6. Confession

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Why did I ignore the truth
I’d rather go back to the time before I first met you
And not know you at all

In my life, being with you was
(Dеad) The most regretful
But thе happiest moment
Dead Or Alive
I’ll cut you off
I have to get rid of you in my heart to live again

Oneus - to be or not to be


3rd person pov.

"I'm disappointed, in both of you"
That was the first thing Yonghoon said to the twins while they entered the dorm Dongju shared with hwanwoong and keonhee.

"HOLD THE FUCK UP. Why the whole squad in our dorm and why didn't we know, we have a big meeting now. I would have got some snacks" Keonhee said while looking at the big group who just stood in the entrance way awkwardly.

"Now who are the 2 that disappointed Yonghoon and what did you do" seoho asked and ate the ramen he made not to long ago(so 5 minutes or so).

Before the siren could let everything out Youngjo slapped his hand on the older's mouth and decided he should answer the question.

"As you may or may not have known, dongmyeong went away for a few days because of his heat, but it turned out nobody knew about it so they were searching for him. Hyungu here found Xion on the way and they found a cave with myeon's sent in it.
Xion knowing what was going on decided to send Hyungu back to us so he could tell them everything is Okey, but Yonghoon, the mother that he is, screamed at poor Kanghyun and Leedo came up with the idea of just going there and taking them back with us. It turned out that Xion and Dongmyeong are twins and also have been looking for each other."

The 3 who missed everything looked shocked, confused and happy at the same time.

"Now, anyone wants to add anything I may have forgotten?" to which Yonghoon slapped Youngjo's hand away.


So everyone gathered around, sitting in a circle, some hugging each other out of comfort some standing and or even laying on the floor.

"You want to tell them about your collection or you want me to do it"

"I don't mind telling them bout the collection but you need to tell them too, not now if you don't feel like it but we're all here right now, just saying"

"You 2 know we can hear what you say right" the alpha asked but got angry looks as an answer to his question.

"As you all may know, I am in fact a omega, who didn't know shame on you, ANYGAYS so we get heats monthly and to help us get through this rough phase we need sex. So I stared a collection of sex toys and Yonghoon caught us ranking them"

Literally everyone except yonghoon had the :O face after he said that.
And because it was an awkward silence hwanwoong thought it was a good idea to sing "like awkward siiilence, craw, craw, craw~" but got looked at with the judgemental look by everyone so he stopped.

Now everyone looked back at Dongju who was conflicted if he should tell them or not.
"I just met them what if they hate me after? But if I tell them later they might hate me more so yolo"

"So I will keep this short for everyone okey.
Our pack was destroyed when we were 5, he could escape and I got caught. The ones that made that chaos took me with them but never really allowed me anything cause I was an omega.
Found ma mate, aka the alpha's son and well I didn't love him at all.
We took a road trip 4 days ago where I ended up shooting him between the eyes."

Again silence. Gunhak was the first one to say something after that.
" Guys think about it, maybe he had his reason to do that." he said while looking Dongju in the eyes." Killing you mate is one of the hardest things so there needs to be a lot of hate involved to do so" and then giving the omega an understanding look.

Some needed time to understand and some of them more information, but for now everyone decided it would be a good idea to go back to their dorm and finally go to sleep because it was 11pm and they had classes tomorrow.

Gunhak waited at a corner knowing that Dongju would casually leave the dorm for air again.
How he knew? Well he did the same and saw the omega a few times while just going around.
Why did he wait? A little chat with a friend never hurts right.

"So you out here too huh. Are you waiting for someone?" was heard so Gunhak opened his eyes to look at the younger who was now, leaning against the corner too.

"Yeah you. I want to talk to you Xion"

"And why that"

"Just a little story time, let's go"

Gunhak took Dongju's hand and dragged him to a bench so they could talk.

"So I don't know if you even know who I am, I'm Leedo, and I feel like I can say this to you without being judged"
He looked at dongju.
"I killed my mate at our wedding"

"Wow congratulations" said the omega and looking unamused at the alpha.
"So you just wanted to tell me this?"

"Actually no, I want to know how bad he hurt you for you to kill him. It is pretty hard to kill your mate as you know"

"You really ready for a long ass story"

"It all began like I said before when the white moon pack attracked my pack and destroyed it. After that I was forced into the pack but was never really allowed to do anything because they knew I would try and run away so I was never really alone.
Because of me being an omega, training an all that was never an option for me, all we were allowed to was watch. They forgot though that you can learn fighting through watching too.
When I was about 13 my first heat came and it didn't end well for me at all.
Long story short I got surpressors and am still taking those.
It turned out my mate was the alpha his youngest son. A really nice person and he loved me, but knowing he was the one who killed my parents made it a lot easier for me to hate him.
All the time he tried to win my heart, how cute right" Dongju let out a loud laugh
"But he never did, I ended up pretending which lead to doing a lot of things I would have never done out of free will. I am not proud of any but in the end I managed to convince him to make a 2 week road trip just him and me to kill him. He didn't know the killing part of course.
I still remember his last words before I shot him 'I love you and if you need to do this to be happy, do it. You deserve to be happy'.
I drove away changed my name and now I'm here.
It's a bit funny don't you think, killing the one who was destined to be with you.
They say it will be the most painful thing you will do."

Now looking directly into Gunhak's eyes,
"It was the best thing I could have done in my life"
A low chuckle left the omegas lips while he was looking at the beautiful sky filled with stars.

"Your story sounds a lot worse than mine if I'm honest"

"Well then Leedo why not share too after I did"

"This all began too when I was younger, I was in love with the right person you know. She was my mate and I felt that too, even back then, but she destroyed me.
Cheating behind my back whole still telling me it's them not her" an airy laugh left his lips "thinking she was perfect back then.
The way my name sounded when she said it was starting to disgust me so I changed it like you.
In the end she broke my heart and left. She left me and after that, stomped on that broken heart a few more times and breaking it more, making me the broke boy I am today.
When I was 18 we found out she actually is my mate but I just didn't want it to be true. So the only solution to get away from everything and everyone, killing her.
You shoud have seen all their faces, couldn't believe I was capable of actually doing it. They all wronged me"
Now looking at the omega "They even made me the wicked man I am today"

A smile made itself on the alphas face scaring the other boy a bit but still not showing it.

After Dongju thought about it, he decided that Gunhak should be the first to know.

"Well well Leedo, maybe we're not that diffrent" the boy said with a smirk while extending his hand "Dongju"

A bit surprised but also happy the alpha took his hand "Gunhak"

"I, think we will be great friends Gunhak"

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