Chapter 15: The Land of Waves

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"Say, Mr. Tazuna, " Sakura started.

"What is it?"

"Your country is the land of waves, right?"

"Yeah, what of it?" She turns towards Kakashi.

"Sensei, there are ninja in that country, aren't there? She asked.

"No, there are no ninja in the Land of Waves. But in other countries there are hidden villages, each with their own different customs and culture," He begins. He explains how the villages work, and how they are each ruled by a Kage.

"Then Lord Hokage is really important!" Sakura gasped.

Naruto and Sakura had doubtful looks on their faces. Fei was in her own head, thinking about the system.

"Hey! You all just doubted Lord Hokage, didn't you? That what you were thinking!"

Naruto and Sakura rapidly shake their heads. Snapped out of her thoughts, Fei stepped over a puddle.

"Ack! Huh?" She looked down at the puddle, confused as to why there was a lone puddle in the path, "Well...this seems...familiar...?"

"Well anyway, there are no ninja battles in a C-ranked mission, so you can relax. And we're not gonna run into any foreign enemy ninja or anything like that."

Suddenly, two figures emerged from a puddle and attacked.



"What?!" They go after Kakashi, slicing him in half.

"Sensei!" both Fei and Naruto yell out.

Suddenly, one of the assassins appears behind Naruto.

"Now it's your turn!" He shouted.

"Naruto!" Fei yelled, jumping towards him. However, Sasuke beat her to it. He punched the assassin, throwing him off of Naruto.

The other assassin goes after Tazuna. Sakura gets in front of the bridge builder, "Stay behind me!"

However, Sasuke appears in front of her, protecting her. Naruto, still in shock, is unable to move, being open to another attack. Fei goes in front of him, glaring, kunai out to attack.

"Try it! Asshole!"

"Haha! Doesn't matter! I'll take both of you out right this second!"

Before any of the assassins could attack, they were suddenly stopped by Kakashi.

"Kakashi-Sensei!" Fei shouted in shock and relief. She looks down to where Kakashi was looking and sees that Naruto got hurt.

'Darnit, how?' She thought

"Naruto, sorry I didn't help you earlier. I didn't mean for you to get hurt, I just didn't think you'd freeze up like that. Good job, Fei" he looks at Sakura and Sasuke, "Good job Sasuke, very smooth. You too, Sakura."

Naruto looks down, a deep frown on his face.

"Naruto," Fei asked, gently, "Are you okay?"

"Hey..." They both look up to see Sasuke.


"You're not hurt, are ya? Scaredy-cat," he taunted.

"Sasuke!" Naruto shouted, moving towards him before getting stopped by Fei.

"Wait, Naruto, stop! It's not worth it, you're hurt!" she then turned towards Sasuke, "And you! If you have nothing good to say to your teammate, then shut your mouth! You jerk, I won't tolerate it!"

She received a harsh glare in return.

"Naruto, stand still! These ninja have poison in their claws. We need to take it out of you quickly. You have to open the wound and remove it. It's in your blood so don't move around, that spreads the poison," Naruto calmed down, before looking at his hand, "By the way Mr. Tazuna..."

"Ahh, uh yeah? what?"

"We need to talk. They're chunin from the village Hidden in the Mist. Their specialty is relentless attack. They keep fighting no matter what the sacrifice..." Kakashi paused.

"How did you know about our ambush?" one of the assassins asked.

"A puddle, on a clear day? When it hasn't rained in weeks?"

"In that case, then why did you leave it to the genin to do the fighting?" Tazuna interjected.

"I could have taken them out quickly, but then I wouldn't have learned anything. I had to know who their target was. And what they were after..."

"Hm, what are you getting at?"

"This, I wanted to know if they were after us, ninja attacking ninja, or if they were after you, the master bridge builder. When you put in your request, you asked for standard protection, from robbers and highwaymen. You didn't say there were ninja after you, hunting you down. If we knew this, it would be a B-ranked mission or higher. Our task was to simply get you to your destination and protect you while you finished building your bridge... If we knew we would be fielding attacks from enemy ninja, we would have staffed differently and charged for the tasks of a B-ranked mission. Apparently, you had your reasons, but lying to us is not acceptable. We are now beyond the scope of this mission."

"We're genin, this is too advanced for our level of training! We should go back...and I really think we should go and treat Naruto's wound and get the poison out as soon as possible. Back in our village, we can take him to a doctor," Sakura reasoned.


"Ah, huh?" Naruto looked at Kakashi.

"Naruto's hand could become a problem... I guess we should back to the village,"

Naruto glares even further before stabbing his injured hand.

"Naruto!" Fei stepped back out of surprise.

"Why am I so different...why am I always...ugh!"

"Naruto! Stop that! What are you doing?!" Sakura shouted.

"I worked so hard to get here, pushing myself until it hurt. Training alone for hours, anything to get stronger to reach my dream. I will never back down again and let someone else rescue me. I will never run away and I will not lose to Sasuke. Upon this wound, I make this pledge, believe it. Bridge builder, I'll complete this mission and protect you with this kunai knife! A real ninja never gives up and neither will I. Don't you guys worry about me, I'll be fine. Now let's go,"

Everyone smiles at the speech that he made.

'Just like Marie...' Fei thought, her concerned gaze softened.

"Naruto..uh...that was really cool how you took the poison out and all. But if you lose any more blood, you are going to die..."

Everyone became silent and looked at Naruto.

"Good idea to stop the bleeding now...seriously..."

"Nonono! I'm too young for it to end like this" He began to panic.

"Oh my-! Stop and give me your hand!" Fei said firmly. Naruto hesitated before giving her his hand. She took out bandages and a first aid kit from her pouch and began working on his hand.

"You idiot...scaring me like that..." she muttered.

"Hehe. Sorry if I made you worry!" he looked up at her, a determined look on his face, "but I told you. From now on, it's going to be different. Believe it!"

Fei looked up at him, before sighing and smiling, "Good! And I'll be there by your side when that happens!"

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