14. Mad And Disappointed

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People tell me to calm down a bit
"Right now you're too agitated man"
Then I answer, "Yeah, I think so"
I don't think I can control myself either
Throw away all your nonsense words
I'm past agitated, I'm getting close to mad
I'm going frenzy trying to chew up this beat
The moment you expect too much out of me
I turn around ay don't try to hold me back

Mad City - NCT 127

(For anyone who didn't notice I'm a bitch for nct Okey thx bye~)

3rd person pov.

"It's good to see you to you disappointing bastard"

"Funny how you call me the disappointment even though you made the disappointing choices" Gunhak snapped back.

"I see you still don't know how to respect your father young man, at least your brothers and sister right here know" he said while pointing at the 5 alphas who were still surrounding them.

"Okey cut the crap what do you want old man"

"It's just a small price to pay after killing a pack mate twice, so we would need to kill you. We will let your friends all go back home and you stay here and die"

Before anyone could say something and with that I mean a dongju who looked like he was about to tackle down the old man adn rip out his throat, Gunhak decided it woudl be best to do what his father wanted and agree.

Youngjo did the only logical thing and knocked out the angry omega, putting him on his back and forced to leave the alpha back there.

"You sick man, why woudl you want your own son dead" Gunhak asked now following his dad.

"You died for me after killing Mia, now you are just a pice of shit on my territory" he snarled back opening the door to the basement.
"Be happy, you will be in one of our newest cells, no way of escaping"

"I'm confused, can someone tell me why we left his mans back there without a fight?" Scar who has been confused since the distraction asked.

"Well beautiful lemme explain to you what sacrificing for others means" Jane started to explain to her.

Hwanwoong was walking next to Youngjo looking sad like someone stole his ice cream. "You think we made the right choice?"

"We definitely didn't but who would come up with a plan in 2 minutes? Right nearly no one. Don't worry though, I know him and he is a strong man he will find a way out."

"I hope he does" the smaller now hugged the older who was still carrying and unconscious omega.

Deciding to take a small break from all the wailing they all sat down, tired from everything and started to close their eyes for a bit.

Now dongju who was conscious since an hour or so opened his eyes.
Still knowing which was they came he took his bag he brought and was about to run off but someone stopped him.

"You really wanna go back there huh. Let's go but we need to be more careful now"

Now he was the one confused what was happening "You really want to help me? Even though everyone is trying to stop me?"

"Listen ma dude, I have lost a lot in life, nearly my life too, I was betrayed and my heart was more than broken.
I don't want you to go that too.
Let's get Leedo back if the others say it's stupid to do it without a plan or not, we are strong" Scar said with so much confidence that dongju just had to take the chance.

So they ran without anyone noticing. It was a tiring day for them.

Gunhak was sitting in his cell, he already tried a few things to try and escape but nothing worked.
They really didn't lie when they said there was no way of escaping.

Did he really make the right choice?
Leaving everyone he cared about instead of fighting till the end. He knew the others would have been on his side no matter what.

Hearing the cell getting unlocked he jumped up ready to risk it and run for it.
Instead of running past the guard he ran into people who were roughly pushed into the room with him.

Pushing the people off him Gunhak stood up now looking a little shocked at them.

"Heeeey, uhm well it was supposed to turn out differently but at least we now know where you were" Scar now said getting up from Dongju who was just squished.

"Are you stupid?! What are you doing here, I thought at least you had more braincells" The alpha snapped at the girl who looked rather bored than threatened.

Now turning to his mate who ran to him, embracing him in a hug.
"You're such a stupid, stubborn alpha you know that"
Now looking into the older's eyes
"You can't just go die and leave me behind, at least let me die with you"
After that was said he crashed his lips onto Gunhak. A soft kiss filled with love.
This then turned into a make out session with Scar sitting in the corner feeling forst of all single af and also a bit out of place.

Now removing himself off the alpha dongju sat next down next to him, resting his head on the older's shoulder.

"Okey I still have a question" the alpha said now looking both in the eyes
"Why did you decide to come back to grt me?"

"MY TURN" Scar said and sat up straight
"So after the others decided it was break time aka nap time me and Xion thought it would be a good idea to try and get you out. We ran back and well it was him leading casue I am in fact one of the lostest people with no orientation at all and he knew the way.
After we were down in the basement we started looking for you and got caught after opening one of the cells.
Then they brought us here, and I'm gonna be honest we or at least me would have never found it"

"I- wow. Really don't know if I should call you 2 stupid you shouldn't have gone alone"

"Let's just sleep now it really is late at night" the omega said now cuddling into Gunhak.

Slowly opening his eyes Seoho woke up from his nap with everyone else still asleep.
Looking around he noticed Scar and dongju were missing. Fastly getting up he looked around the area a bit hoping to find them sit at a tree or somewhere near but they were nowhere around.


"Why the hell are you screaming, it's not like you're dying right now" Yonghoon said, rubbing his eyes and slowly getting up.

"What if I was about to- WAIT NO, that's not what I was about to tell you.
Look around and tell me who is missing. I will help you a bit it's Scar and Xion"

"She really helped him"

"What did u say Jane?" the vampire asked.

"Well while we were going back she said something about helping Xion if he decided to go back alone and all. Not gonna lie I thought both had more than 1 braincell"

"So in conclusion, we all go back there and fight?" keonhee asked while starting to pac keverything together.



Love the fact when I type stuff I always read it after I sent/released it.
And then finding 10495920 mistakes haha
ANYGAYS I feel like drawing ma 2 girls idky but then u guys can somehow see what I imagine them looking like.
We'll seeee

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