11. Your face lights up my world.

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Damn right sexy.

Mouth agape with surprise I watched him carefully, he assessed my face with a sweet smile then slowly his eyes went over my body, leaving goosebumps wherever it fell on. By the time he was looking at me again, his eyes were a darker shade than it was before. To make it all the more frustrating something different by Adekunle Gold started playing on the Mp3, I love this song, but I really don't need it now.

"I kinda felt you would still wear this," he said, smiling.

"What are you doing here?" I asked quietly. It was really hard trying to maintain sanity. I tried to cover myself up with my hands, but there was no use I know, he already saw everything I knew, but doing this kinda makes me feel secure.

"My phone." He pointed to the side stool beside my bed, I turned back to actually see his phone lying on it. I couldn't help but wonder when he dropped it there, definitely before he started arranging my closet. I bent forward and put off the damn speaker that was blasting something different and quickly raised myself up with my arms still wrapped securely around me, I could have actually just peeled off my bed spread, but no time.

He closed the door and walked into my room, I don't know why, but something about him closing the door doesn't feel right. I swallowed as he drew closer to me, when he got to my front he bent forward and looked at my face with that smile I'm so used to now, carrying his masculine scent straight to me. His breath, fanning my face, leaves me wanting, I looked at him with scared eyes, I wanted to know what he was up to since he wasn't trying to pick up his phone.

He raised his hand up and trailed his finger along my face. He started from my temple, then up to my nose, then my lips. I couldn't stop the shiver that ran through me as he did this. It was so foreign, yet amazing.

"Your face, Mary," he said in a deadly quiet voice. I looked at him curiously, and I wanted to know what it was about my face. He was always looking at my face one way or the other. He bent closer to me, his lips only a little bit apart from mine. It almost felt like he was going to kiss me, but I've had several experiences with Ademide. It's like he liked talking straight into my face, so I looked up at him, steadying my heart and those stupid butterflies in my stomach. "Your face lights up my world."

I stood there looking at him with confusion as he stared at my face with adoration. For real, this was quite unnerving and beautiful. It felt good to have someone adore my face so much, don't mind me. I've had people gush about how pretty I am since I was little, but this was different. It felt like my face meant more to him than just something pretty.

"How?" I asked.

"Just, it makes me feel like I'm actually complete," he said, his hands around my face caressing my cheeks. What he said didn't really make sense to me, I didn't understand how my face could make him feel complete, and he made it sound as if he wasn't complete, like he had some disability which was bull crap because I see none. He raised my chin up, and then I knew it, I knew he was going to kiss me, and I wasn't going to stop him. For real, I've anticipated kissing him since like forever.

He bent further closer to me and captured my lips with his, I stiffened with anticipation at the touch of his lips on mine, for a moment I stood there wide eyed, with his hands around my face doing nothing but letting him kiss me. I hadn't known what his kiss would feel like, I've only ever kissed three guys and if you must know they were all a disaster for me, I don't know if there is something wrong with me, or maybe I'm just a bad kisser. But this, this was different. His kiss was slow, sensual, and gentle. It was as though he was trying to be careful enough so I wouldn't break. So I closed my eyes and kissed him back with as much fervor as he kissed me.

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