20. Storytime

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There's curiosity in your eyes
You've already fallen for me
Don't be afraid
Love is the way
Shawty I got it
You can call me monster

I'm creeping in your heart babe
I'll flip you over, break you down and swallow you up
I'll steal you and indulge you
I'm gonna mess you up
I'm engraved in your heart
So even if I die, I'll live forever(Come here girl)
You call me monster
I'll go into your heart

Exo - Monster

(this is a Oneus story not nct, WELL I KNOW MY MAYBE NEXT PROJECT THEN, but I think this is important ;-; ... Fuck it we going with this)

3rd person pov.

Taeyong and Mark ended up talking for a few hours instead of asking everxthing they actuall wanted to ask(they still asked some questions like if they got a map). 
They all got a bit more comfortable with eachother, even taeyong got to the point he hugged everyone cause hugs are superior and important and feel amazing and everyone loves them.

"It was real nice talking to you but we actually still have somethingto do, right Mark?" 
He said giving Mark the look to which Mark of course agreed to leave.

Now finally making their way to the dorms where they think the omega is staying (what is true cause he kinda lives there). 
Do they know which room he stays in? How should they, so they go around asking people if they know but asking with the name 'Dongju' wont bring them anywhere.
Starting to loose hope they still continued. 

Luck was on their side and they soon ran into the someone they have been looking for.
Dongju knowing who Tae and Mark where couldn't believe his eyes.

'How the fuck did they find me here?!' was the only thing that went through his head.

"BEFORE YOU RUN AWAY, we just want to talk, you know exactly we are the ones who prefer not using force if not needed" Taeyong said clearly.

"Fine. Hoow many want me dead now and do I get a chance to run again?"

"Dude nobody wants you dead for now, like Tae said we just want to talk"

"Let's go somewhere else to talk though. Follow me please"

So they walked outside. After about 20 minutes they where at a nice spot in the forest behind, sitting down on he ground.

"So what you wanna talk bout"

"Straight to the point I see" Tae chuckled "You haven't changed one bit. Anygays, I wanna knw why you did it? Why did you kill him, he was your mate for fucks sake?!" 

Dongju took a deep breath, looking the beta in the eyes.
"You really want to know huh? Then let me tell you why.
You remember my original pack right, the one I was forced to leave because you were the one who destroyed it. At first I thought this pack were all monsters, but everyone actually welcomed me because I was still young back then.
I made friends and thought life actually didn't hate me. 
When I found out he was my mate I felt nothing. 
No happiness, no joy, no pull towards him, just emptiness.
Remembering he was part of the reason I lost my family also made me realize that I actually hate him.
But he was in love, stupid and head over heals, also clingy and I wasn't a big fan of that, well not now but you know what I mean.
Long story short I actually planned the trip and what would happen there.
I feel no regret, I didn't even feel satisfaction knowing that it wasn't the right choice but the ony one I could think of that moment"

"Wow..." was the only thing Mark said, he had no words.

"I understand" Tae said surprising both.

"You do? Mind explaining cause I cant follow right now"

"This is still a hard topic for me but yeah. So you remember Luca right?"

"Of course I do. She was always so nice and I was so happy for you when you found out she's your mate. How's she doing by the way?"

"I have no idea how she's doing. She actually fell in love with someone else, a vampire to be exact. I could tell Luca was happier with him than with me, so letting her go to be happy seemed like the right option right?
Everyone knows how bad a rejection can be handled, I'm lucky Mark helped me and was there.
She on the other hand didn't manage to get this lucky. 
Even though she loved that vampire and he her no one knew she would straight up eat poisen. 
The next day Luca was found dead, all because of me.
I killed her"
Finishing that sentence he broke down in tears.
Dongju and Mark of course acted on reflex and hugging the crying male.

"Listen here Tae, it was not your fault. You thought letting her go will make her happier. Sometimes letting go is right but you should have talked with her before judt deciding its a good idea" Dongju tried to clam the other down.
"You think she wants to see you all sad? I can tell you that's not true. I bet she wants you to be happy and stop crying about her death"

"Dongju's right Tae, I remember her telling me if she would ever leave because of I don't know I need to make sure to always be there for you and make you happy. Seeing you sad hurts everyone who cares for you so please be selfish for once in your life and make sure you're happy"

We all know a crying session ends with everyone crying because that's how it is.
In the end all 3 cried but after 30 minutes started laughing because of nothing.

"I think it's also time to get back, it's gonna be dark soon" Dongju said getting up and dustink himself off.

All 3 now going back with Taeyong calling his alpha telling him he made a mistake and Dongju is dead. Mark alos spilled the beans about having a small crush without knowing which made the other 2 question him until they were back.

"So, ypu guys got a place to stay or wanna stay here?"

"Actually we-" Mark got rudely interruped by the sun himself.

"ACTUALLY, they are staying with me and my friends because I said so"
Haechan nodded making it look like he just convinced himself but Dongju let it slide.

"Well then, come visit sometimes please I missed you. ALSO if you 2 don't bring Jisung with you next time I'm gonna be mad"

"Will do will do"

Everyone now returning to the dorms they're meant to be in, Dongju got questions thrown at him as if he was a 14 year old girl who came back at 1 in the morning.
Of course he explained everything but went back to making cookies because they still had the Christmas spirit and will ahve it till March.

Mark and Taeyong where staying at two diffrent dorms because Haechan dragged mark to the dreamies' dorm.

"EVERYONE LISTEN UP! This boy will stay the night and if anyone lays a finger on him I will personally rip out your throat. Am I clear?"

"What about hugs?"

"I will allow them but thats all. He's mine"
And that comment left Mark as a blushing mess.

Johnny and Ten thought it would be a better idea for Tae to stay at their dorm, meaning he would meet a vampire who now hadhis eyes on the werewolf.

Let's just say Tae is a panic gay and Jaehyun not so much. ;)


I really think I need to write a proper ending idky

Do I know what to write as a proper ending? Pft of course not so I will think and we'll see how crappy of not crappy it will be.
(ain't like the story itself is crappy:P)

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