1. Meeting him.

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I moved around on my bed, trying to cover my ears with my pillow to stop the sound coming in from the sitting room. This was one of the reasons I always wished my room was soundproof, but no, my mum won't listen. I sat up on the bed in frustration, and then something struck me; I quickly glanced at the wall clock sitting on the cream walls in my room. The time says it was past ten. That means my mum was at work, so who was making that noise in the sitting room?

My legs grew weak with fear as the realization that some armed robbers could have made their way into our house, but armed robbers wouldn't rob in the morning, would they? Then who was making the noise? I only live with my mum and then my brother, who is currently stuck in Cotonou because of the pandemic, so who the hell was that? I could only come up with one explanation, a thief had broken into our home, or worse, it could be a rapist; damn, I was but one little nineteen-year-old girl. And I was home alone with a rapist.

I willed my jelly legs up, and soon, I was paddling across my room. Once I made my way to my door, I realized that I needed a weapon. Yes, a weapon; I searched around my room and picked the first thing I laid my eyes on. I opened my door gently without a sound. Thank God the door wasn't old enough to squeak like some lost rat.

I walked around the hall and peeped through the curtain leading to the sitting room to check if I could get a glance at the thief or rapist. I couldn't see anything, so I decided I would be brave and just go in. I took one final look at the weapon in my hand, and in my hand was a bra! A freaking bra! What the hell was I planning to do with a bra? How could I stop a thief or rapist with a bra? This was one reason my mum always asked me to clean my room; now, see where that got me.

I held the bra closer; all the same, I could make him choke on it. I walked into the sitting room gently to see him. On seeing him sitting there, I felt pure anger making its way from the tip of my toes to my knees, then my waist, and then my navel. I willed the anger to stop at my navel because if it went any higher, I would explode. I looked at him with a smile on my face to see if he would say anything that made sense.

"Ahah, Olorun iya (sleepy head), you have woken up," he said, appraising my look.

Right then and there, I felt the anger boil up my navel to my neck. For fuck sake, I was two years older than this stupid boy, and he couldn't even mutter a greeting or call me Aunt Mary. I saw him chew something in his mouth, so I bent to look at the table, and what I saw lying there made my anger move over my head; yes, soon enough, I was gonna explode with anger. That was my cake! The cake I baked to give to my babies, their birthday was on the third, Thursday and this baffoon was eating my cake.

"When did you get back?" I asked in a calm voice, betraying my true feelings, but never mind, I knew what was coming; this was the calm before the storm.

"While you were snoring your beauty away," he said, still eating my cake. The bra fell off my hand at this point.

"You this stupid goat!" I yelled at the top of my lungs, charging towards him. I picked up the throw pillow lying on the floor and started hitting him with it; I pinched, hit, and slapped every part of him, all this I did while screaming.

At some point, my hands started paining; this was why I never hit him; he had too many muscles. I stood up from my kneeling position on the chair and made my way to the kitchen to get a weapon; I could use a spoon or omorogun (turning stick). One of them would do.

Turning on my heels, I came face to face with a chest, the bare chest of a guy; now, why would there be another guy in my house? I only had one brother, and he was the fool sitting on the chair eating my cake. I looked up slowly, taking in the dark body and rippling muscles on this body, damn this guy was definitely a statue of a Greek god or something. When I finally looked up, straining my pretty neck to look at the face of the guy, the cons of being short. What I first saw was a mug, then he took the mug out of his mouth, and I gasped.

Staring down at me was possibly the most handsome guy that ever walked the face of the earth; I could have sworn he was Eros, or maybe Apollo, or Adonis, maybe he was all the Greek and Roman gods combined together. He had a perfect jawline that was grazed with a little amount of hair. His face looked like it was molded by God himself, and damn, his lips, how much I would love to... No, Mary, get a grip.

He gave me a once over, and it was then I realized how foolish I was looking; I was wearing a baggy top that belonged to my late dad and a similarly baggy track down that I had owned since I was in JSS 1. How stupid of me; I never thought the day would come when my looks would mean so much; even at school, I didn't even care about my looks. I always hid behind the silly excuse that I was a theatre art student, but this was different; I was staring at a prospective husband. Oh no, Mary, hold your thoughts.

"So you're the screaming sister?" He said in a very hot and sexy voice. Does everything about him have to be hot? "Samuel told me a lot about you." He raised the mug to his gorgeous lips again. It was then I had a whiff of the smell. I could smell coffee in that mug; it had to be my coffee; no one else drank coffee in this house except me; I was the reason my mum bought the damn thing.

I realized I couldn't get angry at him; I didn't want to scare him off, although I was doing a great job of that with my look. "Who are you?"

"Someone who doesn't like screaming girls," he said, smiling at me. He bent a little too much to get to my height and moved closer to my ear. I could feel my brain exploding as my nostrils filled with his scent, which was a very masculine scent. "Except in the bedroom, manner of ways I could make you scream, but the only thing you would be screaming would be my name and God's name," he whispered and walked past me.

I stood there, rooted to the spot, trying to make sense of what he said it was a few seconds later, I realized that what he just said to me was, in fact, a 'sexual innuendo,' I felt appalled, but a tiny little part of me felt tinglish. I turned back to glare at him, and he winked, the fucker winked!

He sat beside my stupid brother and joined him in watching Zootopia, my Zootopia. It was official; I was going to go crazy. Just then, the guy pointed at something on the floor; I looked down and saw my bra; I hurriedly picked it up and ran back into my room, feeling stupidly mortified.

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© Mary Aden

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