Chapter: 19

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I'm currently driving down the streets of Georgia looking for Toni's house.

What she failed to tell me was that she lived in the country. It was literally deserted around here.

And I may or may not have run two stop signs by accident. Hey! They were hidden, okay? 

Don't judge. I finally pulled up to a big house with cows littering the fenced field. 

I smiled at the sight and pulled into the gated driveway. I stopped at the entrance and buzzed the gate.

"Hello?" Someone questioned from inside.

"Yes, Hi, I'm Aaliyah, I'm here for Toni." I explained nicely and there was a buzz, then the gates opened.

"Please, come." The person ushered and I smiled.

"Thank you." And with that I rolled in. 

I pulled up to a huge house; it surprisingly looked extremely homely though. 

Toni came running out of the house and to my car. She opened the passenger side door.

"Hi, hi." She responded and I laughed.

"Hey." She smiled at me and I circled the round about thing they had for their driveway.

"Now where?" I asked and she beamed.

"McDonald's!" She cried and I smiled muttering 'okay then'. She turned on the radio and we settled with a pop station. 

"You tell all the boys "No"

Makes you feel good, yeah.

I know you're out of my league

But that won't scare me away, oh, no

 You've carried on so long,

You couldn't stop if you tried it.

You've built your wall so high

That no one could climb it,

But I'm gonna try

 Would you let me see beneath your beautiful?

Would you let me see beneath your perfect?

Take it off now, girl; take it off now, girl

I wanna see inside

Would you let me see beneath your beautiful tonight?" The song rang through the car and Toni turned to look at me.

"This song reminds me of you and Elijah." She smiled at me and I rolled my eyes. No it doesn't. 

I continued to drive and pulled into the McDonald's parking lot.

"Drive thru or inside?" I turned to Toni and she pointed inside. I nodded and blew a breath of relief.

I hate eating in my car. 

I pulled the keys out of the ignition and locked the doors once we were out. I slipped my phone in my back pocket and carried my keys in my hand.

We walked in and stood in line to order. I ordered chicken nuggets, a medium fry and a medium strawberry banana smoothie.

Toni got the same, except she ordered a Frappuccino. 

I hate coffee. "How do you drink that crap?" I scrunched my nose up once I saw her take a sip of the gross mixture.

"How do you smoke cigarettes?" She fired back and I raised an eyebrow as we slid into a booth.

"Touché, Stewart, Touché." She laughed and we soon began to dig in. I sipped my smoothie slowly, knowing if I chugged it, I'd regret it. Lesson learned.

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