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Before jeff could take you away into his den. L.J comes in between.
"Hey you're (Y/N) right?" He asked.
"Yeah, Do you need something?"
"Uhh actually yes. I wanted to ask you some questions," he said looking back at jeff.
Jeff let go of you're arm and budded in between," Hey I'm still here!"
"Oh Uhh I'm going to go with L.J for a bit I'll be back with you jeffy."
"Yea sure, alright. Come find me when you're done with you're interview or whatever."
I follow L.J. he takes me outside. As I follow him a little more, I found myself at an old abandoned circus. We went into a circus tent and I sat down. L.J sat across for me. He asked a few questions and I answered them honestly. The last question was next.
"So would you go out with any of the pastas?"
This confused me a whole lot.
"Um maybe once I got to know everyone better?"
He looked at me smiling, "Okay you wanna go back to the mansion or do you want me to give you a tour of my circus?"
"That would be nice but I've gotta get back to jeff now."
"Hey (Y/N) let me tell you something."
"Hmmm, what is it?"
"Don't meet up with jeff."
"Why not?"
"He's either gonna kill you or hes trying to lure out rake."
"I know why he would kill me but why would he try to lure out rake?"
"Jeff has a tendancy to get everyone pissed off. So just stay here with me."
"Umm if you say so, Can I ask you a question?"
"Sure. Go ahead."
"Do you live over here?"
"I used to but now I live in slenders mansion."
"Let's just say the two of us weren't on good terms. So therefore I lived in this circus," he didn't mention the fact that he ate children. He left that part out scared that you might leave.
"Oh alright."
L.J. was looking outside, So you poked you're head out to see what he was looking at. You saw jeff with a murderous face of a killer and he was holding a knife. On top of that he was calling you're name like a pet. Then out of the corner of you're eye you saw a woman she was identical like jeff but she on the other hand had been wearing a mask just like one of the proxies, masky. She noticed you and L.J Then she looked over to where L.J had been staring and she saw jeff.
"'That's Jane. She doesn't like jeff. If she distracts him for us then you and I could get to the mansion not having to worry about jeff."
"That would be nice."

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