16. What!

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I stayed seated on the leather couch, fidgeting and also anticipating what he would say about what I just told him, while doing this I also tried hard not to salivate at the sweet aroma coming into the sitting room from the kitchen, damn, his fiancee was some good cook. I don't know what she was preparing, but all I know is that I want some of it.

"So, you regret having sex with him, is that it?" I jerked back to life at his calm voice, I turned to look at him, and he was watching me with that cool collected gaze of his. This man ehen, you won't know what is going on in his mind.

I thought about what he just said. There was that word again, regret. Thinking about it regret is something I never thought of, "No, I don't."

"You don't?" He asked in a quite bewildered tone. He looked at my face as though he was trying to figure me out, "You have this look of regret on your face, and you say you don't regret it."

"I don't regret having sex with him," I said in a more convincing voice. It was the truth, I don't regret it, not in any way. "What I do regret is that he isn't mine and will never be." That was the issue. That was what hurt and makes this very annoying. "I regret the fact that I expected more when I already know he was just like every other guy out there, it just hurts that he could discard it so carelessly, something that felt so special for me."

"Now that's deep." He signed, relaxing more on the couch. I turned my body towards him, eager to know what he had to say about the whole issue. "And you're sure this guy really has a girlfriend?"

"Yes, he does," I said, remembering the day I had seen her on his laps and how he completely forgot I existed at her call.

"This is actually confusing. As you have described him, he doesn't sound like the type of guy who just wants to have your body for the fun of it." He sounded really confused as he said this, well, that I was how I felt every time concerning this dude.

"Oh, believe me, he is." I said with bitterness as that feeling of hurt washed through me again.

"Did he confirm it to you that he has a girlfriend?" He asked again, getting me gradually pissed, like I don't need this, I just want him to not talk.

"Well, it is clearly confirmed. it's obvious that only a fool wouldn't realize that she's his girlfriend. And he loves her a lot, a great lot."

"10am," he called sternly with a similarly stern look on his face. "So, you've been having sleepless nights, giving yourself unnecessary heartaches, all because of a stupid assumption. I taught you to be smarter than this. What happened?"

"It's not just a stupid assumption. it's the truth!" I yelled, damn, I'm forgetting the fact that I wasn't talking to my brother. "Why do you sound like you're taking his side, I'm the one who needs your support here."

"I'm on your side, Mary. I'm just trying to get a clear picture here." He said still in that calm voice of his, like he never gets angry. How does he do it? "I understand you're hurt, you feel trampled upon and all that, but I'm a guy also, and I know no guy would act or say what this guy says all for the sake of getting into a girl's pants. We prefer to just throw in the cheesy. I love you, and it's done. But him saying you make him feel like he's complete sounds deeper and more intimate. it's like he's admitting a disability or something. And trust me, no guy would ever do that to a girl they don't feel anything for. Our egos are too big for that."

I reasoned what he said and it actually made sense, have always thought that his choice of words were quite different, but we all know that guys evolve everyday, creating new ways to go about their games. "But, he looked so different with that girl, and he sounded so happy when talking to her on the phone. He said he loved her."

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