keep going! Dig deep! Give me all you got! Just 10 more feet, give me 10 more feet!" He stumbled before falling as I stopped running and crouched infront of him "get up, come on delta get up" he tried pushing himself up before looking at me and croaking out "I can't, I can't do it" I hissed out "yes you can! Get up! Let's go! Give me everything you got! Just ten more feet!" He pushed himself into a sitting position before looking at me as I spoke calmly "just ten more feet, you make it that 10 feet and we can stop" he slowly stood as I walked infront of him 10 feet "reach me, that's all you need to do" he started shakily jogging forward as he stumbled from one side to another before he got infront of me and collapsed. I reacted quickly and caught him before pulling my canteen off my belt and handing it to him "you did good"
      He nodded before asking "aren't you tired?" I looked at him and shook my head no "this is just warm up" I lifted him up into a fireman's carry and started jogging across the field over to the bench Ela was sitting on nursing her tired legs. I carefully set him down and handed him my canteen again before pacing infront of them Ela asked worriedly "we did bad didn't we?" I looked at her oddly and replied "no, you didn't. You did pretty much the normal for a new recruit to ghost recon. I wasn't expecting you to be able to do the same amount as me, this is just so I know the benchmark. Now can you guys walk?" Ela popped up perfectly fine while Erik grimaced and took a bit longer but was able to stand as I spoke "now for the fun stuff" which caused them to groan in dread as I started off towards the 180lbs tractor tires and the 80lbs lifting chains. They followed dragging their feet trying to make it take longer so their sore muscles could recoup until I spun standing infront of them "let's get started"
     Ela asked "so what's the point of this?" I motioned to the tires "these weigh 180lbs, the chains weigh 80lbs. I'm gonna put the chains around your neck and your going to squat and lift the tire flipping it as many times as you can." Erik asked "what's the point of this?" I looked over and motioned "my Greek god body weighs 275lbs, these weights come out to 260lbs. If you can lift them you can lift me and we all know the firemen's carry is a soldiers friend if they're hit." He nodded before I picked up the chains and carefully laid them over their shoulders before I stepped back and motioned to the tires "whenever you're ready you may begin" I saw Erik step forward and squat grimacing with every move before he yelled as he stood and flipped the tire, I nodded clearly pleased as Ela started flipping hers. I was interested in finding out how many should could do since her frame was so unassuming, she didn't show any muscles like Valkyrie and she looked like your average university art major.
I watched carefully as Erik dropped out by the 5th flip but Ela was still going strong until the 8th flip when her knee buckled and the tire started coming back on her, I rushed forward and managed to get my hand on the tire slowing it's fall as I pushed Ela back before my grip slipped and the tire bounced harmlessly off the ground I stood and looked at Ela and Erik breathing heavily sitting on their knees "well I suppose that's enough for today, Ela what happened? You were still looking strong" she replied gasping for air "I have to keep pushing, I can't be better than Zofia if I keep giving up. I can't be in second anymore" I sighed and helped her up "listen, do what you can by the time I'm done with you you'll be better than her but if you don't let me know when it's getting too much you're going to hurt yourself and then Zofia's lead will grow" she nodded before I looked at Erik "how're you feeling blondie?" He looked up "my knees hurt but not bad. I did more than I thought I would" I nodded and looked at the pair "go relax, we've got a sim later today." They stood before Erik asked "aren't you coming?" I looked over "I've gotta pick this stuff up, I'll catch up"
I started rolling the tires back to the piled as the chains hung loosely around my neck, I double checked that everything was picked up before I headed to Harry's office. I knocked on the door and heard papers stop shuffling "come in" I opened the door and walked in sitting in the right seat before looking at Harry "good morning sir, I wasn't sure if you'd be in yet or not. I know you live out by Oxford" he smiled and nodded "I'm typically in by 6 every morning, now what did you want to talk about?" I replied "as you know Sam and I recently shifted our strategy to training a few operators at a time" he nodded as I continued "well I'm starting with Ela and Erik, I have their base capabilities here for you to add to their file and here's some notes I took for their psych profile" he smiled and took the papers "it's appreciated, if you could give me a report after every session it'll help me build a training regiment for the other DIs" I nodded as I stood and shook his hand "have a good day sir" he replied jovially "you as well, I look forward to watching your sim later" I have a two finger salute as I slid through the doorway and headed back to the lounge.

Operation: Stunning stingWhere stories live. Discover now