Chapter: 16

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I straddled his lower back getting ready for the massage. I skillfully ran my hands over his back as I remembered giving my old friend massages al the time.

He was really tensed and I couldn't massage the skin with how tensed he was.

"Relax." I breathed into his ear and he shivered slightly.

It was cold in his room. After a couple of seconds, he began to relax.

I then began the massage. I was running my hands in a circler pattern, kneading his skin gently.

The shirt kept getting in the way though.

I tugged lightly at the hem of the shirt. "It's getting in the way, are you okay with it off?" I asked kind of nervously.

I don't want him to think I'm trying something on him!

He laughed in response, sat up-, which caused me to fall off of his back with a small yelp.

"A little warning would be nice." I huffed and he chuckled.

"Oops." He questioned sarcastically. I narrowed my eyes on him and then he pulled his shirt over his head, pulling it off.

Oh! Would you look at that; I got hands! I was diverting my attention away from his gorgeous body.

Not that I've never seen a guy shirtless, I used to date Jay. I'm not mad at Jay anymore.

You can't choose who you love. It's not my fault I couldn't notice his feelings.

He got scared and couldn't break it off with me, so all the while he was stringing my along.

I suppose it was messed up, but I forgive him. It's all in the passed now.

Elijah laid back down and I straddled his lower back again.

I began to massage his back again. He was making groaning noises causing me to laugh at him.

"You should do this more often." He stated and I laughed.

"You're just lucky." I stated and he huffed.

"Why's that?" He questioned me and I shrugged, realizing he can't see me I elaborated.

"I'm only doing this for my own purposes." I stated and he pouted. I laughed at his childish ways.

"So, where's you parents?" I asked trying to start up a conversation.

"On a getaway." I hummed in response.

"What do they do for a living?" He groaned as I rubbed over a spot with a 'knot'. I started to work it out and he stiffened trying to squirm.

"Dude, chill, it'll feel better without the tension, okay?" I tried to get through to him and he huffed.

"Fine, but be nicer." I laughed in response and we fell into a quiet- comfortable surrounding.

"Lawyer and Real Estate Agent." Elijah said out of the blue.

"Huh?" I voiced my thoughts and chuckled in response.

"My dad's a Real Estate Agent and my mom's a Lawyer." He elaborated and I 'Oh-ed' in realization.

He laughed at my ridiculousness.

"What about you; what do your parents do?" He questioned trough a groan and I laughed.

"Well, my mom is a doctor and my dad is a construction project manager for his own company." I explained and he nodded.

"Do you miss them a lot?" I sighed.

"Every single damn day." He frowned and turned his head to look at me. I sighed and tucked a falling strand of hair behind my ear from my bun.

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