9. My twins.

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"You can park here," I told him. He maneuvered his car into the space I had pointed to him and parked it. I got out of the car, and so did he. For some minutes, I stood beside the car, staring at the blue gate before me, thinking of what to do. Going in would be a bad idea. Staying out was also a dumb idea. Finally, I came up with the master plan, I'll just call their mum to let her know I'm here. I know you might be wondering why I'm so wary of going in, well you'll find out soonest.

"Are you sure they are home?" Ademide asked, coming over to my side.

"I'm a hundred percent sure."

"Then why are you just standing over here? Why don't you just knock..."

"No!" I said quietly, grasping hold of his hand, stopping him from moving closer to the gate. He gave me a questioning look, and then I spoke further, "Do you know what is going to happen if you move an inch closer to that gate?" I pointed to the gate for emphasis, my voice was clear and full of warning, but he just gave me a bored look, "you don't know, so I will tell you. If you take a step closer to that gate, there would be a world war three between the both of us, and Lucky." I smiled before adding, "Do you know who Lucky is?"

He rolled his eyes, definitely tired of my nonsense talk, but it wasn't nonsense talk. There was sense in the nonsense, I must say.

"Lucky is the name of their dog, and she is a bitch! A very bad one," I said shaking my finger in front of his face. He was going to say something but I held up my palm to stop him from talking, and continued. "And if you as much as knock on that gate..." I gave a wry laugh before adding, "you won't see me near you, I would have been at my house because I won't be here to witness the justice of Lucky."

"So, what do you plan on doing? Are we to stay out here, celebrating a birthday with the...lemme guess, trees." He threw his hand up as he said this.

"I'll just call their Mum, because I'm so not entering that house without an escort," I said, bringing out my phone from my jean pocket.

"For real screamer, you could have called her from the onset, it would have saved us both the long speech you just gave." He folded his arms and rested his back on his car.

I glared at him before going ahead and calling the twins mum, it wasn't until the third ring before she picked up, and that was actually too long for my impatient self.

"Hello, Mary," I heard her calm voice say from the other end.

"Hello ma."

"Did you call to wish your babies a happy birthday? Let me get them for..."

"No ma. Actually I'm outside your house, can you tell Joseph to come open the gate for me?" I asked sweetly.

"Really, that is lovely, I will send Joseph out now."

I hung up with a big smile on my face, expecting Joseph. I looked at Ademide to see him staring at my face attentively, I think I might be right, this guy is obsessed with my face. Well, he once admitted it himself.

"Is there something so unique about my face?" I asked with a grin, expecting him to shove it off and ignore me.

"Yes, there is." He answered and just kept on staring at my face, I actually expected him to add something else, but he didn't. So I just stood there watching him stare at my face like his life depended on it, amazement danced in his eyes as he stared at me, as though he had never seen a face like mine before. Could it be that I'm just too pretty, damn, I knew how pretty I was, but I had no idea my face was something someone would obsess over.

I gave room for rational thoughts, and ignored Ademide when the gate opened revealing a smiling Joseph. He ran into my arms and I did my best to take him, keeping my balance so I won't fall.

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