Chapter: 26

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"Come on, baby." My mom whispered from behind me as I smoothed down my dress.

It was now Tuesday and I was all ready for my interview with the head administrators for London University of Boarding School.

I sighed as I turned around and met Elijah's piercing brown eyes at my door. 

He finished the distance and walked up to me cupping my face in his hands.

"You look beautiful, and you'll get this interview." He assured me and I nodded numbly.

I don't want to go anymore!

I want you to want me! I wanted to scream this but then I decided this is what I need; this is what I wanted.

Grabbing my hand and turning to my mom who held a sad smile we walked out the house.

I sat in the back while Elijah sat up front next to my mom. 

I watched as the landscape breezed passed us.

I looked up and I met Elijah's gaze. I offered him a sad smile and he unbuckled his seatbelt.

"What- Elijah, honey be careful!" My mom scolded Elijah as he climbed over the compartment in the middle and in the back next to me.

He wrapped one arm around me and pulled me into him as I threw my legs over his.

He kissed my temple and I closed my eyes as he intertwined our hands.

I looked back up and caught my mother's gaze. She smiled sadly again at me and I offered one back before looking out the window.

She knows I care about Elijah so much and how hard this is for me, but she knows I need this for me.

She's sad for me, because she knows what it's like to not be able to spend time with the one you love.

I love Elijah and she loves my father.

I can't tell him though because I'm just not ready for that kind of heartbreak right now.

Sighing, I close my eyes as I rest my head against Elijah's chest breathing in his cologne.

He rested his chin on the crown of my head- giving me a few kisses.

I smiled and brought our hands to my lips, pressing my lips against his hand.


We soon arrived to wear the meeting was held and my stomach dropped.

I can't do this.

I don't want to do this.

I want to stay here.

With my friends and the one I love.

"You can do this." Elijah whispered in my ear and I nodded, taking deep breaths. 

I got up and exited the car, fixing my dress.

Elijah grabbed my hand and rubbed soothing circles against the back with his thumb.

My mom, Elijah and I headed for the entrance and Elijah and I sat down while my mom checked me in.

We were seated for about ten minutes before my name was called.

I shot the two nervous glances and they gave me encouraging nods.

I took a deep breath, got up and walked to the assistant waiting there for me.

"Aaliyah Langdon?" she looked up and smiled at me.

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