12. Do Or Die

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A thrill in my veins
A razor's edge in night
A breaking chain
I'm ready to fight
My heart is screaming
Can you hear it beating?
Deeper and deeper
It's Do or Die

Do Or die - AleXa

3rd person pov.

"Everyone got everything we need. LET'S GO SQUAD" a hyped Jane screamed.

"I hope she never calls us squad again" Scar said looking like she just woke up from the best sleep she ever had.


Seoho ran to Jane still a bit tired even though it was already 9am
"So you said we will take 7 hours but what if we run instead"

"Well if we run we will make it in 7 hours plus breaks, if we were to walk with breaks it takes a day. I thought this was logical"

After that was said the rest of the group looked rather shocked because all thought they would walk and not run.
Gunhak and Jane gave each other the look thinking everyone understood that they meant running.

"If we don't move soon we won't make it before sunset guys" Harin said calmly trying to get everyone to start moving their asses.

"Harin's right. Also some of us are not shifters. At least I can run with my vampire speed and I'll carry hwanwoong on my back" Youngjo said while looking at the 2 alphas.
"would you 2 be kind enough to carry them? We all know an alpha has more strength so carrying a person would make not much difference"

Both alphas nod and everyone started to shift.

"Uhm since when was Scar able to shift into a lynx? I thought she was a werewolf like you Jane" keonhee asked with his spread wings and seoho on his back ready to take off.

"We can talk about this later right, LET'S GO GET MY CHILDREN BACK! LET'S GO" Yonghoon screamed at the top of his lungs making Gunhak flinch, but it was enough to make everyone start running.

After running for 2 hours they finally stopped at a big lake where they decided to take a 30 minute break.

"Why did I agree to come I should have stayed" an overdramatic Giwook said after realizing they still have a long way to go.

"We told you to go out more and work on your stamina but you said that it woudl be useless since you never run for more than 2 hours max" Youngjo said handing food to everyone.

"Ravn's right. We should eat and rest for a bit. The way we got is still long so take a nap if you need" Yonghoon added.

"Scar I need to talk to you for a sec"

While everyone made the self's comfortable on the floor ready to rest a bit Jane lead Scar away from the group.

"So it looks like you are a shifter. What other animals can you shift into and why didn't you tell me at first?" the now curious Alpha asked while getting near Scar's face.

"I- Uhm don't know?" the girl responded and slowly started backing up.

A smirk made it on Jane's face and she started making her way getting closer to the now a bit flustered girl.
"Do I make you nervous hunny?" she said while her smirk grew.

"I- I think we Uhm should go back t- to the others" now that the girl was backed up against the tree.
The alpha took her chance and pinned Scar against the tree.

Starting to close the gap she asked again,
"Now answer my question, do I make you nervous"
Looking up at the shifter, seeing how close their faces where the alpha felt the need to close the small gap, wanting to taste those lips.

Gathering all her confidence Scar was the one to lean in, surprising Jane at first but kissing back immediately.

It was slow and sweet, both melting into it until Jane decided press herself against Scar making her gasp and plugging her tongue into the shifters mouth.

Thats when the kiss got more heated and messier. Needing to pull away, both out of breath now looking at each other with Jane smiling at the still red girl.

"Have I ever told you how cute you are? I just want to make you mine you know"
Quickly pecking her lips the alpha started heading back to the others.

~before that with the others~

"Scar I need to talk to you for a sec"

"Damn I feel tired"

"I carried you woong"

"So what I'm still tired" he said and sat next to Youngjo while resting his head on the others shoulder.

Dongju got up and threw himself onto his man and hugged him for comfort so he could sleep for a bit.

Everyone ended up laying down and relaxing for 30 minutes before Jane woke them up so they could continue making their way to the destination.

After finally getting near Gunhak's old pack territory it was already 4:14pm.

"So we all know the plan right. Keonhee, Seoho, Harin, Yonghoon and Scar play distraction while Ravn, Giwook and Hwanwoong stay here if anything happens to the 5 of you, me Leedo and Xion will go and get the 2.
We need to be out again as soon as its starting to get dark, because the patrol changes at dawn there will be less guards.
Everyone, let's get your boys back"

The iron door opened, letting more light into the room.
"You 2 hungry? You want this food" the man said holding up some food and both looking at him weakly.
He threw the food at them and laughed while saying "If you can reach it you're welcome"
He left, closing the iron door behind him.

"Didn't this they would be this stupid" Hyungu said, getting up to help dongmyeong break his chains too.

"We're jsut that good at pretending I guess" the omega said, getting up too now.
"We just need to do this as quickly and quiet as possible, let's go"

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