2. Who is he?

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I heaved lightly as I crunched forward, letting Chloe Ting's voice motivate me through the last of the session. Yeah, it was hard, I swear, but I needed that killer body before going back to school. Staying home and doing nothing for almost six months could turn even the most sexy into a balloon, and I wasn't naturally slim.

As I did the crunches, my mind drifted back to the black adonis I saw this morning. Yes, I have resulted in calling him Adonis since I don't know his name. I wondered if he had left, I had been too embarrassed to step out of my room since that mortifying incident, and I was indefinitely hungry as a result of that. I wanted to know who he was. He definitely couldn't be Samuel's friend. He looked way older than my kid brother. Then who was he?

The single thought that there was someone else in this house with me was really unnerving. Why the heck did Samuel get back today? And why didn't Mum inform me? And who the heck was that guy? Where did Samuel meet him?

I suddenly sat up on my yoga mat with anger as I recollected what he said to me, I have never met anyone who pissed me off this much in my nineteen years of living. I thought back to how handsome he was. Oh, why do I have to be a sucker for hot guys? I stood up and packed off the mat. There was no use in continuing the workout when a certain hot guy was running through my mind. That was enough workout. Just then, my stomach growled, reminding me that I hadn't eaten since morning.

I looked to my wall clock and saw that it was already 4 pm, what! I knew I had to go out to get food no matter what. The guy should have left by now, right? About to make my way to the door, I quickly took a quick glance at my appearance, remembering how I felt this morning when that guy had checked me up. I was all sweaty, cladded in maroon yoga pants, and grey sport bra. Wait, what the heck, when did I start caring about how I look? And moreover it is my house.

All the same, I went over to my mirror and took in my reflection, I must say the workout was starting to pay off, I wasn't hurting in vain. I could see that eleven line piercing through my now getting flat tummy, I was indeed very happy with the progress. But I still needed to work more, I just don't understand why I still have some little fats left in my lower abdomen.

After some minutes of silent debating and me admiring my body, I decided I would just go and have a bath. Just after making this amazing decision, I heard a loud banging on my door. If you knew it wasn't knocking, it was banging. I can't believe I have to get used to this noise now. These past few months have been quiet likable because I was always home alone, no one to stress me. The few times I have had interactions with human beings is when I go to my mum's shop, and that is very rare, I only go to shop when she has an urgent business at work. I am so sure you can understand why the presence of my brother is pissing me off, I am super used to being alone now.

I ignored the banging, but I couldn't for long. It was getting rather too annoying to ignore. "Who is that?" I yelled with frustration, yanking the door open. Get used to this fact, I yell a lot, especially when I'm being frustrated.

On opening the door, I saw my brother standing tall before me. That is one of the reasons I actually argue with God, like why will he make my kid brother way taller than me. O wrong naw (It is wrong.)

"Mary, we are hungry," he said, scrunching up his face. What stuck to my head was the we I heard in his sentence. We could only mean the adonis was still here. What was he still doing here?

"So, I should turn myself to food for you." I gave him a death glare as I said this.

"Ahah, why are you behaving like this now? Mummy said you would cook for us."

"Ohh, I look like your housemaid abi, if you are hungry you will enter that kitchen and cook. Shebi, you know how to eat cake ni." I hissed at the end, still very much angry at him for eating my cake, now I have to bake another one before Thursday. I turned and started closing my room door in my brothers face when a voice stopped me.

"Samuel, get back here, I will order us something."

I stopped in my tracks and searched for the voice, and right then, I saw him walk out of the guest room. Wait, what? Guest room! What the heck was he doing there? He was still dressed in the jeans he wore this morning, but now he had a shirt on, phew. But even with the shirt, my stupid heart wouldn't stop pounding.

He walked towards Samuel and I, I securely closed my room door, not wanting him to see the awful state of mess it was in. I gave him a glare as he got to where we were, but he only took Samuel by the hand and led him to the sitting room. It was then it struck me that he said he was going to order something, I don't know why, but it really pissed me off. So I walked into the sitting room angrily.

Getting to the sitting room, Samuel was nowhere to be seen, I turned to face the Adonis who was sitting lazily on a couch, looking at his phone. I tapped my hand on the glass table in his front to get his attention, and when I got the attention, I gave him a glare with my arms akimbo. "You are not going to order anything."

He looked at my face for a long time as though he was trying to memorize it, then he took his attention over to my neck, then my breast. He looked me over slowly, drinking in my appearance, I felt really insecure as he stared at me, damn, why couldn't he have appeared after I had gotten my perfect summer body. After his long perusing gaze, he finally looked up at my face and answered me lazily, "Why?"

I almost lost it, but I tried my best to hold it up, "because I said so."

"You won't cook, neither will you let us order." I heard my brother's voice say, I turn in the direction of his voice to see him coming out of the kitchen, munching on chin chin. My chin chin!

"Samuel, what are you eating?" I asked angrily.

"What does it look like?" He said and tried to walk past, but I pulled him back and took my chin chin out of his hand.

"Do you know how long it took me to make this chin chin?" I yelled.

"You, or mummy?" He asked with childish anger.

"Either way, it is my chin chin." I stated.

Samuel looked at me for a long time as if he was planning my murder in his tiny brain which I ignored, I turned to the Adonis who was now looking at me intently, and I must say his gaze had me going haywire.

I composed myself and flashed him a smile, "You won't be ordering anything because I will be cooking."

He raised a brow and said very calmly. "Samuel said you can't cook."

My whole being felt on fire as I heard this, Samuel said that sort of rubbish. I turned to Samuel, who was still glaring at me, "I can't cook?" I asked him.

"Am I lying?" he snapped and walked over to seat beside Adonis. "I wonder who will marry you. The person will try."

"That is none of your business," I yelled, pointing a finger at him. "Now, are you going to eat?"

"Do we have a choice?" Adonis asked with a shrug.

"Of course you do," I said, I watched as their faces brightened up. Were they that eager to avoid my cooking? "You either eat what I cook or starve to death."

"Even though your food will likely still kill us," Adonis said again. I must say at this point, he was now looking ugly in my eyes.

"Are you hungry or not?" I asked, almost yelling.

"Just go ahead and prepare it. At least it should stop you from screaming your lungs out." He dismissed rubbing his ear. He was really pissing me off.

"I might just poison your food." I spat out at him.

"Even without the poison, it is still poison," he said with a quirk, smiling now looking down at his phone. I wanted to, at this point, really kill him, but he added, "According to Samuel, though."

I turned my fury towards Samuel, but the idiot ignored me and instead picked up the remote to put on the damn TV. I looked towards the Adonis, but he was still glued to his phone.

I went to the kitchen with anger, I couldn't wait for Mum to return because I needed to know what some random Adonis was doing in our guest room. She must know about it, Samuel wouldn't just bring a person home without her permission.

But who was he anyway? I still haven't figured out his name.

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© Mary Aden

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