8. I Despite You

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Loving you's just getting harder and harder to do
'Cause my head says no but my phone keeps calling you
And you never pick up unless you've got nothin' to do
But you say that you want me much as I want you

eaJ - Pacman


3rd person pov.

The small group now consisting out of youngjo, seoho, keonhee, hwanwoong, Gunhak and dongju were having a nice little Picknick on a hill not to far from the university away.

They had a wonderful funny conversation before a high pitched voice took all their attention.

"LEEDO SWEETHEART, I FINALLY FOUND YOU" a woman who was now running to them and throwing herself at Gunhak screamed.

Everyone was shocked seeing her, of course they were, they had no idea who she was.
Well all but one.

"I missed you. Did you miss me too? No wait, I know the answer. Of course you did" a bright smile made his was on her face.

"How the fuck are you still alive. You should be dead" Gunhak said, voice full of anger and hate.

"Can someone explain WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON AND WHY SHOULD SHE BE DEAD" Seoho screamed out and went to cuddle with keonhee who glady took and returned the love he was giving.

"Wait, so you said she should be dead" Dongju looked the alpha in the eyes
"S-so she I-is your m-mate"

It was so hard for him to say that sentence. It hurt him inside.

'She was his mate of course he will love her again. I never had a chance to begin with. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid'

Hwanwoong saw when he looked at Youngjo, who did read the younger mind, sadness in his eyes.

"don't worry woong I'll tell you later" the vampire whispered to the small human.

"Hunny your right, I am his one and only mate. I'm Mia nice to meet you." she gave him the fakest smile he ever saw in his life.

Both Gunhak and dongju were (let me spell this real big) D I S G U S T E D

Finally, noticing the position the 2 were in, the alpha pushed the girl off him, not carrying if it looked harsh or what others thought.

"I swear I need to shower at least 10 times to get your disgustingness of me you crazy woman" that comment made everyone but her laugh.
All she did was smile.

And that was creepy as fuck.

"Now tell me how the fuck did you survive this"

"Oh I didn't. We have ways my dear to bring people back to life." a smirk appeared on her face,
"And also ways to make people fall in love with you" she said before getting up and leaving all 6 alone.

After they couldn't see her anymore ANYWHERE Gunhak decided it would be a good idea to rest his head on dongju's lap, surprising everyone.

"I need to do this more often"

"The mate thing" Keonhee asked

"No stupid, laying on Xion's lap. It's so comfortable I don't want my head to lay on anything else ever again"

That comment made dongju blush like a mad man. Where did the alpha get the confidence from? No fucking clue. Did he enjoy making the younger flattered? He absolutely loved it.

"I suddenly don't feel like picknicking anymore" the human said "Ravn would you mind doing something at my dorm?"

Youngjo gave him a look, understanding what the short boy really wanted
"Sure but just if you have some snacks"

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