Chapter: 8

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I woke up a few hours later and got ready for school. Last night, this morning, I forced Elijah out of my house and home. He agreed because he had to get rest for school anyways. Something about his mom beating him with a spoon while yelling curses at him in Spanish for skipping school.

Oh well. I walked in my bathroom and turned on the shower. I washed my hair and body, then shaved. I got out a bit after that and walked over to my dresser. I pulled my wet hair into the towel and wrapped it around. 

I grabbed underwear and a bra, slipping them on, then a long shirt. I walked back over to my mirror and started to work on my mascara and eyeliner. It's really the only things I'll ever bother putting on my face. Ask me to apply lipstick and I'll laugh at you.

I walked back to my closet and decided on wearing my black skinny jeans that had rips on them. And yes. I did buy them like this. They're cute and make my butt look good. *Winks suggestively.* Then I decided on a gray sweater.

I slipped on the clothes, then walked over to brush my now dry wavy hair. I pulled it into a ponytail and slipped on my black combat boots. I gave a small smile in my reflection and sighed.

I walked to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. I grabbed a Red Bull and made my way out of my room, grabbing my books and keys off the nightstand thing.

I glanced in the mirror again and sighed when I saw the scab forming on my eyebrow from my oh- so talented fall yesterday. Shrugging I opened my bedroom door and jogged down the steps. 

I cracked open my Red Bull and took a couple sips. I walked in the garage and opened the car to my black Maserati. This is my baby. I love it. I don't even care if it isn't that good to some people, it is to me. 

I threw my books into the next seat and sped off in the direction of school. I was turning the corner when some asshole cut me off. "What the-" I slammed on my brakes and lurched forward. "Watch it, asshole!" I yelled out of my car.

I sighed and looked over to make sure my Red Bull was safe. It wasn't. My baby was spilled all over the floor and the seat of my other baby. "No!" I cried out dramatically before glancing at the time. I shrugged and made my way to the nearest gas station.

Oh well. I pulled up and decided to get gas as well. I pumped the gas, grabbed my money then walked into the gas station. The guy that was working was probably a little older than me. 23 maybe, but he was really creepy.

"Hey, pretty lady." He cooed and I shuddered in disgust but smiled anyways. I placed my Red Bull on the counter and he rang it up. "I also need twenty dollars on pump 3." I added and he nodded. 

"Can I get you anything else?" He asked politely, but kept staring down my shirt. "Ugh, yeah, can I get a pack of Camel’s?" I asked and he then met my eyes.

"What's a pretty girl like you messing around with things like that?" He questioned and I shrugged. He kept trying to make contact and I just wanted to get my cigarettes and leave. People finally started to line up and he then got my cigs for me.

I paid him and I told him to keep the change before grabbing my stuff and about running out of there. I got to my car and put my bag in the passenger seat. I sighed once I was in the car. He gave me the creeps. 

I looked out the windshield to find him staring at my car. I furrowed my eyebrows and exited the other way so he couldn't see my license plate. Smart right? I glanced at the time and sighed once I realized that creep made me late.

I arrived to school at 8:25 when school starts at eight. Damn traffic. Damn kid who cut me off. Damn that creep. Damn everyone! I pulled into a parking space and saw the familiar car that cut me off. I glared at it before looking in my glove department. 

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