7. Short

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Save me
Let me hear your voice
Fill my ears with your melody
Show me, Teach me about yourself
In this world that’s only filled with darkness
Your eyes, Make my eyes open
Make me dance
Endless fantasy, fantasy
I want you Ye ye ye ye yes

Golden Child - Wannabe


3rd person pov.

~2 weeks later~

"FUCK" was the first thing hwanwoong and keonhee heard in the morning.

"Why the hell are you already screaming at 9am?!!" the Angel asked while getting a cup of coffee.

"OH I'm sorry Mr I don't get my period every 3 months, but I got my fucking period cause omegas be like that and it SUCKS"

"Damn being a human sounds so much better right now" a tired woongie said and took a seat on the kitchen counter.

"No shit Sherlock, but guess what it's better than every month"

Since the incident from 2 weeks ago the squad had spend more time with each other and the 2 new boys getting closer as well.

What neither did expect is that they would develop an interest in the other.
Of course they won't say it because they think 'he might not feel the same'.

It's amusing to watch the 2, since Dongju turned out to be a confident gay while Gunhak on the other hand is panicking more than a person with a panic attack.

Even tho Dongju is scared of getting rejected, he is doing as much as possible to let the other know he is in fact interested.

Gunhak is just panicking all over the place, I have 0 hope for him if I'm honest.


Now, while the boys have the time of their lifes at university, the white moon pack got worried because neither the alpha's son nor dongju returned after 2 weeks and 4 days.

So they went out to find the missing couple, who was found dead outside next to the house, surprisingly not eaten already by a wild animal.

They believed, that Dongju had tried to run away in his wolf form but his brave son shot him before it was too late.
Not baring the pain he took his own life too so they could be together in the afterlife.

Cute story right. If it would be true at least.

Bakc at Gunhak's now ex pack his father wouldn't even call him his son anymore.

The alpha became know as 'a psychic werewolf' for stabbing his mate in front of everyone.

But they did still have a trick up their sleeves.

She was walking down the halls, her hair long and wavey, thight skirt and a blouse.

Looking like a goddess, walking like a model. But hse only had eyes for one.
The one ome she will ever love, and he will love her back.

If it meant hurting him, killing him inside, blackmailing, everything, she will do it.

Her problem was the time, they gave her a month. May sound like a lot of time but isn't.

She needs to stop him from hating her, needs to make him love her again.

"I'm back baby and you will be mine again one way or another" Mia said now looking at him.

"OH Leedo, haven't you missed me"
A maniatic laugh came out of her throat.
"Enjoy you last days sweetheart"

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