14. Let me help you.

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Pain is a bitch!

That was the only song that was on my mind as I woke up this Saturday morning, I rolled out of my bed, clutching my lower belly, the throbbing pain I felt from it was real, annoying, and it was also a very familiar pain. I stood up and limped to my bathroom, and as expected I met with madam red flow, really been a girl is a bitch.

It was actually very frustrating, I managed to take my bath, and once I was safely wrapped in a towel I walked out of the bathroom to see my mum sitting on my bed. She was dressed in a peach free falling gown, and had on a black turban on, I knew she was definitely set for shop.

"Mummy, good morning." I managed to mutter out of the shock.

"Get dressed and come over here, we need to talk." She said calmly.

Every feeling in me went alert, never has my mum used such statement with me, I've never heard her say we need to talk before, so this can never be good. I started thinking of everything I've ever done wrong, I knew it had to be something huge, the calm look on my mum's face tells me that whatever she wants to talk about was too huge to have her getting angry.

"Ok ma," I said. I walked, or rather limped over to my closet, and picked out a bum short and a baggy top. I fixed a pad on my panties and got dressed. I went over to my bed and sat close to my mum while holding my tummy. It swears this was hard.

"Let me have a look at your ankle," she said calmly. The look on her face was damn serious, I knew no amount of excuses could get me out of this. I swallowed hard and raised my left leg up, showing her the ankle. She looked at it, then back up at my face. She then said calmly, "I thought you were pointing to your right leg yesterday, weren't you?"

I dropped my leg with immediate effect, looking everywhere except her face, I hated being caught in a lie. I knew the lie was a mistake, I've always known my mum, and I know that nothing passes without her knowledge, only if she chooses to ignore it. I wished that this would be one of the things she would ignore, but it definitely can't be.

"Your ankle doesn't hurt, does it?" She asked in a clipped tone. "Neither did you fall, did you? You lied to me, didn't you?"

"Mummy, it's..."

"Shh..." She placed her hand on my lips, shutting me up. "I was once your age, you know, and you're my daughter." She raised my head up and smiled at me, running her hands over my cheeks. "Is there something you would like to let me know?"

I shook my head in answer. In my own opinion, there was nothing I would like to let her know. We have never been close to that extent. I could blame this on the fact that we spent less time together. The only time we actually ever bonded was during our movie times, and lately, we haven't been having that too.

She gave me a sad smile and stood up from my bed, "I'm going to shop, make sure you take warm water to calm your cramps." She turned on her heels and started walking out of my room, I thought she was leaving, but when she got to the door she turned back to me and said, "I think you should do something about the mosquito bites on your neck."

"Mosquito? My neck?" I asked, moving over to my full-length mirror, and you will all he glad to find out that I saw several red marks on my neck. I pulled the neckline of my shirt downward to see that it went over my chest. It was indeed mosquitoes, bites, left by the biggest mosquito ever. Gosh, I really can't believe this is happening.

"It must have been some really big mosquito." I turned to look at her, and she had that smile on her face, that particular smile where you don't know if she's really smiling or frowning.

"Yeah, very big," I breathed out, rubbing my neck.

"With some big teeth," she said with a raise of her brow.

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