Chapter: 21

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Elijah and I were in our same position as before, not bothering with food anymore. 

I'm not hungry.

He was trailing my lips with his thumb. I closed my eyes and kissed his thumb. He kissed my forehead and I yawned.

"Are you tired?" He asked softly and I nodded feeling my eyes get heavy.

"Come on then." He grabbed my ribs, just under where your bra side starts. 

"What about the mess?" I asked tiredly.

"I'll get it later, now come on." He tugged my hand and I let him pull me to the stairs.

We were climbing his thousands of stairs. 

Ever have those moments where you're too tired to function?

Yeah, that's me right now.

"Elijah, I'm too tired." I whined laying down on the stairs. He chuckled at me and picked me up bridal style.

I threw my hands around his neck as one arm supported my upper body and the other supported under my knees.

I rested nuzzled my face in his shoulder and closed my eyes. 

His scent was filling my nostrils and I sighed in content.

We reached his room and he laid us down on his bed. I was laying sideways, head in his lap as he played with my hair and leaned against the headboard.

I closed my eyes and was waiting for sleep to overtake my body. 

"Aaliyah?" Elijah questioned in his serious face and I hummed in response.

"I'm going to fall in love with you. You don't have to love me back. But, I'm going to give you my heart." Elijah whispered and I turned to face him.

"I really fucking like you." He added and I smiled at his confession.

"I really like you too." I whispered through my butterflies and clenching heart. 

He pulled me up and planted small kisses on my lips. I smiled into one of the kisses and deepened the one kiss.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and I tangled my fingers in his hair as I straddled him now.

I pulled back for air and leaned my forehead against his as we were both breathing heavily. 

"Had enough?" Elijah questioned and I tilted my head sideway.

"Of what?" I scrunched my eyebrows together confused.

"Air." Before I could respond to him, he pressed his lips to mine again, eagerly.

And let me tell you; was I hungry for those kisses.

They were intoxicating- everything I could want in a kiss. 

I pulled back again and he planted another light kiss on my lips. 

I rolled off of him and jumped under the covers, welcoming the warmth.

There was a cold breeze as Elijah crawled under the comforter as well.

I shivered and cuddled up against him more. I pressed every bit of myself against him.

I had to make sure I stayed warm.

"Cold?" He asked through a light chuckle. 

I nodded as me teeth chattered from the coldness. "Why is it always so called in here?" I chattered out.

He laughed and shrugged. "My mom doesn't like to pay the extra money for the heater until it gets really cold outside." He explained and I sighed.

"It is cold! I'm freezing." I whined and he laughed, tangling his legs in mine. He threw his arm around my shoulders and I cuddled into his side.

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